Saturday, February 16, 2013

70 smtng scratching 80

70 smtng, scratching 80
February 16, 2013
By: GIna Yoryet Roman

This month and the last week of January have been very important physically wise for the following reasons:

1) I've surprisingly managed to cut back on coke, junk and sweets more than usual, and gained more discipline diet-wise. I haven't done that much emotional, mindless, unnecessary, impulsive and compulsive eating. Each time lack of motivation has hit, I've been able to revert that to avoid thinking about it and naturally act upon impulse till I got my mojo up and running. I've also recurred to The 10 Commandments of working out.

All of this is considering that my body is still purging all the negative emotions pre, during and post surgery, which caused my period every two weeks as opposed to every month and on top of that, on Monday the 4th, I was through with it and then, that same Thursday the 7, that wonderful TOM (Time of the month) came again! Yet this time, it was crazy out of control! I can't wait for my cycle to normalize again.

2) Tuesday January 29, I started integrating a 10 minute light jog on treadmill.

3) Thursday January 31st, I again trotted carefully on the treadmill for 12 minutes.

4) Monday the 4th, I did an 18 minute slow jog at Colomos with a friend of mine. I was very motivated because there was almost no pain, only brief and light throbbing. On top of that, I was able to hold a conversation with my buddy and was not short of breath at all!! My friend told me afterwards, "you kept talking to me and I was sooo out of breath!" Ha, ha! The athlete within is slowly arising! 

5) Everything seemed to flow perfectly well until Friday the 8th. I got overly enthused when doing my workout that I once again went automatically deaf and blind to my engine and quickly performed 9 sets of KILLER lunges. During and at the end, there was some throbbing on my knee. The next day and the day after, the pain intensified so there I was rising, icing, compressing, elevating, massaging and bandaging my knee and my right leg as well overnight due to all the tension it got from reclining all my weight on it for almost 6 months (it is not fully recovered yet). A milling BIG NO, NO's!

6) February 7, highlighted week 4 since the big come back to my old routine. 

7) Friday the 15 marked 12 weeks post surgery and even when I feel lighter, cleaner, a little more toned up and slightly stronger, I still cannot get a hold of my full and high-intensity sessions. On the other hand, I've increased my brisk walk on the treadmill from 25-30 minutes, to 35-40 minutes (fitting in a 10 minute slow jog in between). 

8) Saturday February 16 (today) I pushed that 35-40 minute treadmill time, to 45 minutes. My right calf has not been tense at all (maybe because I rested it on a heating pad earlier today and I am icing it as I speak). Surgeried knee is in the mood of not letting go of pain completely just yet. Consequently, it is getting massaged with oak tree oil (I'll give the full scope of this home remedy later) and bandaged and see what it holds tomorrow. 
Aaaaah! Now I get it! "LA" rodilla, a "SHE!" that's why it gets moody and it doesn't want to get a  hold of herself completely. 

9) I've been on a roller coaster of emotions. Today was very busy, active, soothing, productive, positive, promising and shiny, but the last few days were nothing but gloom and doom. A few past factors stirred intense emotions that were buried deep down causing sleep deficiency and angst. Nonetheless, I've got myself together. 

10) I am on 2.5 day countdown for my photo shoot to represent Mayahuel, the Goddess of fertility and tequila. I am most definitely not ready, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, I feel like I'm on a 7, slowly crawling to an 8, something like that sounds right. A high 70, scratching an 80% but I will do the best I can by continuing on my quest to health and recovery for my next fitness photo shoot in late March or April. My fitness goal is shoot for a high 80 or 90 considering that I am completely healed physically by then. I cannot afford to go crazy and jump the gun,  and I am not setting a time frame either. For once, I am going with what my body manifests.

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