Tuesday, May 31, 2016


May 31st, 20116

ALWAYS choose right OVER wrong!
STRIVE FOR transparency and freedom in HEART, MIND, SOUL, AND SPIRIT with all your MIGHT!
With a  STOUT HEART LOOK tomorrow in the eye

Do I really believe?
·       That no fear or darkness can trump hope?
·       That I will see online casino bigger and better things?
·       That everything is in God’s hands and He is triumphant?
·       That everything is redeemable?
·       That Jesus can cure me, along with my family members and friends?
·       That my circumstances are IDEAL?
·       That God cares  more than I do about that person who seems like a lost cause?
·       That someone so “weak” can be the Messiah?
·       That God is stronger than the weakness in myself and others?
·       That such great and wondrous things can be entrusted to me, and to all mankind?
·       That problems are”t really between myself and “that really annoying person,” it’s between me and God?
·       That what is going on inside me (growth, communion with God, virtue) is more important than what’s going on outside of me (trials, etc.)
·       That death has been conquered?
·       That “neither the present nor the future will be able to separate us from the love of God” (Rm 8:38-39)
Let us all pray for the gift of Faith

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