Monday, June 27, 2016

Business Woman Manifesto

June 27, 2016

I am all for manifestos, I just ran into this one. The perfect shot in the arm
to get going today.
Over the weekend I encountered some insecurities so I am ready to bring it on!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

El verdadero significado es Vivir para los demás

El verdadero significado es
Vivir para los demás
22 de junio de 2016
Esta semana he estado pensando en esta famosa cita de las lecciones de vida de un icono muy importante que desafortunadamente ya no nos acompaña, Bruce Lee.
En inglés dice así:
“Real living is living for others.” Realize that anything you want in life can be obtained by helping others get what they want.
La enseñanza para mi, es precisamente esto, me da un sentimiento de satisfacción inigualable, aún más cuando contemplo la cara de triunfo de mis estudiantes. Quizá mi destino hubiera sido otro, tal vez, debí haber sido médico, abogada, cualquier otro oficio, pero en el fondo de mi corazón sé que nada me hubiera dado la misma satisfacción y paz espiritual, mental y profesional. Mi único arrepentimiento es no haberlo descubierto antes, en mi etapa de rebeldía con “muchas causas” nunca di la oportunidad a que mi verdad se me revelera. Siempre luché a toda costa contra mi destino. Mi sinnúmero de ocupaciones no daban espacio para centrarme y trazar mi rumbo. Años más tarde me di cuenta que lo anhelaba verdaderamente, lo deseaba en aquel lugar y entonces. Algo parecido dijo la famosa autora Ayn Rand en ingles:

“I want to see, real, living, and in the hours of my own days, that glory I create as an illusion. I want it real. I want to know that there is someone, somewhere, who wants it, too. Or else what is the use of seeing it, and working, and burning oneself for an impossible vision? A spirit, too, needs fuel. It can run dry.”

Siempre he sido muy expresiva y dirigida por mis sentimientos (no siempre es bueno), por eso mi juego de palabras (escribir es uno de mis sustentos más poderosos), que me permite soltarlo todo. Me da un sentido de dirección. Esta semana sentí un poco de melancolía, tristeza, una mezcla de soledad y descontento que me hizo pensar que quizá no estoy poniendo mi mejor esfuerzo en un proyecto de verano al que fui convocada. Todas mis inseguridades se disiparon por medio de la oración y justo en este momento que estoy utilizando mi juego más poderoso.

Tuve que recurrir a esto que escribí en el verano del 2015 para ayudarme a aterrizar y motivarme porque por medio de la enseñanza he encontrado mi verdadero significado…

 Algo para Reflexionar
El arte de la enseñanza, como cualquier profesión, no es ÚNICAMENTE cuestión de adquirir habilidades. Tiene que ver con el proceso de deconstrucción (cambio) personal, estructuras internas y la reconstrucción en el trato a cada estudiante, sus necesidades, su formación académica, sus prioridades y objetivos.
Esto significa que yo tengo que evaluar constantemente mis valores personales, motivos y objetivos, y debo estar dispuesta a realizar cambios positivos necesarios a fin de crecer como profesionista y mejorar día a día en cumplimiento de entregar ética, honestidad, transparencia, y sabiduría. Puedo llegar a ser altamente calificada y educada, pero SIN un deseo genuino de servir a los demás, mi carrera, uno de mis más fuertes sustentos en el ámbito profesional e intelectual, con el tiempo se convertirá en una carga insoportable.
Mi objetivo es ser realmente una ayuda a los demás, incitarlos, pesuadirlos para llegar hacia un mañana mejor y más prometedor para llegar a la plenitud del aprendizaje
Esto es el efecto de la reciprocidad - soy un elemento importante en la enseñanza y sirvo a los demás a través de mis habilidades. A cambio de esto, estoy en paz conmigo misma profesionalmente. Además este premio me impulsa a luchar por ser mejor.”

Gina Yoryet Román

Food for thought
The Teaching medical (Translation/Writing/Coaching artistry, (like any profession), is NOT simply a matter of skill acquisition. It involves a process of personal deconstruction (internal structures) and reconstruction in dealing with each student, client, individual and/or patient, case, prior medical history, needs, priorities and objectives. This means that I must constantly evaluate my personal values, motives, and goals and I must be willing to make any necessary positive changes in order to evolve as a professional and improve day by day in pursuance of delivering ethics, honesty, transparency and knowledge. I can become highly skilled and educated, but SANS a genuine desire to serve others, my career, one of my strongest professional sustenances, would eventually become an unbearable burden.
My goal is to genuinely be of assistance to others, entice them and persuade them to reach towards a better and more promising tomorrow to reach wholeness
This is the effect of reciprocity - I am an important element in the teaching (medical field) and I serve others through my skills. In exchange of that, I am at ease with myself professionally. Furthermore this reward propels me to strive for better…
Gina Yoryet Román

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Fathers Day

Father´s Day
June 19, 2016

I want to say that Father´s Day is very important for me, but I would be lying out right. It is not a sad day nor does it bother me in the least. I regard it as just another day. I texted both my brothers to send them my best wishes. I texted two close friends, and I should´ve called grandpa but opted not to.

Throwback to my childhood memories with my father...
Motorcycles, fancy cars and going to the shooting range and watch him shoot... And practice with him every so often.

Vulnerability and melancholy were NEVER an option. We were to remain stoic under any circumstances! Any sign of feebleness was detrimental. 
Survival of the strongest will every time we had a verbal confrontation!!!
Perhaps that´s why I became very stubborn and unafraid to step up for myself. Ha, ha!

It wasn´t all pitiful, human beings have a tendency to just take the bad from every situation. However, as a grown adult, deep down, I can now clearly visualise many good things that at the time I rebelled against. Now I know that all those minor, yet very significant details shaped me into the woman I am today. That´s why I shouldn't judge, I wouldn´t be fair to me, or to my father. There´s good in him, there's good in every single human being in this planet. 

He just wasn´t good at expressing his feelings!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The 4 P´s - My Best Alies

When my love for one of my greastest passions came forth, little did I know that one day I would become a published writer. Nor did I ever fathom or foresee that people would actually reach out to me, to share my knowledge with them.

A couple weeks before the end of the year approximated, two people who were referred over to me by someone else I had worked with before, called me to ask me to work with their Middle School and Elementary School children and help them improve their writing. Last week, I was very driven after the positive commments I got from both clients.  Both adolescents are looking forward to next school year to start composition classes. Since then I´ve been elated! I want this emotion to walk with me all through the summer as I got a very important life-time project that needs to be met by the end of August.

This project is gradually taking shape, that´s why I am making a slow transition through my most important allies, the 4 P´s.

The first one is:

Despite the million work issues, I started exercising my mind again to get on writing mode.
Not only did I start estimulating my mind, but my body as well. My body and my game called words are my most important tools for this task.
I have the perfect place, or different places to go MIA and go through what I´ve already done, modify it and keep adding more to it.
I still need to do more research, read, investigate and expand my knowledge.

Thank God I am passionate about this ever-lasting assignment!
That´s what led me to take me the initiative to act!
I need top play around with my words a bit more to make it more magnetic and to keep producing.

I still haven´t got to this stage, August is the deadline. This endeavor has already been put off once before, so this year I will NOT allow myself to procrastinate again.
Once my work is done, I will look for an expert who can help me express my ideas better.

There is a huge event coming up towards the end of the year where I want to bring this forth.
I am not setting boundaries, I can foresee it becoming everyone´s favorite. Or at least to those who resonate with me.

It won´t be easy in the beginning to sit down and focus because I have put very Little time into writing in the last couple of months. But I am confident that I will get there. I always do once I set my mind, heart, soul and spirit into it. I´ve been craving this game since I was a Little girl, since I learned to write. If it doesn´t come to life, my spirit will run dry, like Ayn Rand stated, for this is one of my missions. I want it real, I want to know that there´s someone out there who wants it as much as I do!

A desire presupposes the possibility of action to achieve it; action presupposes a goal, which is worth achieving.

Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values.
Ayn Rand

Saturday, June 11, 2016

What a Writer Needs

What a Writer Needs
June 11, 2016
By: Gina Yoryet Román

A writer needs space, time, creativity, motivation,
A writer needs to always keep the four “P’s,” in mind:

Sans the aforementioned, a writer is NOT really a writer.
A writer shall be loyal to one of his greatest loves – Writing.
A writer shall have mental grit.
A writer shall have genuine commitment.
A writer shall be focused, disciplined and envisioned.
A writer shall have legitimate love for his game – a game called words.
A writer shall know that he was gifted from birth
A writer shall like and love writing. But first and foremost, a writer shall be aware that it is NOT about liking “IT,” it is about transforming it and turning it into something BIG.
A writer shall have a very powerful mind to tackle all the mental deterrents, for his instinct shall always predominate any possible hurdle lying ahead.
A writer shall not lack thoroughness, not only in his writing but in every aspect of his life, for meticulousness dictates his character.
A writer MUST have the ability to ALWAYS generate new ideas
A writer MUST make magic with his words by channeling any kind of negative emotions, turn any negativity around and make magic with what he’s been gifted with.
A writer shall override “the norm” when it comes to terminology and its usage
A writer shall always expand through new horizons.
A writer shall be on top of everything when it’s about coming up with new ideas.
A writer shall have accuracy.
A writer shall be very cultivated and selective with the words he chooses.
A writer shall have resistance and persistence.
A writer shall have will, ganas, like we say in Spanish.
A writer shall be entitled to play around with his words and create more magic.
A writer shall have confidence in himself and in his words.
A writer shall be humble and open to learn more day by day.
A writer shall seek for other writers’ expertise and knowledge.
A writer shall be a dreamer.
A writer MUST be cognizant of the gift he was endowed with.
But overall, a Writer MUST have faith!
For faith is one of the most powerful forces in the universe,
And without faith, a writer would forfeit his nature, his purpose, the mission he was dictated to accomplish.

I am not yet a writer, I am just a woman who likes to express her emotions through writing…

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Manifesto for Women

Manifesto for Women
June 4, 2016

I've been looking for manifestos for EVERYTHING! I ran into this one for women on this great website!

“We are empowered. We are individuals who think and speak for ourselves.
“We aspire to live a fulfilled life, whatever that means to each of us, and we support women who make different choices than the ones we make.
“We lead in all areas of life, and we want to see more women leading in industries such as politics, business, science, media, technology and more.
“As we succeed, we lift up those around us. Women are powerful mentors.
“We applaud efforts to make it easier for us to manage work and family but know the answer isn’t one-size-fits-all policies that limit choice and flexibility.
“We deserve and expect to be paid fairly. No woman should be paid less simply for being a woman.
“We appreciate those who came before us and fought for the freedom and flexibility we enjoy today.
“We know that women are not always treated respectfully and fairly, but not all men are sexists. Strong men appreciate strong women and we’re stronger together.
“We are thoughtful, intelligent and vote knowing that all issues are women’s issues.
“We embrace innovation. We value ideas that allow us the opportunity to start and run a successful venture of any size.
“We have no tolerance for violence against women. Those who victimize and endanger women should be prosecuted under full accordance of the law.
“We are proud to live in a prosperous, free country and stand with women across the globe in defending human rights.
“We are compassionate, assertive, enterprising, adventurous, confident and patriotic, and we are empowered.”