Saturday, February 18, 2012

I can’t keep up

I can’t keep up
February 18, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

As the high performance athlete I was once upon a time and as an independent woman in search of reaching the summit, I am usually able to defeat almost any barrier lying ahead. NOT entirely. Life for me is about getting to the bottom of matters only within certain areas.

There are particular things that I will never be able to break down or I just don’t have the patience for. For instance the other day in the midst of a skype conference with the producer of “The Road to Tequila,” I was instructed to turn my camera on, for “better communication” since I can’t get the volume to work. After a few failed attempts to get the sound and camera up and running I gave up so we decided to stick to the typing.
I don’t necessarily dislike cameras or technology but in many ways I am not too keen on them since I cannot figure them out like most women because we consider that “a man thing.”

Although I can be very girly and high maintenance every now and then to the point where I cannot bear the frustration of one of my nails breaking, there are many much more interesting issues that catch my attention. For example, I’d spend a whole day or write a book discussing politics, economics/finance, history, art, literature, philosophy writing, business, health and fitness.
I may not be an expert in these matters but these are the areas that keep me entertained and eager to learn more unlike technology, numbers, makeup, fashion and shopping.
Technology intimidates and frightens me. I’ve never taken the time to get into it deeper because my technician is always just a phone call away.

When I think about digits, I cringe in disgust as my brain automatically shuts down. Even with simple calculations it takes me three or four times as long. When I come across Roman numerals, I can only read I, II and II. The other day in one of my classes we came across Roman numeral number 8 which I asked my students to identify. LOL!

Shopping has always created anxiety and boredom and it’s rather overwhelming. I cannot stand being in a plaza for over 30 minutes. I find it pointless and I start getting in a bad mood when/if I am boxed in a scandalously smelling and cloistered plaza. I can count the times I go shopping in a year with the palm of my hand. Although I love possessing new things, having more and expensive things has always been stressful. To be honest the more I have the more I want so that is when I have to remind myself about my wants, needs, likes, would likes and will do’s. I don’t deny that there are many cute garments, shoes and accessories to purchase but as long as I have a full wardrobe of workout clothes, running shoes and flip flops, I am well served.

Fashion and makeup have also been too much throughout my life. I’ve never actually attempted to keep up with them because I have absolutely no interest in doing so. The closest I got to them was all the years I worked as a model and demo girl but even then I’d have to find the politically “correct” way “to tell them that I was not a plastic doll and I really had to draw the line to keep makeup moderate.

And last but not least is that most women don’t’ have a sense of direction. We are somewhat slow when it comes to that “mystery.” I’ve NEVER been able to find north, south, east west, northwest. UGH! The first thing I tell people when I ask for directions is, “keep it simple, just tell me right or left, straight, back.”

Why can’t life just be about economics/finance, history, art, literature, philosophy, writing, business, health and fitness?

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