Friday, October 4, 2013

Can high-rendering athletes live sans meat?

Can high-rendering athletes 
live sans meat?
October 4, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

Today is day two since my come back to my morning boost and I feel great sans caffeine. I’ve been pretty alert, pumped up and radiant. Yesterday I got up half an hour later than planned because I accidentally set my clock behind which gave only gave me time to squeeze in a rushed forty minute session. Today my routine was one hour and twenty minutes:
That 1.20 workout was split up like this:
45 minutes of cardio
About 36 minutes of power walking and jogging
About 10 minutes of biking, strength and speed
About 14 minutes of biceps
About 6 minutes of abs
About 14 minutes of cooling down and stretching

I was very careful to avoid exacerbating the pain on my left upper side and on the right lower side and my goal was achieved! All through the day I wasn’t tense or sore which was a huge accomplishment as I am unbeknownst to what it’s like to live pain free. 
After my acupuncture session I relaxed a fair amount and it seems as though the physical pain all around is finally starting to dwindle, if I continue on this path, the rain will subside pretty soon. I am DYING to start my cross-fit session and more so after this last weekend’s event.

Just as I was thinking about how to control my unleashed cravings and how to improve my diet I thought of practicing what I preach and start following one of my killer nutrition plans but I hate having to think about following a strict regime. I don’t like feeling pressured especially since I am no longer a high-rendering and competitive immortal. 
Just as I was pondering about that, I came across this awesome article on yahoo news! 

We love blogs about running -- the motivation, the practical tips, the reminder that there's a huge community of people who care about getting their miles in just as much as we do. The voice behind one of our favorite blogs, Matt Frazier of No Meat Athlete, has a new book out this week that promises to be as inspiring and chock-full-of-useful-knowledge as his beloved blog.

 As a vegetarian (and, eventually,
vegan) long-distance runner, Frazier has amassed a following of loyal readers over the years. But he still faces skepticism from those who think endurance sports and animal-free eating don't mix. To clear up the popular misconception -- and get some tips on fitness and healthy food -- I spoke with Frazier recently on his way to one of his first book signings.

What do you say to the people who tell you 'I do CrossFit' or 'I'm training for a marathon. I need protein?'
"You absolutely do not need animal protein. If you look at the pros, you'll see that there are plenty of athletes in all types of sports who choose a vegetarian or vegan diet, not just because they can make it work but because it actually helps them maximize their strength and their energy levels and speeds up their recovery. Sure, it's definitely harder and it takes a little more planning, but I think that's one of the huge advantages -- you won't get stuck eating junk like pizza or wings or fast food just because you didn't plan ahead."

What's your typical day like, in terms of meals and snacks?
"I start every day with a smoothie; I use it as my opportunity to get in as much raw and really nourishing food as I can: I start with chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and flaxseeds, then I add frozen fruit and kale or spinach leaves. The rest of my day looks a lot more like how most people eat. For lunch I'll have some sort of pasta with beans. I like to snack on hummus with carrots and broccoli. Then I'll have a salad in the afternoon with avocado and a dinner with some combination of lentils or rice and beans."

What about eating out -- and dessert?!
 "Thai and Indian restaurants tend to have a lot of vegetarian- or vegan-friendly items, or they're at least very adaptable to me. In terms of dessert, I like dark chocolate a lot--the really extreme 85 to 90 percent stuff. But overall, my palate has changed since I've adopted this diet, and I don't love really sugary stuff as much as I used to. Usually a strawberry and banana smoothie will do it for me if I'm craving something sweet. (Although, every once and a while I will run out and get a pint of
vegan ice cream from Whole Foods.)"

You're doing the Ragnar Relay from Maryland to D.C. next weekend. What will you be eating on and in between your runs?
"In the van between runs I'll probably eat a lot of almond butter or hummus spread on sprouted whole-grain bread or English muffins. They're good for refueling because they have a lot of calories and nutrients and are still pretty convenient to pack and eat on the go. I don't eat a lot of gels or gummies when I run (some contain gelatin, which isn't vegan), but I love to snack on whole fresh dates during a workout."

Who should read your new book, No Meat Athlete?
 "It's kind of a guidebook to a fitness-focused lifestyle that incorporates a plant-based diet -- and that could mean vegetarian, vegan, or just eating less meat in general. It's divided into two sections: The first is tips and 50 recipes for transitioning to this type of diet (co-written with a vegan nutritionist), and the second is about fitness from the perspective of running -- including plans for a 5K, 10K and half marathon. It's also about the best way to create healthy habits that will really stick with you and become automatic. So really it's for the athlete who is curious about plant-based diets, AND it's for the plant-based person who is really curious about running or ramping up their fitness routine." 

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