I’ve developed a serious addiction…
September 27, 2011
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
“What can I do to lose the flab on my arms? I need to get rid of my double chin! How can I tone up my legs and thighs without getting too muscular? I’ve got a wedding coming up in a few weeks, how can I say farewell to my love handles? What is the best workout for me? How can I improve my posture? What exercise routine would better fit me? I’ve tried every single diet out there but not a single one seems to work. It is a piece of cake for you because you are genetically thin.”
Day after day I get bombarded with Health and Fitness questions to help women lose weight, yet more important, to keep it off. What they don’t understand most of the time though is that it is a lifetime struggle with “I,” disciplining our stubborn self to control all those crazy demanding cravings, to watch what we put in our mouth and to eat when we are sincerely hungry not when we make ourselves believe that we are.
As much as I advise many women NOT to do mindless, emotional, compulsive and unecessary eating, Yoryet is always the first in line to disobey Gina’s own rules.
I get so frustrated when I do not practice what I preach.
Failure always gets the best of me and I fall into PANIC mode and the unexpected happens…
The last couple of months I’ve caught myself doing exaggerated eating; doughnuts, potato chips, chocolate filled croissants, cookies, any type of bread and tons of other junk.
Believe it or not the frequency of those moments is increasing and
although sometimes I feel like I’m superwoman and that my body can withstand all the strain, getting up at the crack of dawn has started taking a toll on my restless body, mind and my soul.
Those moments of out of control cravings are a way of protesting, I guess my body is seriously thinking about going on strike.
Another thing I’ve noticed, is the dark bags underneath my eyes which I thought I may be overreacting but no, last week it wasn’t a coincidence, three days in a row I saw three friends on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and they all agreed in their realization.
The first thing they implied was that I looked very tired, that I need to wake up and smell the coffee and slow down and not do so much…
Although it wasn’t news to me, it was unexpected.
They are right though, my body needs a break. But there is always so much to do and it leads to frustration when I cannot do more.
During those moments time seems very limited and I’m trying to juggle a milion activities within a 24 hour window frame, then it gets overwhelming soon turning into anxiety like two weeks ago I was getting my period and I failed a project so I sheltered myself in food. I ate FIVE chocolate stuffed croissants in 48 hours!!
At last I admit that any type of bread is my downfall since I always end up indulging myself uncontrollably that is why in a way I can relate to drug addicts or alcoholics when their body demands a substance. The more goes in, the deeper they fall into the addiction. Pressue gets the best of me and I look for momentary pleasure and comfort in that exquisite taste.
I’ve developed this co-dependency for sweets. I recall when I stopped eating meat, it was not a big issue at all but bread…
I COULD KILL for it!
Each time I put on a diet plan and exercise routine together for my clients I feel like I am failing them. For example yesterday I got together with a client to go over her health and fitness plan. This question kept lingering in my mind. How can I indicate them what to strictly avoid if they want to reach their goal?
And although my fitness profile says,
“Gina Roman is a professional model and fitness trainer with extensive body sculpting experience. Her unique approach addresses both the physical and psycological barriers to weight loss. As a fitness expert, Gina helps women lose weight and get into the sexiest shape of their lives."
I’ve never thought of myself as a model because to me models are like WOOOW!! The most beautiful creatures on earth. Their skin is flawless, they NEVER have a bad hair day and much less a fat day. They make clothes look good, they are so up to date in fashion matters, they got it going on when they walk in heels, their makeup, nails, everything is intact. Gina Yoryet doesn’t even come close to that. My nails are a mess, most of the time my hair is held up in a bun and fashion matters? They’re none existent. That high-maintenance woman crap bores me to death.
It is not my intent to look like them though – I am very content with the bagagge I was thrown into this world. (NOT with the monster I turn into when I don’t eat at “my right times” or when I don’t work out. LOL!)
The fact of my thorough care with health boils down to my human nature and to other factors.
Sometimes people may think (some have actually told me this) that I am obssessed with my weight but they don’t understand the depth and nature of my work.
One thing I am proud to say is that I have NEVER gone on a diet, not a single day of my life. I’ve always been very skeptical about diets, diet pills, suplements…
All of that is just a mirage of what the subconscious mind wants to believe
For the most part though, I am loyal to a healthy and balanced diet I can work around my addiction with bread and still manage to pull off a healthy figure.
Last week I did much better, I only had two croissants and two “conchas” (shell shaped bread). Thank God I’ve never suffered from anorexia, bulimia, vigorexia, orthorexia, permarexia or anything of that sort because food is too good to spit back out.
Many people may be a bit skeptical and ignore many things as well.
They don’t know (and they think I’m lying) that as a child and most of my adolescence I was a very insecure creature because of…
Weight problems.
They neglect to understand that there is a HUGE abyss between dieting momentarily, adopting healthy habits and making health and fitness a lifestyle.
They seem to ignore that every day is a new battle and we are our own biggest obstacle.
They seem to not get a grip on the fact that once they lose the weight, it will stay off forever.
They neglect to accept that things DON’T come easy at all to me. I work just as hard or perhaps even harder to reach my fitness goals since I DIDN’T grow up in a healthy environment and the fact that I have to put out through these LONG days. From the second I get up, I go, go go nostop.
One of the first things that people always assume is that I’ve had at least two or three surgeries. I always have fun with that because I really don’t think it’s necessary just yet. The only thing I’ve added to my body was my tattos.
What many are far from understanding is that my mission is to only guide women get motivated and lead a happy and healthy lifestyle. I’m helping them to challenge themselves and be a living proof that we can juggle a million activities and still manage to stay fit. My only interest is to encourage them to work with the tools they have, to get to know their temple more and take advantage of their strength.