a Writer Needs
11, 2016
Gina Yoryet Román
writer needs space, time, creativity, motivation,
A writer needs to always keep the four “P’s,” in mind:
Sans the
aforementioned, a writer is NOT really a writer.
A writer shall be
loyal to one of his greatest loves – Writing.
A writer shall
have mental grit.
A writer shall
have genuine commitment.
A writer shall be
focused, disciplined and envisioned.
A writer shall
have legitimate love for his game – a game called words.
A writer shall
know that he was gifted from birth
A writer shall
like and love writing. But first and foremost, a writer shall be aware that it
is NOT about liking “IT,” it is about transforming it and turning it into
something BIG.
A writer shall have
a very powerful mind to tackle all the mental deterrents, for his instinct
shall always predominate any possible hurdle lying ahead.
A writer shall
not lack thoroughness, not only in his writing but in every aspect of his life,
for meticulousness dictates his character.
A writer MUST
have the ability to ALWAYS generate new ideas
A writer MUST
make magic with his words by channeling any kind of negative emotions, turn any
negativity around and make magic with what he’s been gifted with.
A writer shall
override “the norm” when it comes to terminology and its usage
A writer shall
always expand through new horizons.
A writer shall be
on top of everything when it’s about coming up with new ideas.
A writer shall
have accuracy.
A writer shall be
very cultivated and selective with the words he chooses.
A writer shall
have resistance and persistence.
A writer shall
have will, ganas, like we say in Spanish.
A writer shall be entitled to play around with his words and create more magic.
A writer shall
have confidence in himself and in his words.
A writer shall be
humble and open to learn more day by day.
A writer shall
seek for other writers’ expertise and knowledge.
A writer shall be
a dreamer.
A writer MUST be
cognizant of the gift he was endowed with.
But overall, a
Writer MUST have faith!
For faith is one
of the most powerful forces in the universe,
And without
faith, a writer would forfeit his nature, his purpose, the mission he was
dictated to accomplish.
I am not yet a
writer, I am just a woman who likes to express her emotions through writing…