A detrimental habit
By: Gina Yoryet Román
June 25, 2012
Every end of semester the
normal drill is foreseen weeks in advance so I always try to squeeze in more
workout days because very few times do I keep my word to limit myself junkwise.
As of two weeks ago, there’s
been a little get together here, a farewell reunion here and there for those foreign
friends who are leaving. The school where I work is very international, so
meeting new people is very common.
Weighed down with work, I was
not eating at my regular times. Eating my regular meals and taking little bites
of chips, cookies, sweet bread, candy, and anything I could get my hands on has
always been a fatal habit when I’m under stress. There go the results from the
cross fit routines I did for a few days in a row.
The almost three week binge
eating and feeding my muffin top went on until this past weekend when I went to
Guanajuato to do some investigations of a particular case which I’ll post about
With this said, for the most
part my running/workout journal is filled with intensive workouts or at least a
power walk, until the last couple of days, all I see are blank pages.
Even after following a very
strict regime with my workout journals, I’ve never been one to have a food/diet
log nor have a goal of daily or weekly calories and believe it or not, I have
NEVER tried ANY diet! Actually the more time that goes by, my daily meals keep
getting more and more menial as I avoid eating vegetables.
It is hard for those who know
me to believe that vegetables are not in my daily menu.
Sometimes I try to have
vegetables three or four times a week but it just gets tedious and I rather not
make time to munch on those wonderful and healthy veggies.
I have to confess that it is a
very lazy habit of mine that keeps being fed with all the junk I stuff myself
Before I started splurging I
was feeling a few kilos under weight but
with all the binge eating I
definitely do not own an attractive slim waistline at this moment!
Regardless of that, right now
I am standing at a point where I wouldn’t try any detoxifying method or any
diet, I’d NEVER become a vegetarian either (I don’t eat meat nor do I eat a
whole lot of vegetables), I wouldn’t take any diet pill, not even the African
Mango, the “latest Miracle weight loss supplement,” as experts claim it to be a
powerful multivitamin with many benefits for men and women.
I’d be terrified to even think
about that extreme nasogastric (nasal) tube method diet, an extreme nutritional
diet to reduce overweight, obesity and cellulite which only feeds the patient
with the necessary nutrients for ten days (the first stage). When they reach
the tenth day, the patient is supposed to lose 15 kilos. After that come the
second and third stages where the patient adds infusion teas, that is more so
like fasting.
That I find too extreme but
many people, especially women, soon to be brides are trying it because they
want to feed their vanity and look good.
The only thought of it gives
me the creeps so for the time being I’d rather stay loyal to my workouts
because food is too good to forsake!
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