Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Writing is nothing more than a guided dream

Writing is nothing more
than a guided dream
November 26, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

In 2009 it was only a meager:10
In 2010 that figure increased to: 38
In 2011 my cypher went up to: 59
In 2012 my count became more significant: 111
In 2013 my digit has almost tripled that of 2011: 150

I am not talking about the number of partners I’ve been in a relationship with, (although I am very close to my first number). 10, 38, 59, 111, 150, symbolize something more purposeful to me. They are the number of articles in which I’ve released all of it: A blend of happiness, hope, contentment, radiance, joy, victory, self-fulfillment, anger, frustration, sadness emptiness, solitude, abandonment.

What’s my number?
My number as of yesterday was: 368, and as of tonight when I wrap this post up, it will be 369. That number is my guided dream, Like Jorge Luis Borges once said,“Writing is nothing more than a guided dream.” 

That guided dream is...

The curiosity and love for writing that developed ever since I was a little girl...

The love for writing that was nurtured each year that went by when I fed my dairy with the meaningful happenings of my naive and innocent childhood and adolescence...

The impulse and desire that led me to look for voluntary writing opportunities later in my late twenties...

The readiness and courage which led me to pursue professional writing possibilities...

The whim to give life to one of my dreams and victories (my ABC’s): Writing.

The notion to take the less travelled road amidst the not so rosy moments...

The vision that will lead my passion to reveal my purpose...

The desire to get distracted from reality without harming myself or others...

The craze and attainment to always challenge myself...

The fantasy to make it a necessity...

The inclination to keep creating more...

The pride I embrace for having been invited to give writing workshops for Advanced composition to non native speakers of English such as 'What a Writer Needs...'

The marvel I get for being considered to write for “101 Way to Make Yourself more Marketable,” by Self-Growth, an online magazine...

The satisfaction I feel for having been invited to write a company’s biography...

The unbelief that hits me when I got an invitation to give medical writing workshops to doctors and medical residents at one of the most important local hospitals...

The astoundment I am impacted with every time I look through my writer’s bibles: ‘What a Writer Needs,’ By Ralph Fletcher, ‘Writing with Style,’ By Sue Young, ‘Rules for Writers,’ By Diana Hacker, and ‘Proofreading Handbook,’ Second Edition, McGraw Hill, By Laura Anderson...

The illusion I am filled with every time I am referred to a young doctor, lawyer or college student, as a “writing expert,” to help them improve their writing...

The leaps of exuberance I get from my U. S. client who I work with as a Chief editor, when they tell me that they are very happy with my work...

The pleasure I experience when I can turn down an offer because I feel needed and useful...

And last but not least, the bliss I am permeated with because ‘La Importancia de La Escritura,’ is a reality now...

I won’t let the cat out of the bag until after it happens this Thursday November 28, 2013...

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