Sunday, November 30, 2014

Practice what I preach

Practice what I preach
Reglas y Herramientas que Forman a Las Mujeres Exitosas
November 30th, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

I don’t even come close to being successful...but I try every day by following the less travelled road. My daily aim is to thrive higher, be a better person and challenge myself professionally, spiritually, personally, mentally, intellectually, financially, (unfortunately not physically at this time).

On November 21st, I was invited to do a radio segment about HERspectives, Rules and Tools that Build Successful Women - How to Achieve Balance, on Simplemente Adriana 105.9 radio. First, I was flabbergasted and joyful after reflecting thoroughly very briefly. After I talked to grandpa Hal on the phone, I felt very fortunate and proud of how far I've gone. Grandpa always reiterates that I should be more than content for how much I’ve accomplished. He always gets amazed at how all the traces of the insecure and non-achieving young woman have faded.

There was a period and place in life where I was only going with the flow, divagating, waiting to see what direction the wind blew and get dragged wherever the breeze took me.
Years later, given particular circumstances, I was forced to wake up and smell the coffee. At that point all my childhood dreams turned into passion, all my passions turned into reality, my verdict that reveals my essence and proves that obstacles are nothing but tiny matters. Yet, I didn’t foresee how difficult life would be, how many stumbling blocks would lie ahead

When I was undergoing that ‘unfortunate’ period, perhaps one of the most difficult moments ever, I didn’t see the good of it all. Back then, I was oblivious to see that God has a plan for everyone and everybody at the right time and place. I neglected to see that blessings and good opportunities are disguised as tragedies and it is our sole duty to make the best out of every and any hindrance we are obstructed with.

That’s why I started practicing and preaching this bible verse,
“Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
Matthew 7:7

When people ask me, “how were you invited to give radio segments, or or did you get to be co-author, or how did you learn to give all kinds of training, or know so much about health and fitness?” Some think that things have been served on a silver platter, but reality is otherwise. I have asked and it has been given to me, but I have played my part and abided by that.

I have knocked on many doors, I have sought for people who share the same principles and surrounded myself with positive people; at the same time I have propelled myself to set goals and actually accomplish them. Every year I set objectives because someday I want to leave a legacy for my daughter Victoria and my son Victor A.
I want to teach them morals, values, ethics, and to practice what my dear husband and I preach...our principles, our ABC’s.

Today, I am very pleased with where I am spiritually, financially, personally, intellectually and emotionally because I have taught and disciplined myself to do the things I advise other people to do even when I fail...

All through this day, O Lord, let me touch as many lives as possible for You - through the words I speak, the prayers I praise and breathe, the letters and words I write, and the life I live.
Luke 5:10

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