Monday February 7, 2011
Last weekend I slept a lot because I was exhausted from getting up at the crack of dawn every single day this week.
Monday was a holiday, día de la constitución so needless to say I skipped my workout.
I’m becoming too Mexicanized. Wait! I am Mexican, what am I talking about!?
I interviewed a potential teacher to be for the six month project at the end of next month.
I went to meet with the Director of Benebion to start a 10 day translation project. In the morning when I went to see him we had agreed that the work was to be turned in on Friday the 18th but apparently he changed his mind and he now wants it much sooner than that.
I had class with JP in the morning our last class. It is such a good feeling every time a student tells me that they feel a lot more confident about their English fluency.
6pm I had class with a wonderful lady I met a few months back. She is a very sophisticated woman who seems to be very fond of me, she always confides many very personal things to me.
Tuesday February 8,
I almost didn’t make it to the gym because I “overslept” the entire weekend so I wanted to keep sleeping. I couldn’t get my mojo going, I couldn’t stop yawning so I was only able to manage this wimpy workout. I went to Benebion to make some arrangements with the people there to make sure they installed the program to get my people up and running with the project but they changed their mind so now it is going to take a little longer. I also went to keep an eye on them for a little while. It feels so good to manage people, I’m starting to get the hang of this, and I’m actually really enjoying it! In the evening I interviewed a potential teacher for the 6 week project coming up. I was not too convinced but I desperately need more people.
I called the CRT, the AGI Archivo General de la India and the CONABIO –Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Bioversidad to see about getting the approval to use a map showing all the tequila and mescal regions in Mexico. I need this information for “The Road to Tequila,” a documentary I’m working on with a producer from Seattle Washington. I started working on this project in June of last year. Working on a documentary is very time consuming because there are a lot of small details to check out. But it’s okay because I really enjoy learning new things.
Later in the evening I ran into this acquaintance, I knew we’d bump into each other at some point since we live so close that we’re almost neighbors. Even though it’s nice to live close to people, sometimes I get this funny feeling about it because I don’t like so much closeness with strangers.
I took my nephew for a walk, we jumped, ran, danced, got wet in the water fountain, laughed, ate potato chips. It is so beautiful and peaceful to spend time with a child. Even though he’s nonstop and I get a bit overwhelmed with him sometimes, the moments I spend with him are very special because he’s one of the most precious human beings in my life.
Wednesday February 9, 2011
I had the hardest time waking up again, I got up a bit late so I had to rush getting dress and popping my breakfast into my mouth before I stormed out. I stopped by OXXO a deli store to get some water since I forgot my bottle somewhere in the twenty different places I was at yesterday. I made it right at 7am to my client’s office but it turns out that he had forgotten our meeting and he cancelled on the spot. He must have seen the disappointment on my face that he offered to pay the appointment and of course I didn’t debate that because that was the least thing he could’ve done. He was very embarrassed and felt bad, he’s very ethical, professional and respectful; it is worthwhile to work with that type of people. I wish everyone were like that. Today I am interviewing another 2 people for the project; we’ll see how it turns out.
I interviewed another two people, they are my ex psychologist kids (they are in their twenties). I always get a sense of people and these two seem to be excellent kids.
Ok, I would’ve much rather have only three people for this project to avoid paper work, time, paying more money, blah, blah, blah! But I have a hard time finding foreigners who want to work on Saturdays even though they are fully aware that this is only a six week project. I already have five people, now I’ve got one more to go. We’ll see what the day holds tomorrow.
I ran home after the interviews, picked up my nephew and took him for a walk again. “Siempre me agarra bien madreada.” Ha, ha!
Thursday February 10
I made it to the gym – I got there at 5:20 and I was actually able to get my momentum going. I didn’t work out as hard as I should’ve but the simple fact that I got up is what matters. There’s a hug abyss in wanting to do something and actually getting to it than just wanting it and always waiting till tomorrow. Yeeeeeah! I actually kicked my butt! My legs are a bit shaky right now. I was interviewed by a radio station who’s promoting the gym. I was asked many questions about Health and Fitness and some callers inquired the fact of how I get motivated to get up at the crack of dawn to work out. I replied, “When there’s a will there’s a way.” If you can’t get motivated to do what you want in life then that means that you don’t really want it with your heart mind and soul.
I love starting my days out like this. It is 7:45 and I’m already having breakfast as I type away. When I got there, there was only another older man who irritated the heck out of me because he was checking out my ass in the most morbid way. YUCK!
In fact, I ran into him once before just as I was arriving to the gym and he was whistling at me!! I hate that! Of course I ignored him. I was laughing with three guys who always get there together and work out together. If one of them doesn’t make it, the other one doesn’t either. It reminds me of my kindergarten and early elementary school days when I’d always spend time with another two or three little girls, we’d always run around everywhere skipping and holding hands. LOL!
They always ask me what drug/substance am I into because I always seem so energized. I’m only another human being, I just keep trying. And in reality, many times I wish I could just stay in bed and get more zzzzzzzz’s.
This week I made it my goal to type every single day as opposed to waiting till the last minute on Sunday.
I have to edit some work, then I’m headed out to class, I’m working with this woman who’s got a fashion design website in English and she updates her blog every single day. I’m not into fashion but this course is forcing me to get familiarized with all that. It is not difficult but it is a challenge because my brain has to be at its full capacity ALL the time. I have to be on top of everything. After that I’m going to a company to supervise the 10 day translation project.
Friday Feb 11, 2011
I’m swamped, snowed under with work!
I didn’t have one minute of sleep last night yet I was at the gym at 5:15 this morning.
I rushed home to get to this 10 day project which is due Friday the 18th.
I have about 120 pages to check – three people are helping me do the translation but since English is not their native language I’ve had to make A LOT of changes.
I’m having breakfast and working as I type. In fact I only have 10 minutes before I storm out to class.
Saturday February 12, 2011
My workout? It was out of the question to go to the gym this morning since I have this translation deadline coming up next Friday. Although that doesn’t mean that I slept in, I got up at about the same time. 5:50 to shower, to get to breakfast and to get my stuff ready for my long day today.
Here we are the four of us working away trying to finish up this translation. Normally when I get a translation from English to Spanish or vice-versa, I rather hire native speakers to avoid creating more work for myself since I’m the one who checks everything. But this time I couldn’t find any English native speakers because of the deadline.
I’m supposed to go on a road trip with a friend of mine later on today but he hasn’t called or messaged and I am dead! I could take a quick siesta because I’m dozing off as I type.
My friend actually did call so we headed out to Chapala. It was very nice and relaxing. Even though Chapala is very Americanized now, it was very beautiful or perhaps I found it beautiful because I hadn’t been there in a long time? I got home at about 9:30 and crashed right away.
Sunday Feb 13, 2011
Aaaaaw! A day before Valentine’s Day and I’m single again. It really doesn’t bother me at this point anymore because I’m not the only single person in this world.
It was more than a normal day, I got up at 7:15, went for a 30 minute semi power walk and a 25 minute jog/run. I ran a little faster than normal. There was a slight pain on my knee but it is has definitely gotten better.
I’m happy to be able to run even though it is not on a competition level. Even though sometimes I wish I could do long, intensive and hard core runs like before, I am happy because I’ve done my part, I accomplished it and I am fulfilled that aspect. As long as I stay in shape, I’ll always be happy. Uuuhm, except when I’m having a fat day.
I came home, showered, went to church, came back and went to class with S. a client I’ve had for about 7 months now. He’s the director of an architecture company. I had class on a Sunday!! I am a workaholic!
I concluded my day working on that translation due this coming week.
I’m ready for a new round, I want to start my week kicking butt in every aspect. I’m trying to think what could be wrong with the configurations in my computer because I tried uploading pictures on my blog but it won’t let me, all it comes up is a bunch of symbols and characters. I’ll have to ask someone who knows how to fix that because I am terrible when it comes to computers and numbers.