Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The risks of overweight and obesity

The risks of overweight and obesity
Broadcasted live on Thursday July 24, 2014
August 6, 2014
By Gina Yoryet Roman

On March 29, 2011, my sister and I, were invited as contributing authors to write about the Impact of Physical Inactivity. Back then, I was very predetermined because I was injury free (or I made myself believe that it was), and my fitness level was soaring, getting closer to its best ever.

Running Ahead: The Impact of Physical Inactivity
Gina Yoryet Román with the contribution of Tamar Roman-Jorgensen
Research done for California State University of Sacramento
Original investigation and written date: March 29, 2011

The miraculous anatomy of the human body unlike any other species is designed for complex daily physical activities. The multiple and often simultaneous physiological responses that take place in response to physical activity affect virtually all the body’s systems in a favorable way. In fact, many research studies have found conclusive evidence that being physically active has substantial physical as well as psychological benefits (U.S Department of Health and Human Services [USDHHS], 2008, Healthy People 2010 [HP 2010]).

Two years later, I still can’t pull through this injury, this NEVER ending hiatus that is taking the best of me and sometimes I am unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel. At times I want to wake up tomorrow and get in sync with life sans pain. Unfortunately at this moment, I am unbeknownst to that but I am determined to get there whatever it takes!

Especially now that after deeply reflecting, I decided to take a break from the gym and work out at home and/or look for other low-intensity physical activities such as walking. And so I have, amidst my physical and emotional turmoil...

As much as my deceitful mind and my ready to drop body indicate me to stay home and be sluggish, I ponder about this:
in fact, many research studies have found conclusive evidence that being physically active has substantial physical as well as psychological benefits

I’ve managed to do power walks. I’ve been spending a substantial amount of time with my nephews and with their doggie so between the three of them, it’s been nonstop the last seven days.

In addition to thinking about the benefits of being physically active, I also think about the negative impact of overweight and obesity, which I discussed on the radio talk I was broadcasted on Simplemente Adriana, 105.9 FM, on Thursday July 24, 2014.

The Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity
Research has shown that as people become "overweight" and "obese,"* their risk for developing the following conditions increases:1
Coronary heart disease
Type 2 diabetes
Cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
Liver and Gallbladder disease
Sleep apnea and breathing problems
Osteoarthritis (a breakdown of cartilage and bone within a joint)
Gynecological problems (abnormal periods, infertility)

I am constantly daunted by these health issues, that’s why since my early health and fitness career, when I was fifteen or sixteen, I have had a daily face off with them for the sake of another one of my victories - to be healthy, and in order to change my life and that of others.

I only pray God to give me physical and emotional strength to stay put...

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