Sunday, September 28, 2014

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano
September 28, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

A healthy mind in a healthy body, June 28, 2014

Mente Sana en Cuerpo Sano, June 28, 2014

‘From day one in this journey of mine, I was gifted with a faithful companion who’s been the only one who’s stood by me through ups and downs, good and bad, black and white, rough and smooth...
He is the most loyal and everlasting companionship who has withstood all the strain it’s been through since the kick off. 

He has crawled, walked, jogged, ran, sprinted, surged, climbed, hiked, hurdled, he’s been temporarily bent but never completely broken, he’s prevailed amidst multiple injuries, (a fatal accident that put a halt to my running career, which later led to a surgery, and then an excruciating fall into a sewer). My engine was fabricated to come forth against all odds and to create through love and hope.

The immaculate temple I was given, has remained resilient all these years from the point of departure as it has a purpose to fulfill - alpha, A. K. A., Victoria Esperanza. When I’ve finally accomplished another one of my long-sought victories and purposes, I may slow down, at this time my sanctuary is not quite ready to succumb to life’s setbacks...’

For this utmost important reason, and due to the non subsiding throbbing and bothersome pain, on Thursday September 25, I went to get my operated knee checked once again. I’d been avoiding it for a long time in virtue of the fear of the outcome. I was daunted by the thought of the doctor’s affirmation, that I would need another surgery and that running was out of the question forever.

The outcome was a lot more positive than what I foresaw all these months. According to him, I, for a fact will be able to slowly integrate running within a six month period after I have completed the treatment (5 shots on my knee within a 5-week period, spaced one week apart). I will have to modify my physical activity and prolonged weight-bearing activities for 48 hours post injection. These injections (Gel injections to for joint knee pain) supplement the fluid on the knees to lubricate and cushion the joint.

This news was very adrenalizing and motivating, and on the grounds of this joy, I will take better care of my body. Now that I’ve become acquainted with not being in shape and aware that real beauty is much more than meets the eye and how symmetric the face and body are, inner beauty is what counts! Someone with outer beauty can be momentarily captivating to the eye, but someone who beholds inner beauty, is soul captivating forever.

Since I’ve been recovering, I’ve learned to capture beauty in its purest form, through my temple’s strength and for what it is capable of creating. When I truly allowed myself to let go and stop searching for superficial beauty, I was able to find it within and I was changed for good. I have always known that beauty is not in the perfect outfit, the perfect shoes, the perfect makeup, the perfect pose, the perfect smile, the perfect jewelry, the perfect nails. But I was oblivious that raw beauty is in life itself and the gifts we were granted, in the daily happenings we encounter everywhere. In the beauty of a wholesome mind, body and soul (not in the size or volume of my butt and boobs), and how my body, mind and soul remain effervescent when they are nurtured with the proper fuel...

Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano.
fortem posce animum mortis terrore carentem,
qui spatium vitae extremum inter munera ponat
naturae, qui ferre queat quoscumque labores,
nesciat irasci, cupiat nihil et potiores
Herculis aerumnas credat saevosque labores
et venere et cenis et pluma Sardanapalli.
monstro quod ipse tibi possis dare; semita certe
tranquillae per virtutem patet unica vitae.
–Roman poet Juvenal (10.356-64)

You should pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Ask for a stout heart that has no fear of death,
and deems length of days the least of Nature's gifts
that can endure any kind of toil,
that knows neither wrath nor desire and thinks
the woes and hard labors of Hercules better than
the loves and banquets and downy cushions of Sardanapalus.
What I commend to you, you can give to yourself;
For assuredly, the only road to a life of peace is virtue.

Se debe orar a los dioses que nos concedan una mente sana en un cuerpo sano.
Pedir un alma fuerte que carezca de miedo a la muerte,
que considere el espacio de vida restante entre los regalos de la naturaleza
que pueda soportar cualquier clase de esfuerzos,
que no sepa de ira, y esté libre de deseos
y crea que las adversidades y los trabajos terribles de Hércules son mejores que las satisfacciones, la fastuosa cena y la cama placentera de plumas de Sardanápalo.
Te muestro lo que tú mismo puedes darte, con certeza de que la virtud es la única senda para una vida tranquila.

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