Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Don’t ask “Why Me?”

Don’t ask “Why Me?”
Ask what’s the reasoning beneath it all?
August 15, 2017
By: Gina Yoryet Román

A couple weeks ago, in May to be more precise, I was put through an unfathomable trial which led me to believe that I would not pull through.  Earlier this month I encountered a series of occurrences that didn´t bestow me from fully appreciating the endowment of life. Only until I started praying more devoutly, and doing some serious self-talk, was I able to get myself together.

I then turned to an infallible tactic that I´ve used since early adolescence. I wrote down the following questions in my diary: "Why is this happening? Why at this time? I know it is happening for a reason. Perhaps to entice me to grow as a spiritual human being. What´s the reasoning underneath it all? What is lying ahead?"
This helps me get the grasp that turmoil is a blessing in disguise only if and when we take the best from each event and make magic with it for the Glory of heaven. Based on my prayers, God manifested himself to me very clearly and I was able to figure out why I went through that situation in May. 

Since I´ve been Reading a book about spiritual health and listening to podcasts about encouragement (faith) and the meaning of life, I´ve been more blithe about why things happen. Every time something comes my way, I am very attentive as to how and when each event is developed.
Once I get the full scope, I agonize momentarily. Once I´ve taken a few days to purge my mind and spirit, I hypothesize and I am eventually able to come to the conclusion of why this, why now, why me. But more so, I am able to accept that not every change is bad and God knows exactly what I need at the right moment.

As I speak about transformation, I read this enticing article yesterday on this website:

Michael Hyatt

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

An Unstoppable Force

An Unstoppable Force
Women CAN Have it All –
Not everything at Once
August 8, 2017
By: Gina Yoryet Román

On an article written on July 3, 2014, Moira Forbes touches a very sensitive topic for women. She recounts Indra Nooyi, Pepsi’s CEO’s own narrative about the indecipherable work, life balance puzzle that most women find almost inconceivable to solve.

According to Indra Nooyi, here´s why women can´t have it all.

She couldn’t have been more assertive about this controversial topic. Unfortunately, women are indeed at disadvantage with the never-ending vicissitudes of life because of our nature. Sadly, women are put through a series of emotionally and physically staggering obligations throughout their life span: marriage, children, and the time and effort put into relationships. Considering all the aforementioned marriage is some sort of business between two parties who have to keep the reserve from going dry in this joint agreement, and for each party to get their according rate of return. For those women who come from traditional and very close-knit families, we have to always keep our aging parents in mind. Parents play a huge financial responsibility of a certain number of generation x women. Marriages before procreated an average of 5 to 9 children, perhaps more. Many parents didn’t visualize their financial future since their many children (in particular women)were accountable for exchanging roles as they aged;

In addition to the personal aspect, society holds high standards from women, so life, work balance cannot be attained without integrating the most fundamental factors to remain emotionally and physically resilient.


Albeit life’s stumbling blocks, we are able to multitask even if “I,” may be put on the back burner. That should never be allowed, as it can be very detrimental to our mental health.

According to Indra Nooyi, women cannot have it all. Nevertheless, nowadays there is clear indication that women can find the long-sought balance, if we have a strong voice to express our own needs to our families, our society, and to the people surrounding us in pursuance of finding support to help us get there.

Women in the workforce add more weight to their existence with the highly demanding and thriving workforce. With these factors in hand, we cannot help feel guilt when we are somewhat absent from our children’s daily activities. Despite all of that, women can indeed have it all, perhaps some chapters of their own books have to be put on hold momentarily, but when we bounce back, we come back stronger than before! Family has to be our number one priority, but even with this huge part of us, women are an unstoppable workforce without a doubt!

The 5 balls of life:

Coca-Cola’s ex-CEO Bryan Dyson’s speech on love, work, family and friendship

[…] Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them work, family, health, friends and spirit. And you’re keeping all of these in the air.
You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls – family, health, friends and spirit – are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for balance in your life.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Time Travel Dietician: This Is Why Eating Healthy Is Hard

August 3, 2017

This is a funny video I found on youtube!
It is true though. People were much healthier before, they had better skin, they lived longer. Nowadays everything is so altered, everything we consume is modified somehow, our nature is violated with the progression of technology, pollution and other factors.