Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A Woman of Genuine Conviction

A Woman of Genuine Conviction
April 18, 2017


This morning I had to really struggle to open my eyes and hop out of bed. It was an ordeal to force myself to make it to the gym. I told myself excuse number 1,000, 1,001, and 1,003.

Thirty minutes later at the gym, I was very ignited while I was watching the news about Katherine Switzer, who became the first woman to officially finish the Boston Marathon on April 19, 1967, even after being attacked for the mere fact of being a woman running a marathon back in the day.

On Monday April 17, 2017, 50 years later, she ran the marathon once again at age 70! That is serious conviction!

I found this article on the Washington Post!

I want to celebrate each decade by running a marathon or completing an important sports event despite aging, injuries and my own physical ghosts that haunt me every day!

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