Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Goals

January 1st, 2011

1. Get in the best shape of my life, now more than EVER. Being in my 30’s makes me challenge myself more, push myself more and expect more from me than 10 years ago. I am as ready as I can be to take the next challenges.
2. Expand my small business. Be on top of everything; interviews, training, material, accounting, contracts, etc.
3. Stop listening to my heart and listen to my mind more (that keeps me out of trouble).
4. Stop doing mindless, emotional and nonstop eating (I put on like 3 kilos between Christmas and New Years’. I did the “seafood” diet – eat everything I “SEE.”
3. Read more; learn more about politics worlwide, history, literature, economics, public relations, tourism, more of everything. Use more of my brain capacity so I can become a much wiser woman. I don’t accept wasting time.
5. Share my knowledge and my experiences with others, especially with women in order to help them improve their lives and mine; I can kill two birds with one stone.
6. Do more charity work, help others more; stop and see what is going on in the entire world not only in mine.
7. Manage my time better so I can dedicate more time with my loved ones.
8. Travel more - Take a vacation to some place important where I am able to take in more of nature as opposed to somewhere where the world is corrupted with all these plastic surgeries, partying drinking, drugs, violence and material surroundings.
9. Meet more people (more down to earth people.
10. DON’T spend time with arrogant, selfish, vain and egoistic individuals.
11. Dedicate more time to writing and improving my blog.
12. Dedicate more time to Health and Fitness.
13. Get certified to teach Spanish.
14. Get certified in Sports Nutrition.
15. Learn another language (start with Portuguese and then perhaps Chinese)
16. Listen to others more
17. Procrastinate less – start today, right now, January 1st.
18. Stop being the most IMPERFECT perfectionist (before changing my community, my city, my country, my world, others, change must start within).
19. Stop having high expectations from everyone, focus on my own expectations instead and try to change me Gina Yoryet for better.
20. Spend less time working on the weekends – and stay away from the wonderful worldwide web more because I am connected almost 24/7.
21. Do as I wish, as I feel like and not go with the flow just because everyone else did.
22. Don’t imitate absolutely anyone (I never have); simply be me, myself unique, just like every single being is.
23. Bring a healthy lunch from home more often to avoid eating out.
24. Perhaps find love once again and give it my best shot. The fact that I’ve been heart-broken before doesn’t guarantee that I am destined to the same thing. And I don’t mean that I will literally go out there and find someone.
25. Don’t be so paranoid of everything especially when I’m PMS’ING!
26. Don’t follow the same routine all the time, vary my activities, mix them to avoid monotony.
27. Buy another car and be a more cautious driver (stop text messaging when I’m driving).
28. Be more patient because my impatience has put me thought A LOT of problems in many aspects of my life.
29. Fit in my skinny jeans again.
30. Continue doing therapy for my knee because it is in REALLY bad shape. 
31. Eat more soy meat and more products; more protein so I can build just a little more muscle to the point where I look nice and toned up.
32. Don’t leave ABSOLUTELY ANY loose ends in any area of my life.
33. Pay off my credit card.
34. Associate with even better business clients.
35. Spread out priorities beyond my ability to keep track of them.
36. DO NOT wait around for opportunity, go out there and look for it. Be a hustler, go out there, make the world see me and narrow down the most important business aspects in order to expand.
37. Before focusing on the faults of others, focus on mine first.
38. Don’t be so hard on myself when I make a mistake or when I don’t follow my military regimen.
39. Spend more time alone.
40. Have more faith, pray more.
41. Learn how to swim and many more things.
42. Meditate more, relax more, enjoy life more with the simple things in life.
43. Be more disciplined.
44. Take a computer course or at least learn more about computers.
45. Every year, as I get older have higher standards and expectations of myself to accomplish the human being I was meant to become.

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