Sunday, January 29, 2017

10 Golden Rules to Live By

If only every human in the world played by these rules, there would be more transparency, more honesty, more joy, more respect, more freedom, more brotherhood, less crime, less pain, less violence, less destruction, less doubt, less betrayals, less trials. These rules that I found on upgradereality are an illusion I hold highly in my heart. Perhaps I shall not live to bear witness of a new world. Despite that, I know that there is hope deep down in my heart. 

1 – Do unto others as you want others to do to you.
2 – Treasure your body for it is the vessel that guides you through your life.
3 – Be honest and always tell the truth
4 – Success requires hard work, persistence and a little creativity.
5 – Make a difference to a least one other person’s life.
6 – Admit when you’re wrong and apologize.
7 – You can learn something from everyone.
8 – Don’t be scared, go through life as fearlessly as possible.
9 – Smile and laugh every single day.
10 – Count your blessings and be thankful for all the good things in your life.

"The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off." 

~ Gloria Steinem ~

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