Thursday, January 17, 2013

The naked truth about health & fitness

The naked truth about health & fitness
January 17, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

1) "Take such and such diet pills and you will look like the advertising model."
My reason to debunk that is the following: Not a single woman or man has the same body or blood type. Another reason is everyone's metabolism digests the food differently.
Therefore I never underestimate my physical power, but I do get to know my body in depth, I try and play with my workouts and see which one gives me a better outcome. One of my most important rules is to NEVER try to look like other women nor compete with them (I am my strongest competitor) because I will never have their strength, abilities, obstacles, etc., or vice versa.

2) "Use this or that machine every day for only ten minutes a day for four weeks and you will burn all your body fat…"
Why unmask that? I am not keen at all about exercising every single day, my body needs to rest one day between routines. it also needs more than ten minutes of work and it's better to alternate with cross training, doing a circuit or cross fit routine, strength training, cardio and core training to tone myself up all around.

3) "This particular gel will burn your body fat if you rub it right before working out."
This statement is still rolling in my mind because according to what I know, there is isn't any evidence to back this up. The only attestation is that of the people advertising that particular product. 

4) "Eat anything you want and don't lose sleep over putting on weight because you are burning all the fat when you workout."
As a babe in the woods seventeen years ago, when witnessing my health and fitness relationship develop, there was a lot of trial and error; I applied the 'sea food diet,' = Eat everything you see. Little did I know that such mentality would draw me apart from my physical goal.

5) "Stick with diet soda, eat this light pizza, or oil free this, and you will get better results."
Here's how I battle that: I NEVER drink diet soda or light whatever product. Where's the sense of that? Less sugar, less calories? I don't cling on to deceiving myself, "It's a light soda so its ok to have one more, and another," because I will end up consuming double or triple the calories and sugar content than drinking only one regular soda. Plus, many health experts debate about all the downsides of consuming light or diet items. It could be counterproductive in the long run. 

6) "Buy the new jeans that will lift your butt or help you reduce cellulite," like the new Wrangler 'spa jeans.' or those specific but-lifting jeans. 
I am invaded with skepticism because is there real evidence to support that theory? NOTHING shapes up my body more than working out and complementing that with clean eating. 

7) "This routine and diet are going to give me the same results as so, and so."
My rebuttal to that is this: I got acquainted with my body type: Am I and the ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph type? I allow this defining factor to set what workout befits me. As with my blood type, I am in the O's so my diet has to be compatible with that in order to get more effective and rapid results.

In the last seventeen years I've bumped into many myths and lies just like in any other topic but I've done my homework and like I have always said, "an expert can give me advice according to his experience BUT said individual will NEVER get to know my body the way I do, therefore he/she cannot decide what my body needs." I get soaked in with plenty of information but I am the one who juggles with all the right tools that will lead me to a stronger, cleaner, healthier, happier more competitive and complete me...

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