Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I have set myself free

I have set myself free
December 16, 2015

I wasn’t taught to be believe, I never met courage in the face until I reached my twenties, I was unbeknownst to discipline, focus and effort at a later time than many people. I was NOT the typical young girl who fantasized of meeting her prince charming and getting married – although deep down I longed for it. Coming from a large and close-knit family, I was ingrained fear, “believe” was obsolete since before I blurted my first words. I was always subdued by my apprehension towards the universe. Existing and life itself were very daunting.

That was then, I have set myself free. Growing older has granted me many benefits, like Judy Dench said, "One of the benefits of being a mature, well-educated woman is that you are not afraid of expletives. And you have no fear to put a fool in his place. That's the power of language and experience. You learn a lot from Shakespeare."

I am now acquainted with courage, discipline, focus, courage and effort. I believe in myself, I am no longer afraid. When I am disturbed with discomposure of any kind, I reach out to my sword and shield; praying, faith and silence and it all fades.

Today, I am one year older and I have very few regrets! Sure, I wish that time didn’t run as quickly, but that no longer intimidates me! I want to enjoy my days more and worry less!

True, my body is not as resilient as before (mainly because of my knee injury), not because I am an old bag! I am no spring chicken true! But I am very fulfilled and thankful for many things. I am happy to be wrapping up another year feeling, gazing, sensing, knowing and living the simple life that I always yearned for. I am at ease and peace with myself. At last I met my soul mate. Now it all makes sense, why it took this long to find him. I unconsciously sought for the wrong people, with that I delayed crossing paths with him. Perhaps all those failures were meant to happen in order for me to get closer to him day by day.

I don’t know, I don’t want to know, I don’t want to think about it. Now that I’ve set myself free, all I want is to love him till the end of time…

My Younger Days
By: Maya Angelou 

When I was in my younger days,
I weighed a few pounds less,
I needn't hold my tummy in
to wear a belted dress.

But now that I am older,
I've set my body free;
There's the comfort of elastic
Where once my waist would be.

Inventor of those high-heeled shoes
My feet have not forgiven;
I have to wear a nine now,
But used to wear a seven.

And how about those pantyhose-
They're sized by weight, you see,
So how come when I put them on
The crotch is at my knee?

I need to wear these glasses
As the print's been getting smaller;
And it wasn't very long ago
I know that I was taller.

Though my hair has turned to gray
and my skin no longer fits,
On the inside, I'm the same old me,
It's the outside's changed a bit.

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