Friday, February 28, 2014

Mexico is NOT going to change for me

Mexico is NOT going to change for me
February 28, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

It is the killer sun that ruined my face and gave me these horrible spots right on both cheeks!
It is that ill-fated day when I happened to be driving on one of the most highways here and this irresponsible man decides to cross the road on REVERSE without thinking that NOT only his life was at stake but my own and that of others!
It is the tardiness, unconsciousness and carelessness and informality of everyone here!
It is the government always deceiving its citizens, promising a common profit and well being!
It is my inconsiderate neighbors always partying out and blasting the music till the crack of dawn right when I have to get up!
It is the lack of sympathy towards one another!
It is my inconsistent work schedule that doesn’t leave room for me to work out consistently!
It is the deal with everyone masquerading themselves behind “THE” high class so the world can see that they belong there!
It is my pervert and morbid neighbor who stalked me for a while until I had to literally become a monster and put him in his place. 
It is the nonchalant people who tell me, “no hay prisa,, pero si me urge!” When it comes to doing business!
It is my inability to help others lose weight when I can’t even help myself!
It is this NEVER ending hiatus that drives me insane because I can’t workout like I did before!
It is the rainy season that makes almost the entire city flood during the rainy season!
It is the emptiness I feel when I witness people leaving our morals, values, ethics, respect and principles fall through the cracks!
It is the giant leaps our society has taken to follow all the bad habits of other countries!
It is the overly aggressive people behind the wheel who hunk the horn at me without even giving each other a chance to breathe. 
It´s the lying married jerk who I just met and who claimed to be single and compromise free!

It is true that all the aforementioned factors make me lose my cool when I am feeling too sensitive or non tolerant- when that happens, I make my best attempt to remain imperturbable but there are times when I am struck by several scenarios at once. Right when I’ve had it, I feel like complaining about absolutely everything, or simply look for excuses to whine!

That moment happened the other day while discussing my frustration with a friend of mine. He told me, “Gina, I have learned that Mexico is Not going to change for me, I used to waste time and energy unnecessarily trying to change everything and everyone, unlike now.” His comment felt like I had just been dumped an ice cold water bucket that made me   me revisit the whole picture.

On account of that, I concluded that sadly but true, the world is NOT going to stop to soothe my grief. I mean, at this point in life, I MUST be well aware that a life sans problems is NOT going to happen, not ever, not for anyone, not anywhere. Problems are part of life, therefore I have to embrace them and learn to take the good from even those down times. After all, God will never give us more than what we can handle, nor does he punish us. Human self-centeredness is the creator of our own failures. 

And I have to remind myself every day that even when the circumstances in my life become overwhelming and unbearable, when my narrow little world is falling apart and nothing seems to be escalating towards spiritual, physical, financial and emotional prosperity, there´s no turning back. La vencedora de mil batallas within, will push me to get up to go to work, work out, write, read, do volunteer work and attend mass only out of impulse. 

But overall, it is NOT the lying jerk, the irresponsible driver, the impatient people, the weather, my neighbors, others´responsibility, the different mentality, or all other impending obstacles, it is my attitude and what approach I take towards each stumbling block. 

I wish I changed my country, my community, my surroundings, but in reality, change starts within like Gandhi stated...

Wealth Without Work
Pleasure Without Conscience
Knowledge Without Character
Commerce (Business) Without Morality (Ethics)
Science Without Humanity
Religion Without Sacrifice
Politics Without Principle

Le preguntaron a Mahatma Gandhi cuáles son los factores que destruyen al ser humano. Él respondió así:
La Política sin principios, el Placer sin compromiso, la Riqueza sin trabajo, la Sabiduría sin carácter, los Negocios sin moral, la Ciencia sin humanidad y la Oración sin caridad.
La vida me ha enseñado que la gente es amable, si yo soy amable; que las personas están tristes, si estoy triste; que todos me quieren, si yo los quiero; que todos son malos, si yo los odio; que hay caras sonrientes, si les sonrío; que hay caras amargas, si estoy amargado; que el mundo está feliz, si yo soy feliz; que la gente se enoja, si yo estoy enojado; que las personas son agradecidas, si yo soy agradecido.
La vida es como un espejo: Si sonrío, el espejo me devuelve la sonrisa. 
La actitud que tome frente a la vida, es la misma que la vida tomará ante mí.
"El que quiera ser amado, que ame".  
No compliques las cosas, es así de simple: ¿Extrañas?. ¡¡¡LLAMA!!!  ¿Quieres ver a alguien?. ¡¡¡INVITA!!!   ¿Quieres que te comprendan?  ¡¡¡EXPLICA DE NUEVO!!!   ¿Tienes duda?  ¡¡¡PREGUNTA!!  ¿No te gusta algo?  ¡¡¡DESÉCHALO!!! ¿Te gusta algo?. ¡¡¡CUÍDALO!!!  ¿Tienes metas?, ¡¡¡Cúmplelas!!!   
¡Estar VIVO no es lo mismo que vivir!.  La vida no son años, la vida es consciencia y tu eres el lugar que Dios ha elegido para vivir.  Eres su lugar preferido.

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