Friday, June 22, 2012


June 22, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

When learning a new word I always want to find out the origin as it helps me increase my knowledge. By researching the meaning of words, it helps me visualize the whole picture and see the real beauty behind each letter and word as a whole.

But I’d never pondered into the beauty of each term until I read an article a few months ago titled, “La palabra más bonita del idioma español,” – the most beautiful word in the Spanish language which at this point I don’t even recall.

I’ve never felt a whole lot of confidence when expressing myself properly in Spanish, even with this being one of my native languages, I feel very limited (In other words, ignorant and illiterate) especially when it comes to grammar and business terminology.

So! The other day while talking to C. K., the film producer of “The Road to Tequila,” I mentioned something to him and his reply was, “Serendipity.” The first thing I said was, “Wow! What a beauty and I loved the way it sounded too!
Something in those eleven letters automatically drew me and I was immediately driven to pay a visit to one of my most faithful friends… google.

I know many beautiful words in English but never one that covers so much and with such a profound background.
So here’s what I found.

The most beautiful word in the English language - Serendipity
Definition of serendipity:
(n) : an unsought, unintended, or unexpected discovery, made by accident and sagacity; the discovery of something by accident while investigating something quite different. For example, finding a biological culture "ruined" by mould, and discovering the antibiotic penicillin as a consequence
"Serendipity” is when you find things you weren't looking for because finding what you are looking for is so damn difficult. --Erin McKean,"


Other synonyms of Serendipity:

Fighting, conquering, thriving, winning, surviving, prospering, rising, happiness, life, courage, transparency, purity, hope, energy, good vibes, natural beauty, but most of all, freedom.




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