Sunday, September 25, 2016

I wish for

I wish for…
Never mind!
September 25 2016

By: Gina Yoryet Román

After the rain subsided during a long and unplanned hiatus a few years back, one fiasco after another, our paths finally crossed. Frankly, I had lost hope. Those past events led me to lower my standards more than I ever had because I longed for “everlasting” happiness. Yet I voluntarily gave myself in for failure. Had I known then what I know now, had I had a crystal ball, I wouldn´t even had gone there, or there.

Yet, I did..

Nonetheless, that no longer matters. When I finally stopped looking for it, that blessing came to my life. Today is a great reminder of when that creation took place. We were meant to be gifted with each other. I to “IT” and “IT” to me. My first thought this morning was reminiscence about the day we first contemplated “US,” at the right time and place.

Today and every morning I am very grateful for this great blessing. It is real, I am living and feeling it every day. I had never known what transparency, giving, honesty and kindness were really like. Although, it will never reach perfection, it is as close as perfection can get, so I wish…
Never mind, I already have it!

Monday, September 12, 2016

To REALIZE the value of TIME

To realize
The value of a sister/brother,
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one.

To realize the value of ten years,
Ask a newly
Divorced couple.

To realize the value of four years,
Ask a graduate.

To realize the value of one year,
Ask a student who
Has failed an exam.

To realize the value of nine months,
Ask a mother who gave birth to
a stillborn.

To realize the value of one month,
Ask a mother who has given birth to
a premature baby.

To realize the value of one week,
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of one minute,
Ask a person who has missed the train,
bus or plane.

To realize the value of one second,
Ask a person who has survived
an acident.

Time waits for no one...

Treasure every moment you have

Treasure it even more when you share it with someone special.

To realize the value of a friend or family member,

Sunday, September 4, 2016

the lululemon manifesto

This Manifesto was published on this website on July 3, 2013

Our manifesto is one way we share our culture with the community. 
It’s an evolving collection of bold thoughts that allow for some real 
conversations to take place. Get to know our manifesto and learn.