Thursday, April 11, 2013

Bimbo vs. Bimbo

Bimbo vs. Bimbo
April 11, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

Bimbo 1:
According to the online thesaurus, ‘bimbo,’ is the equivalent of babe, boll, chick, girl. Another website states the following: 
“Bimbo is a term that emerged in popular English language usage in the late 20th Century to describe a stupid, pliable woman. This term began as early as 1919. For instance, in the silent film, Desert Nights, it describes a cheap female crook as a bimbo. 

This word derives from the Italian bimbo, a word of masculine gender that means (male) baby or very young (male) child (its feminine equivalent is bimba). Its first usage in English was for stupid men; it now is understood to mean a woman unless modified as male bimbo, himbo, or mimbo. Some still prefer the explicitly female variant bimbette. Others use bimbette for a younger bimbo. 

A bimbo isn't necessarily highly sexually attractive. Being a bimbo is a state of mind, and reflects a person who exaggerates the effort and value put into her physical attractiveness. She is often perceived to be shallowly focusing on her physical appearance and neglecting or even willfully stifling the development of other parts of her personality.

An older comedy archetype of perhaps more direct resemblance to the bimbo is the dumb blonde.”

Bimbo 2:
Why would someone name a brand of bread bimbo?
Does it mean that if someone eats that brand they become more stupid, docile, air-headed, cheap, or shallow? At last all the answers are being clarified! That must be why the more I eat Pan Bimbo, the less familiar I become with sense of direction. Every bite I take, north always ends up leaping away from its original place and further away from me! Just when I thought I had narrowed down north, east south, west, and north west! Could that be the factor of why my math skills are attenuating? Bimbo bread and inflation combined are to blame that I can NEVER come up with the right cyphers when filling in my invoices and adding all the taxes (I. V. A. - impuesto del valor agregado, I. E. T. U. - impuesto especial de tasa unica,  I. S. R. - impuesto sobre la renta), and other taxes. Packing down so many slices of that marvelous Bimbo are blocking my brain from all technology matters. A-ha! That darn Bimbo is the culprit keeping me away from my physical goal. Yeap! I have found the long-awaited answer to why I always seem to be scratching 85% physically! It ain’t the 1,000 times I've had Alfredo, it ain’t the daily cokes I have when I am going through a stressful crisis, it ain’t the fifteen tortillas I have within a week! It is that Bimbo, Bimbo, Bimbo!

The Pan Bimbo doubt was ingrown in my mind about three weeks ago when two blonde friends of mine, (a Canadian and an Estonian American), asked me when we were having dinner. 100% of the population in Mexico eats Pan Bimbo but nobody knows the history behind the name. I always want to know it all, only this time I failed...

Until right before I started writing.  According to a source, this brand first originated in 1943 . The founders of this bread company were trying to decide what name to use. They finally chose Bimbo after combining the words ‘Bingo,’ the game, and ‘Bambi,’ the Disney movie. Some time later, the founders discovered its Italian meaning: bambino is a synonym of child, and bimbo is a colloquial usage which comes from Hungarian, bimbo = rose bud.

As far as their symbolizing bear, it was adopted on July 4, 1945, when Mr. Jaime Jorba, one of its founders received a Christmas card in which Anita Mata, who was married to Jamime Sendra, one of the co founders, put the hat and the apron on, and the bread under his arm. Mr. Velasco, another one of the co founders fixed the bears nose, giving life to the emblematic Osito Bimbo.

I am going to have a delicious slice of Bimbo toast right now! Yummy!


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