Saturday, January 28, 2012

The 10 Commandments of Working out


January 28, 2012

I was just going through my list of goals for this year and one of them was to be more disciplined with my eating habits, and to stop doing mindless, unnecessary, emotional and compulsive eating to shed the two stubborn extra kilos clinging on my muffin top because of the food spree we had over the holidays and to stay at 50 kilos…no more, no less.

So I’ve unconsciously had bread only three times in 28 days! About two weeks ago I had Alfredo, then last week I only had two tiny slices of bread and today I had another two very small ones with my pasta.
The funny thing is that I didn’t record that goal in my exercise and diet journal nor register it in my mind, it happened without even thinking about it.

On the other hand, I’ve been splurging on cheese and tortillas!! I’ve lost count on how many tortillas and cheese I’ve gotten a hold of but what makes me anxious the most is the frequency, most of this week and last I’ve had them twice a day every day. No wonder my 6 pack cannot be developed! Maybe I am not doing the appropriate workout, perhaps I should give the Hottie Body Hum Pilates Club a shot!

So I am once again devoting myself to making a serious attempt to stop pigging out and look for ways to control my crazy cravings and stay focused on my workouts by finding alternatives to not aggravate the unbearable pain on my left knee that’s been killing me.

In fact, just a little while ago I was studying my material for the Sports Nutrition Certification I am doing (another one of my goals for 2012) and I came across this list of workout commandments that I will do my best to always have in mind (I made a small change to the title).


1. Thou shalt always be ready to exercise at thy appointed time.
2. Thou shalt call at least twelve hours ahead to cancel or pay full price for thy missed session.
3. Thou shalt do all that the trainer tells thou with no murmuring.
4.Thou shalt eat the way thou are commanded to by thy teacher.
5.Thou shalt not bounce any checks lest thou pay a $20 fee for it.
6. Thou shalt tell all of thy friends about the wonderful things thy teacher has done for thou.
7. Thou shalt not use foul language or take the name of God in vain.
8. Thou shalt cheerfully and joyfully attend thy aerobics sessions, and reflect lovingly upon them.
9. Thou shalt get good results and blessings if thou doest all thy teacher commands thee.
10. Thou shalt have curses (fat and weak) if thou failest to follow any of thy teacher’s commands.
Thy mark: Gina Yoryet Roman, This day: January 28, 2012

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