Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My discipline factor unveiled

My discipline factor unveiled
I owe it all to La Chancla
April 2nd, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

I spent last Christmas with my two oldest sisters. I always long for that short span of time because although the whole family can never be together during the holidays, at least three or four of us reunite briefly to laugh, watch movies, go for a stroll, and talk about silly but fun things. Wrapping up 2012, while reminiscing about our infancy and early adolescence, we admiringly touched base on how taken aback we all were at my mother’s abilities to raise such voluminous family on top of juggling a full time job. It is clear to all of us that It was not easy, there must’ve been a lot of stressful days, headaches and many sleepless nights because twenty-four hour’s worth, were never enough to tend to all these hungry, hyper and crying children. Not a single obstacle ever defeated such intact and solid warrior. 

Something else that came up, was my mother’s disciplining techniques which needless to say, it never dawned on us, why she approached our ‘innocent’ mischiefs and our little white lies with such ‘harsh’ hand. Thinking about it now, it wasn’t so bad. I can’t help but smile at her most effective strategy to straighten us up. A single glance at it made us all shiver and immediately comply to the rules of our crowded but sweet and cozy home. 

That tradition has carried on in the Latino culture since way before my great grannny was born due to its magical and instant powers.That ritual has been so effective that my sister put it into practice with her eight year old son and her eleven year old daughter when things got a little out of hand. Sometimes commands can go unheard twenty times until they have pushed her buttons too far, like in any family raising children.That’s where this superb tactic comes into play and turns everything and everyone into normality without a problem. It gives me a sense of being in the military! 

I last witnessed the dexterity of this wonderful tool last summer when the three of them were visiting. At the end of each day, my worn out sister couldn’t utter a single order, and at some point, she came close to giving in to their will...or so, the kids and I were being tricked. Just when they thought they had reached victory, this magnificent object jumped in the picture and those little bundles of terror locked eyes with her, then with me, they looked at each other incredulously, their eye balls about to pop out and jaws on the floor. The very next second, those marvelous powers knocked them off and not a single creature on earth breathed. 

I was not about to interfere because they asked for it. LOL! Plus, I had a chance to bring back those moments of ‘torture’ when I disobeyed my mother. She always found a cure for everything.
When I got feisty with my siblings, all my mother had to do, was reach out for it, and problem solved.
When I refused to eat my veggies, and ‘discreetly’ spit them out on a napkin, when I turned the other way, there it was staring right at me. If looks could’ve killed, I would’ve been eliminated right there and then!
When I got bad grades, it gave my mother the solution to force me to pump them up.
When I cursed, she found the perfect solution to stop such blasphemy.
When I broke my curfew and was convinced I had tricked my mother, the minute I stepped into the house, there it was waiting for me.
When things got a bit steamy with my main squeeze, this was the quickest remedy to cool things down. 
Every time I lay down hoping that the house chores would lessen, it automatically got me on my feet to do it.

No single act of misconduct has ever been a tough opponent for la chancla. 

Even now when I station myself and refuse to write, work out, pray, eat clean, do volunteer work, read, etc., the minute I see the wonderful chancla looking right at me, a bout of energy sprouts right away. 

So for all those who think I am incredibly disciplined, my biggest factor is the wonderful chancla! 
Only my Mexican, Latino and Hispanic friends are truly acquainted with it and would completely understand why I tend to be the most 'perfect' imperfectionist.

The secret unveiled of why Hispanic children are so well behaved is... la chancla.

“The secret is... the Hispanic culture which emphasizes boundaries, developmental growth, and a traditional technique known as la chancla (la cha-n klah). 
For centuries, the secret of la chancla has helped millions of Latino moms, focus attention to each child’s unique needs, instill values, fairness and a fair play, encourage healthy eating habits. Learn, the discipline required to excel in academics, moral reasoning.
la chancla can help every parent master a truly hands off parenting style.”

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