Chronicles of a dog owner
Part I
September 15, 2011
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
Cleaning up poop, pee, hair all over, picking up destroyed plants, chewed toys, shoes and anything visible and chasing after two little tiny bundles of terror who wake me up at the crack of dawn to play or because they are hungry, is now part of my daily routine. When I open my curtain half asleep to check on Brunito and Pelusita, I question myself, “whatever happened to roosters people used as a wake up call in small towns in Mexico and alarm clocks?”, now I have two doggies that wake me up even earlier!. I want to give them a good spank but after looking at those adorable faces staring back at me…maybe not. I’ll hug them and pet them instead.
Being a pet owner, (especially having recent new borns), is not easy at all because it is just like having a real baby. Pets are very demanding little creatures but it is ok because everything has a price and if we want it, we have to pay it’s worth.
All the laughs for the cute things they do are priceless, plus now there is no excuse to skip my walk.
Owning two dogs has increased my love for the animal kind and it’s helped me understand why one of my closest friends always picks up every stray dog she finds…
Part II
Diary of a man’s best friend – a loyal canine
Week 1: I am only a week old. What joy to have come to this world!
Month 1: My mother takes real good care of me, she’s an amazing mother!
Month 4: I’ve grown very quickly, everything gets my attention! There are a few children in the house that are like my siblings. We are all very hyper and we have a ton of fun monkeying around on the floor and they pull my little tail as I pretend to bite them tenderly.
Month 5: My owner got very annoyed and nagged at me because I peed inside the house but I was never told where to do it.
On top of that, I live in a tiny room and I couldn’t hold it anymore!
Month 8: I am a very happy dog! I have a comfortable and cozy home. I feel very strong and protected. My human family loves me and I am allowed to do many things. When they are having a meal I hop on their lap and they are always glad to throw me a bite. I love the beautiful garden and I can dig just like my ancestors, the wolves.
Month 12: It is my first birthday today, farewell to my puppy moments! I heard my owners saying that I grew a lot more than expected. I walked around the house all day sticking my chest out.
Month 13: I was a nervous wreck today! My little brother took my ball. I was very irritated because I never grab anyone’s toys! So I tried to fight it back but my Jaws have gotten so sharp and strong that I hurt him unintentionally.
It was very heartbreaking to see him crying and screaming but I didn’t mean to.
After the shock I was chained down so tightly that I could hardly move.
I was isolated for… I lost track of time. The sweltering heat was very intense and there wasn’t any water around to get hydrated.
I heard my family saying a lot of things, they even said that they’d be watching me or something like I’m very ungrateful. Am I missing out on something?
Month 15: Things have changed. Now I live on the roof and I am very lonesome. I don’t know why my family doesn’t love me anymore. Sometimes they forget to give me water and feed me. I don’t have a nice and cozy room all to myself anymore.
Month 16: Today they came and got me from the roof! I was thrilled that they had forgiven me and I was hopping in joy wagging my tail like never before.
They are even going to take me for a ride! I got on the car waiting restlessly to see where they were taking me. I really feel like running and playing with my family. As we pulled over, they opened the door and I stormed out radiant in happinness!
“Wait!” I screamed “You are forgetting me!” I ran after the car with all my strength scared and panting breathlessly.
I soon grew exhausted and gave up, I could see the car getting smaller and smaller until it vanished completely. It finally dawned on me that they had abandoned me.
Month 17: I’ve tried to find my way home at no avail. I neglected to accept that I was all alone and lost in this universe. Sometimes I bump into a few good people who gaze at me with pity and…
And they throw me a small treat. I look at them back with gratitude and I wish…
If only I could blurt out many things, I want to beg them to adopt me and that I promise to be the most loyal friend they will ever have but I just can’t. I feel so powerless. What rage I feel! I am in desperate need for love and affection, it’d be so nice if they reached down and petted me but they only say, “poor doggie, he must have gotten lost!” as they leave me there, all sad, lost and in despair.
Month 18: The other day when I went past a school, I saw lots of children like my previous brothers. As I approached them one of them started throwing rocks at me. “Let’s see who can hit right on the target!” They said to one another. One of the rocks got me right on the eye blinding me. I can no longer see with my left eye.
Month 19: Hardly anyone now comes close to me. Perhaps because I am no longer a cute little pup. I’ve lost so much weight that I now look punny, I lost my left eye. A much bigger and stronger dog bit me when I was trying to eat. It’s been a while since anyone has brushed my hair. People don’t even pet me anymore, I only get hit with the broom stick when I try to look for shelter and get some sleep.
Month 20: I can barely move now. Today I tried to cross the road and I got hit by a car. For a second I thought I was in a safe place…
I’ll never forget the evil look of the driver. He even swirved and aimed right at me to make sure he ran me over. It would’ve been better if he had killed me but NOOOH! He only dislocated my back. The pain is terrible. My back feet were paralyzed. I could barely drag myself to the side of the street where I could lie on the dry leaves.
10 days later: It’s been ten days since I’ve been lying here starving rain or shine. I cannot move at all, the pain is unbearable.
I’m lying on a puddle of mud…
There was an endless rain and hail storm andit damaged my hair – it is now falling out.
Some passersby don’t even turn to look at me, others scream at me, “don’t come near me!” Do they realize that I can¿t even move?
I’ve lost track of time: I am unaware as to how many days, weeks, months have gone by, all I felt was this divine powerful force that impulsed me to open my eyes. A very sweet woman was telling me, “poor doggie, look at you, I can’t believe how someone could be so cruel to leave you on your own!” Right beside her was a plump man wearing a white coat, he started feeling my pulse and told her, “I am truly sorry Ma’am but we don’t have another option, it will be better off if he stops suffering.” She was on the verge of tears and nodded in agreement. I tried as hard as I could and wagged my tail to this angel in appreciation. I was very thankful because at last someone was so willing to help me ease my pain and help me rest forever. I felt the sharp prick of the injection as I closed my eyes and she caressed my head, I thought, “what was my purpose in this world if nobody was going to truly love me?
I love this post! it is so true.
You are a great writer!
I like dogs but I can't stand them for more than a couple of hours because then they start to break things and become crazy, that's why I have never had a pet.
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