Chronicles of my workout routines (January 1st, 2011)
December 27, 2011
By Gina Yoryet Roman
This post was originally written on January first 2011 but it was never posted until now. The reason why I held off this long is because in 2012 my routines will be taken one step further, work towards one of my fitness goals; get more toned up, keep at my current weight and gain a little more muscle at the same time…
Foregoing the things that we are passionate about can be one of the most shattering experiences in life because they are what keeps one going, and that is exactly what fate was holding for me a year and half ago. (perhaps was it my negligence for treating my body like an animal?)
Running had to be put back on the back burner because of runner’s knee, a decrease in skeletal muscle mass as we age.
Long distance running is the perfect therapy to deal with grief for a hard core runner. Although as of sometime in July or August of last year (2010) I took a “short” break from running due to Sarcopenia, a severe injury - age related loss of muscle, that forced break has lengthened a lot more than expected.
I desired with all my heart to go back into action and compete again sooner rather than later, yet life is full of setbacks and little did I know that running had to be forgotten perhaps forever.
And so I had to look for other activities to complement or practically replace running and release all the frustration, anger, stress, anxiety and all the bad vibes and get in better shape.
And so it happened. Even though I am not nearly fitness model looking, I feel in the best shape ever…
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