Monday, August 15, 2016

An Unyielding Amazon

An Unyielding Amazon 
Sister Madonna Buder
Faith ALWAYS Prevails

August 15, 2016

I had to go M. I. A. for a couple days because the last eighteen to twenty-four months have been brutal. It’s been either work (I am not complaining), family issues, personal issues, a never ending hiatus (two injuries that seem to get the best of me) that seems to prevail. I won’t let it predominate me, I am stronger than that. However I have to admit that at times I am about to throw in the towel. The intended plan during this interim was to take time to reflect and resonate with my life vision, dreams and goals, to take action upon my return. One of those plans was to do my best to regain physical strength and resiliency (keeping in mind that perhaps I may never be able to get the same results with these injuries that have become my most faithful companion).

One morning when I woke up my entire body was sore, I panicked and asked myself, “What is going on, what is wrong with me!?" I felt as if I had been struck by a train or some sort of strenuous impact! I was emotionally and physically broken for a few days convinced that my training days were over. I was hounded with all kinds of negative emotions and thoughts,  I am falling apart, I can’t do this anymore, I am too old, and so on.
Then today I was finally able to get a hold of myself and got motivated after reading about an unyielding amazon. The perfect shot in the arm, right what I needed at this time and place. 

Sister Madonna Buder, an 86 year old nun, a runner, a swimmer, a cyclist. She trains hard and keeps herself very active for a reason…
She trains for Ironman competitions, she’s pulled through 45 of them so far!!!
She really put me to shame. Here I am having a pity party, dealing with the pounds I voluntarily and willingly put on during this summer lapse.  L

This brass-bound amazon is coming close to her ninth decade. She was born in St. Louis Missouri in 1930. Despite not being athletically active during childhood, she was always very determined from the get-go. At 14 she decided to be a nun, and when she was 20, she joined the convent. It is no mistake that faith has kept her mind, heart, body and soul very resilient and focused. Through resistance, persistence and insistence, she's preponderated and remained healthy spiritually, emotionally, personally, physically, professionally and financially.  

Here’s the full story of this iron woman, a Nun, Author, Motivational Speaker, Triathlete. 

Faith always prevails!
"It's not what you say, it's what you do; don't pay attention to how old you are, only focus on how old you feel"
"Determination is the mind willing something to happen by the grace of God"

No excuses to break a sweat at the gym at least two days this week!

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