Friday, January 17, 2014

It is NOT a coincidence

It is NOT a coincidence
January 17, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

Someone once told me that God is manifested through people, objects, places, animals, transparent and meaningful places and messages, or throughout  our every day circumstances. Not long ago that character shed a light on my restless mind that asked the same question night after night since I was a little girl. “God, are you there? It’s me, why do all my prayers always go unanswered? 

Later in life the questioning changed to, “how do you hear God’s calling? through reflexions, people, places, dreams, is it revealed deep down in your heart? How can you feel God’s presence so directly, clearly and precisely? Those doubts were voiced out to the priests and seminarians at F. S. S. P.the Catholic fraternity I am part of once when we had them over for lunch. Some have answered that the unexpected yet yearned calling was channeled through a dream, others have said that ever since their childhood they felt it deep down and they saw the signs. 

As for me, the thought of joining a religious order has crossed my mind several times throughout my life but more so recently. A brilliant clue to consider it the calling, could be that the more I learn of the morbid and narcissistic actions of humanity, the less interest I have of such mundanity. Another approach God is taking towards me is through his angels such as H and M. White who have believed in me more than anybody else and guided, supported me and given me their unconditional love ever since I was 17 years old. Another two of his angels are A. W., a C. P., two very warm women who have nothing but kind words and actions for me. Our respect and admiration is mutual, that’s why they will always be a part of my life. And the fourth meaningful personage is C. K., who I met about three years ago. He is one of the most successful and well accomplished and traveled man I’ve ever met. He gives me advice in these areas of life; business, traveling, relationships, religion, and all the important matters there can be. 

People like these guardians add value and give a true meaning to my life with their kindness. For example just last weekend during our Skype meeting on Sunday, the message C. K. conveyed was NOT a coincidence as I had been thinking about it a few weeks prior to that. He said to me something like this, “You know Gina, I am learning to make soup, this year I am resolving to add love to the simple things in life. If you add love to the simplicity of life, you will be greatly rewarded. 

That same advice given to me by another person the prior Thursday was NOT a coincidence either. J. V. R., one of the seminarians at F. S. S. P. was visiting for the holidays. One day I helped him write a response essay about his reading, The Ballad of the White Horse, by G. K. Chesterton, (I’ll write about this later). When we were done, I was running late for class so I asked him for a lift and during our ride I confessed that I had been trapped amidst melancholy and solitude for a couple of weeks and he narrated the story of Saint Teresa of Avila, who did even the most insignificant deeds with love and everyone questioned why she was canonized. 

What’s more intriguing is the synchronism of three different individuals including myself. Maybe it is the long sought answer to my own skepticism. The same forewarning came to me  two weeks before the holidays while reflecting. 

I told myself,
“Gina Yoryet, you have to appreciate life find joy amidst your daily actions and events. Sometimes life can be frustrating when things don’t go the way we want them to when we want them. But even in the midst of those times, it is our duty to find love and project it.” Three people starting with me, were in concurrence with the same acumen, that’s why I know that it is NOT a coincidence. 

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