August 8, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
This is a VERY true verdict |
Towards the end of July, when I last stepped on the scale, I was exactly 106 pounds and a few trousers that still fit me but made my muffin top spill, fit very loose now. All through June and at the beginning of July, I was mortified and very displeased (and depressed because this long-term injury has invalided me from all high-rendering routines whatsoever) after finding out that my weight had soared to 112 pounds. 112 may sound very light to the majority of the population worldwide, but I have to bear in mind that I am only 5’2. Although according to the BMI (Body Mass Index chart), someone at 5’2 would have to be between 108-149 pounds.
Anything over 112 is out of control for me, I cannot handle a lot of anything. I have always lived by the principle of too much of anything invades me with anxiety and stress. This doctrine includes weight.
That’s why despite my deterring, (yet temporary) impairment, I predetermined myself to shed off some stubborn pounds. Realistically speaking and without pressuring my body, I tackled that daunting issue and looked for a few possible alternatives to reach my goal , the same way I did when I decided to become a professional runner, or when I became interested in modeling and I achieved it, in the same manner I became a fitness authority, and I have held that title for many years now, and last but not least, when I reached one of my long-sought victories after telling two people ten years ago that I wanted to write a book. It sure took me long but I prevailed. I FINALLY co-authored a book (this is the landmark for a few more to come). That achievement was one of my childhood dreams turned into passion, a passion diverted into reality. A verdict that reveals my essence and proves that obstacles are nothing but tiny matters.
I am sure put off by all the hampering interruptions in this cajoling circle of life, the same way I am terrified by eating vegetables and being disciplined because I have NEVER liked veggies so at times it can be really hard to remain disciplined.
The last few weeks though, I have had to re-modify my nutrition and that’s what’s kept the pounds off. I’ve learned that as long as I fill my fridge with good food, my tummy will be satisfied with a transparent diet. That has avoided me from buying junk at the super market the last couple of days that I’ve gone grocery shopping. I love it!
BUT before I go on with clean eating! I am going to get my hands on a few taquitos because I have not had ANY Mexican food since July 30, and I won’t have any until after the 18. SO! delicious taquitos, hold on tight because here I come!!
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