Sunday, February 22, 2015

Getting a little crazy

Getting a little crazy
February 22, 2015
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

“We’re NEVER going to survive unless we get a little crazy”

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re NOT fond of rules. And they have NO respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you CAN’T Do is ignore them. Because they CHANGE things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”

Walter Isaacson narrates Steve Jobs statements very explicitly in the above paragraph. Early Saturday, while  skimming through Steve Job’s biography before I gave it away, I came across these wise lines. I despise giving away my priceless books but realistically, I won’t be able to take every single bit of me when I make my next life-changing move. Anyhow, I am certain that the book will be in good hands...

When I lie awake at night, my mind takes me to the next chapter of my life. One of my most consuming thoughts is how I will revolutionize my career. Ways of how I will not only continue juggling my multiple roles, BUT first and foremost, ask for guidance, dig deeper within, explore and make magic with the gifts I was given in order for me to get to the bottom of my purpose through my passions. Through these passions, I will find many long-sought answers that will reveal my ulterior motive sooner rather than later.

As I embrace this new spiritual, emotional, personal physical, professional and
financial vicissitude (successive, alternating, or changing phases or conditions, as of life or fortune; ups and downs), this inner revolution, I look back and picture the timid and fearful little girl that was always subdued by the tiny obstacles lying ahead. Yet, what she ignored was that all those hurdles were nothing but hindrances fabricated by her cajoling mind. The little girl who at a very young age blurted out her first words in English, “the cat coffee,” as opposed to the brown cat. The innocent and naive creature who was always skeptical to get out of her comfort zone.

The little girl who then became a young woman who was still afraid but became adventurous. The teenage girl who wanted to delve into life’s mysteries. The adolescent who embraced womanhood and started defeating all her consternations even when life wreaked havoc.

That damsel turned into a brave, resilient unassailable, assertive and obstinate warrior when she decided to get just a little crazy and unleash her maximum potential. The transparent woman that as a human being, fails day by day, yet bounces right back and NEVER gives up. Because deep down, she believes that by getting a little crazy, she can make a positive change not only in her life, but in that of others.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

To my Valentino

Dear Valentino,

I want to grow old with you, my body yearns for your body day and night. I want us to think alike to be more patient and understanding of each other’s needs, desires, fantasies, dreams, and goals.
We read each others minds. We know what the other wants without asking. Sometimes we may irritate each other a little bit. Maybe sometimes we will take each other for granted but our love, honesty and patience, will make our bond grow stronger day by day.
But once in awhile, like today, I meditate on it and realize how lucky I am to share my life with the GREATEST man I have ever met.
You will always fascinate and inspire me. You influence me for the better. You're the object of my desire, the number 1 Earthly reason for my existence.


Friday, February 13, 2015

Eighty twenty

February 13, 2015
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

I NEVER realized the amazing results of abiding by a transparent and healthy diet until I actually tried it. Since the second week of January I finally got myself together and made the transition to integrate veggies at least four days a week. I set a goal to eat tasty greens almost every day, and so it’s happened! At last I know that I don’t have to kill myself at the gym, especially now that my knee has not fully recovered. Power walking, stretching, and a little ab work have kept me in shape since I have not been able to run. They say, anything in excess doesn’t suit your body too well. Post surgery I worked out like crazy and always ate whatever I could get my hands on, junk food, sweets, potato chips, without any consideration of my temple’s needs. Until this year when I had to really step up and make a positive change to make my engine more resilient. I always think of my body like a new car; a brand new vehicle works just fine, it is clean, everything runs very smoothly until it starts being used. Everything starts wearing out, the same thing with the human body. We are born with an unscathed operating system until we slowly nourish it with filth. Our body starts malfunctioning due to all the excesses. Through a desperate cry, it manifests the abuse we put it through until it can no longer move forward.

That is exactly what happened to me, I found out that my body was undergoing through a lack of iron, vitamin B and folic acid, which means that I had a low defense level. After reading how I can correct this problem, I found out that having a clean diet; vegetables, fruit, a vitamin c filled diet, can help me correct this problem. So that is what I will do, follow and keep in mind that 80/20 is NOTHING but the truth. 20% exercise, 80% diet is what keeps our body more supple. Now I don’t have a choice BUT to include veggies every day even when I don’t feel like having them. Being disciplined can be hard but small things like that make a huge difference, I can see it in my midriff and I am feeling good and energized!