It is NOT between humans
October 31st, 2014
Mother Teresa
“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”
Friday, October 31, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Going backwards
Going backwards
Reversed running
October 26, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
Yesterday I incidentally found a health magazine in Spanish at a client’s office which talked about running backwards. Although I had never tried running backwards, I did try inclined backward walking randomly in the past.
I was brainstorming to find alternatives once I am done with the Hyaluronic Acid (Suphrahyal) treatment to regenerate my cartilage that I started on Friday October 10th. Hyaluronic Acid provides support for healthy joint function and maintaining joint shock absorption and cushioning. It works by acting as a cushion and lubricant in the joints and other tissues. In addition, it might affect the inflammatory response of the body.
Since I was told by my therapist that I may not be able to run again because my cartilage is too damaged, I’ve thought about other options for weight loss and remain healthy. Interestingly enough, my doctor has reiterated that I will definitely be able to run without a problem. Of course not with the same intensity or endurance as before. Adding strain to my body like that is not important but I do want to be able to run for 20-30 minutes two or three times a week without any pain. After this physically painful experience (knee therapy pre and post surgery, surgery, my fall in a hole last year and everything else involved), my life no longer revolves around running.
Finding alternatives is now my priority. One of my first and foremost priorities is take swimming lessons to enjoy the many benefits of it as of 2015. I feel like instead of moving forward health and fitness wise, I am going backwards but I will do whatever it takes to be wholesome and pain free again.
I’d like to give reversed running a try and see the results. After reading more about it, this is what I found out through wikipedia.
As the head faces forward, running backwards has the danger in that the runner cannot see anything on the ground or in the way of his or her path. Unlike forward running, it is also much more difficult to brace a backward fall or drop into a roll if one trips.
Turning the head around while running can generally eliminate the visual impediment, although it is awkward, limits speed, and may result in neck strain.
Practicing tumbling and exerting force in a backwards direction with the arms through various exercises like crabwalking or planches may aid in stopping damage or injury from falls or stopping falls.
Physical benefits
The combination of normal forward running and backward running is called mixed running or alternative mixed running. Some believe that running backwards helps balance out the strain brought on by normal running. Reversing the direction works the friction of tissues oppositely[. Running flat or uphill, the heel is used to push off rather than the ball of the foot as normally occurs with forward running, working the tibialis anterior muscle (pushes the heel down, raises front of foot) more as a prime mover than a shock absorber. When running backward downhill, the ball of the foot is used whereas forward downhill running uses mainly the heel to absorb the force. This requires more coordination and therefor develops brain power along with muscle power.
While downhill backward running is essentially the reverse of uphill running, and uphill backward running of downhill running, they are different in that the fibres would fire differently due to differences in the isotonic motions. The former is an eccentric version of a concentric movement, and the latter is a concentric version of an eccentric movement. Both concentric and eccentric movements have advantages in training, which is why most weight lifters perform both for set times.
With all forms there is an obvious backward lean relative to normal running's forward lean, which can shift the stress of the other muscle fibres a small degree[. Other advantages to backward running are a reduction in fear related to the movement, a form of exercise that is naturally more reserved, gains in balance, and the general enjoyment resulting from entertaining activities like these. Due to constantly having to look behind oneself, or sometimes keeping the eyes fixed, people can learn to run with more neck mobility or without a straight look ahead. This can stress the neck muscles which can be dangerous if done too aggressively, but in the long term could lead to adaptations in them.
Backward running adds another dimension to running, and when complemented by sidestepping in both directions (with and without crossovers front and behind intermittently) covers the essential dimensions of human movement on the two-dimensional plane. Diagonal movement as well as curving running (as is done on long race tracks like 200 m and longer in the Olympics) are additional forms of running.
Backwards running allows referees in sports such as football or rugby to continuously observe an area of play without interfering with play.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Beauty in its PUREST form
Beauty in its PUREST form
I had NEVER encountered the REAL deal!
October 25, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
At 3:30 am the other day, my deep sleep came to a halt when I was suddenly awakened by the thought of beauty, (that thought paid a visit once again this morning at 4:45). I’m not talking about aesthetic, altered, violated or forced beauty...
but beauty in its purest form, the refinement and reaffirmation of it through nature. The handsomeness (that robs me from sleep many nights and the root of my daydreams) glaring through a 5 feet 9 inch sanctuary.
He’s mentioned to me that he would like to lose a few pounds but in reality all of him bears resemblance to absolute beauty in its entirety, raw beauty that is.
As I watch my fingers type, my mind goes adrift, it keeps straying with the image of his body. I had NEVER become acquainted with real beauty and now that I have, it’s changed my whole perspective of it all, and it’s taught me to appreciate it even more.
That manifestation brought to me through the eyes of God, has left me in awe until the day I die because even if it were to wither some day, the beauty of his mind, soul and heart engraved deep down, would be my best reward. The transparency of his soul that appreciates the grace of my body NOT because of its outer aspect but because of what it can create and for us to reach another one of our victories...
The plenitude of his temple is my drive to cleanse, purify and restore my own temple...
Even if J. V. A., my soulmate, doesn’t regard himself as it, he is that something that was missing in my life; wholeness, unscathed beauty...
I had NEVER encountered the REAL deal!
October 25, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
At 3:30 am the other day, my deep sleep came to a halt when I was suddenly awakened by the thought of beauty, (that thought paid a visit once again this morning at 4:45). I’m not talking about aesthetic, altered, violated or forced beauty...
but beauty in its purest form, the refinement and reaffirmation of it through nature. The handsomeness (that robs me from sleep many nights and the root of my daydreams) glaring through a 5 feet 9 inch sanctuary.
He’s mentioned to me that he would like to lose a few pounds but in reality all of him bears resemblance to absolute beauty in its entirety, raw beauty that is.
As I watch my fingers type, my mind goes adrift, it keeps straying with the image of his body. I had NEVER become acquainted with real beauty and now that I have, it’s changed my whole perspective of it all, and it’s taught me to appreciate it even more.
That manifestation brought to me through the eyes of God, has left me in awe until the day I die because even if it were to wither some day, the beauty of his mind, soul and heart engraved deep down, would be my best reward. The transparency of his soul that appreciates the grace of my body NOT because of its outer aspect but because of what it can create and for us to reach another one of our victories...
The plenitude of his temple is my drive to cleanse, purify and restore my own temple...
Even if J. V. A., my soulmate, doesn’t regard himself as it, he is that something that was missing in my life; wholeness, unscathed beauty...
Sunday, October 19, 2014
A flourishing runner with a gleaming future..
A flourishing runner with
a gleaming future..
Cristina Guevara
October 19, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Román
This morning I could hear the enthused crowd waiting for the clock to tick right at 8:00 a. m. The 30th 42.1k took place in Guadalajara. Prior years I would’ve celebrated the victory along with them, not quite now though.
It is NOT all completely over though, I can still at least savor victory through other high-rendering athletes like Cristi, Cristina Guevara, a 16 year old young runner who has the force and determination of an all time pro.
Full name: Cristina Guadalupe Esteban
Place of birth: Guadalajara Jalisco
Age: 16
DOB: November 11, 1987
Currently lives in: Guadalajara
Current weight: 53 (116.84499895805 pounds)
Height: 1.59 meters (5.216535433 feet)
Body type: Mesomorph
BMI: 21.2
Blood type: 0 +
What sport do you train? Track and Field, 800 and 1,500 meters
How long have you been training? 16 years
Where do you train? Unidad Revolución in Guadalajara
How long do you train? Monday through Friday 4 hours in the morning, 2 hours in the afternoon, Saturdays- 3.4-5, and Sundays 1.5 hours.
Competitive goal: Train to make the 2016 Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro
Physical objective: I want to be and remain healthy, to accomplish a lifetime goal.
Personal goal:
Do you have a special diet? It is based on the number of hours I train, when it gets closer to competition I eat small meals every four hours. I have to keep my body hydrated with electrolytes and serum, gatorade,
Do you have any cheat days? I indulge myself once a week or on weekends.
What is your weakness? Tacos, red meat and bread, dessert, without vegetables.
Do you have any future plans as far as fitness: I would like to have my own children’s team; teach them about health and fitness and begin training them in running. Direct school sports.
Why do you run, compete? I like to challenge myself and see how far I can go, it is a compromise with myself that will later lead me to apply my discipline resistance and focus to other areas of my life such as my family, friends, professional, spiritual, physical, emotional.
Have you won any medals? My most recent one was second place in Sao Paolo Brazil, Campeonato Iberoamericano de Atletismo, in 2008 I won 3rd place in Campeonato Iberoamericano in Iquique Chile, Campeonato Nacional de 1era Fuerza, 1st place in 500 meters, Among others.
Do you have practice other sports? No, I am fully dedicated to track & Field.
Do you juggle other activities besides school, sports and family? I take English classes because I love languages (4 hours a week), I work at an Elementary school teaching kids Track & Field, coordination, discipline, interact, team work, etc,
How do you see yourself in 15, 20 years from now? I envision myself doing Track & Field, stay in Guadalajara, encourage sports, health, nutrition. I would like to influence young talent with my experience, knowledge and expertise.
What advice would you give to amateur athletes? You have to be persistent, disciplined, focused, this requires time, energy, effort, will. Be aware that you will run into obstacles, you have to remain resilient and keep in mind that it doesn’t matter how many times you fail but the number of times you bounce back. If you’re really passionate about it, your passion will reveal your purpose. Always set short and long term goals and actually accomplish them.
Why do you think that overweight and obesity have become a worldwide problem?
It is something that can be prevented from a very early age on, parents and our society have to ingrain good health habits in all areas (mind, body, soul, etc.) and discipline. Abiding by this will saves us a lot of problems and pain. Therefore I strongly believe that if we, all the world as one, comes together we can indeed make it happen, reduce that alarming percentage of health issues.
What do you think people let themselves go, why is this such a detrimental issue?
Lack of motivation, discipline, they don’t want to make it happen. Unfortunately and sadly, our society mix exercise with vanity and plastic surgeries, they take a negative approach and then a million different excuses follow. Perhaps they don’t love themselves enough to adopt and work towards a positive and transparent lifestyle.
How can we change or influence that for better? Have tv, or radio programs, workshops and other health channels geared to all ages.
Any other comments? Invite everyone to practice sports, dedicate time to themselves. It is not impossible, you can even do a 20-30 minute power walk.
a gleaming future..
Cristina Guevara
October 19, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Román
This morning I could hear the enthused crowd waiting for the clock to tick right at 8:00 a. m. The 30th 42.1k took place in Guadalajara. Prior years I would’ve celebrated the victory along with them, not quite now though.
It is NOT all completely over though, I can still at least savor victory through other high-rendering athletes like Cristi, Cristina Guevara, a 16 year old young runner who has the force and determination of an all time pro.
Full name: Cristina Guadalupe Esteban
Place of birth: Guadalajara Jalisco
Age: 16
DOB: November 11, 1987
Currently lives in: Guadalajara
Current weight: 53 (116.84499895805 pounds)
Height: 1.59 meters (5.216535433 feet)
Body type: Mesomorph
BMI: 21.2
Blood type: 0 +
What sport do you train? Track and Field, 800 and 1,500 meters
How long have you been training? 16 years
Where do you train? Unidad Revolución in Guadalajara
How long do you train? Monday through Friday 4 hours in the morning, 2 hours in the afternoon, Saturdays- 3.4-5, and Sundays 1.5 hours.
Competitive goal: Train to make the 2016 Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro
Physical objective: I want to be and remain healthy, to accomplish a lifetime goal.
Personal goal:
Do you have a special diet? It is based on the number of hours I train, when it gets closer to competition I eat small meals every four hours. I have to keep my body hydrated with electrolytes and serum, gatorade,
Do you have any cheat days? I indulge myself once a week or on weekends.
What is your weakness? Tacos, red meat and bread, dessert, without vegetables.
Do you have any future plans as far as fitness: I would like to have my own children’s team; teach them about health and fitness and begin training them in running. Direct school sports.
Why do you run, compete? I like to challenge myself and see how far I can go, it is a compromise with myself that will later lead me to apply my discipline resistance and focus to other areas of my life such as my family, friends, professional, spiritual, physical, emotional.
Have you won any medals? My most recent one was second place in Sao Paolo Brazil, Campeonato Iberoamericano de Atletismo, in 2008 I won 3rd place in Campeonato Iberoamericano in Iquique Chile, Campeonato Nacional de 1era Fuerza, 1st place in 500 meters, Among others.
Do you have practice other sports? No, I am fully dedicated to track & Field.
Do you juggle other activities besides school, sports and family? I take English classes because I love languages (4 hours a week), I work at an Elementary school teaching kids Track & Field, coordination, discipline, interact, team work, etc,
How do you see yourself in 15, 20 years from now? I envision myself doing Track & Field, stay in Guadalajara, encourage sports, health, nutrition. I would like to influence young talent with my experience, knowledge and expertise.
What advice would you give to amateur athletes? You have to be persistent, disciplined, focused, this requires time, energy, effort, will. Be aware that you will run into obstacles, you have to remain resilient and keep in mind that it doesn’t matter how many times you fail but the number of times you bounce back. If you’re really passionate about it, your passion will reveal your purpose. Always set short and long term goals and actually accomplish them.
Why do you think that overweight and obesity have become a worldwide problem?
It is something that can be prevented from a very early age on, parents and our society have to ingrain good health habits in all areas (mind, body, soul, etc.) and discipline. Abiding by this will saves us a lot of problems and pain. Therefore I strongly believe that if we, all the world as one, comes together we can indeed make it happen, reduce that alarming percentage of health issues.
What do you think people let themselves go, why is this such a detrimental issue?
Lack of motivation, discipline, they don’t want to make it happen. Unfortunately and sadly, our society mix exercise with vanity and plastic surgeries, they take a negative approach and then a million different excuses follow. Perhaps they don’t love themselves enough to adopt and work towards a positive and transparent lifestyle.
How can we change or influence that for better? Have tv, or radio programs, workshops and other health channels geared to all ages.
Any other comments? Invite everyone to practice sports, dedicate time to themselves. It is not impossible, you can even do a 20-30 minute power walk.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Ejercicios para Descansar
Ejercicios para Descansar
13 de octubre 2014
Del libro, ‘Tres Minutos para el Espíritu´
No le de miedo. Estirese sobre el duro suelo de vez en cuando. Verá que siente un saludable descanso. Pero si no se atreve a tanto, échese en un sillón o en un sofá o en su propia cama y suelte sus nervios y sus músculos, como un viejo muñeco de trapo o un viejo suéter de lana y diga despacito:
"Estoy en calma...nada me preocupa...Dios me ama y me protege...aunque viaje por caminos obscuros, Dios va conmigo y me difiende...En tus manos Señor encomiendo mi espíritu...Si tú vas conmigo, nada me puede faltar..."
A veces siéntese en una silla como esas estatuas de deidades egipcias...con las manos sueltas, o si quiere con las manos sobre las rodillas y deje por unos momentos de pensar y pronto hasta le llegará un suave sueño que le hará descansar.
Extienda sus piernas, suelte sus pies, sin tensión alguna...Vaya diciéndose suavemente: No siento mis pires, no siento mis rodillas, no siento mi estómago, no siento mi cuello...todo se irá aflojando y la tensión se irá alejando...Mueva la cabeza de un lado a otro para aflojar los músculos del cuello que están tan tensos...y vaya diciendo las palabras de Santa Teresa:
"Nada te turbe, nada te afane...nada te asuste...Sólo Dios basta.."
Respire hondo y profundo. Es el ejercicio preferido de los yogas de la india. Ellos saben por experiencia que cuanto más se respira hondo y profundo, más oxígeno llega al cuerpo y más vitalidad y paz habrá en el espíritu, y mayor calma en los nervios.
Trate de alejar la DEMASIADA SERIEDAD de su rostro. Piense en eliminar esas arrugas de EXAGERADA tensión que hay en su cara (Recuerde que su rostro no le pertenece. Es un regalo que les va dando a los demás. ¿Por qué regalarles algo TAN SERIOTE Y ANTIPÁTICO?). Piense si sus labios no estarán demasiado inclinados hacia abajo como con señales de tristeza y preocupación y disgusto. Si alguna vez se mira al espejo sea para averiguar si no será que por andar con demasiada preocupación se le está avejentando antes de tiempo su rostro. Una cara demasiado seria es algo que no le podemos aceptar porque VA CONTRA LA FELICIDAD de los demás y les hace más mal que bien. UN ROSTRO ALEGRE, ALEGRA A LOS DEMÁS.
13 de octubre 2014
Del libro, ‘Tres Minutos para el Espíritu´
No le de miedo. Estirese sobre el duro suelo de vez en cuando. Verá que siente un saludable descanso. Pero si no se atreve a tanto, échese en un sillón o en un sofá o en su propia cama y suelte sus nervios y sus músculos, como un viejo muñeco de trapo o un viejo suéter de lana y diga despacito:
A veces siéntese en una silla como esas estatuas de deidades egipcias...con las manos sueltas, o si quiere con las manos sobre las rodillas y deje por unos momentos de pensar y pronto hasta le llegará un suave sueño que le hará descansar.
Extienda sus piernas, suelte sus pies, sin tensión alguna...Vaya diciéndose suavemente: No siento mis pires, no siento mis rodillas, no siento mi estómago, no siento mi cuello...todo se irá aflojando y la tensión se irá alejando...Mueva la cabeza de un lado a otro para aflojar los músculos del cuello que están tan tensos...y vaya diciendo las palabras de Santa Teresa:
"Nada te turbe, nada te afane...nada te asuste...Sólo Dios basta.."
Respire hondo y profundo. Es el ejercicio preferido de los yogas de la india. Ellos saben por experiencia que cuanto más se respira hondo y profundo, más oxígeno llega al cuerpo y más vitalidad y paz habrá en el espíritu, y mayor calma en los nervios.
Trate de alejar la DEMASIADA SERIEDAD de su rostro. Piense en eliminar esas arrugas de EXAGERADA tensión que hay en su cara (Recuerde que su rostro no le pertenece. Es un regalo que les va dando a los demás. ¿Por qué regalarles algo TAN SERIOTE Y ANTIPÁTICO?). Piense si sus labios no estarán demasiado inclinados hacia abajo como con señales de tristeza y preocupación y disgusto. Si alguna vez se mira al espejo sea para averiguar si no será que por andar con demasiada preocupación se le está avejentando antes de tiempo su rostro. Una cara demasiado seria es algo que no le podemos aceptar porque VA CONTRA LA FELICIDAD de los demás y les hace más mal que bien. UN ROSTRO ALEGRE, ALEGRA A LOS DEMÁS.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
quoted by an apprentice runner
October 12, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
A few weeks back, I met Jason, an amateur runner who now gets the full scope of what health and fitness are about. He is 33 years old and got into running barely three years ago. He wishes he wouldn’t have waited so long to accomplish this utmost important goal in every human being’s life, which balances your mind and
He is a great example of where/when there’s a will, there’s a way. So, if you think it is too late to get started, follow his pattern! It’s like they say, once you get started, you can never go back. Why not get started now?
Name: Jason Michael Parks
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Height: 1.80m (5 ft 11 inches)
Weight: 84 kilos (185 lb 3.0130oz)
Fitness level: I would say high in relation to the population average.
Body type: A combination of Mesomorph and Endomorph. I have a strong frame and a good metabolism, but I tend to carry a few extra kilos.
BMI (Body Mass Index): 25.8
Total time doing health & fitness, running:
I’ve been going to the gym for 6 or 7 years now, but I started running 3 years ago. Before I started running I weighed a maximum of 115 kg.
Why do you like training?: Training, especially running, is a huge part of my life. It helped me lose weight and gain self-confidence. Training for races gives me specific goals and dates to work toward, it’s a great motivator. Going for a run helps me blow off steam, relax, think through problems I may be having, or sometimes empty my mind and just concentrate on breathing or the mechanics of a run. I also think running helps me deal with all of the issues surrounding being a father to my daughter, who has cerebral palsy. Sometimes the challenges of a disabled child get overwhelming and running becomes my escape. Recently, my wife and I bought a jogging stroller and I take my daughter for a 10km run in the park. She loves it. Her giggles and smile are more motivation than any race shirt, medal, or PR. I could go on and on, but I don’t think runners really need to explain to each other why we love it so much. That’s why I feel a connection to people I see out on a run. I always try and make eye contact, give a wave, or offer a quick greeting. We know.
Do you follow a specific diet/nutrition plan?
Not really. I make a conscious effort to avoid added sugar and saturated fats. I always drink protein shakes after workouts and I up the carbs when my training intensity goes up. I do a long run most Sundays, and I use it as an excuse to eat junk. I used to smoke and drink a lot. Since my daughter was born I quit smoking and I rarely drink anymore.
What is your health and fitness objective?: To live and be healthy until old age. To remain physically strong to be able to help my daughter, who has (and will have) severe mobility impairment. More egotistically, I want to be able to continue running and training for competitions for many years to come. Sometime in the future (maybe after I move up a few age groups) I would love to qualify for and run the Boston Marathon.
What events, marathons have you participated in?
My first training objective was the Medio Maraton Atlas 2012. I trained for it for 4 months, almost killed myself running it, and haven’t slowed down since. I have about 10 half marathons under my belt on roads and trails, it’s probably my favorite distance. I like marathons because they are so freaking hard. My first was the Maraton de Guadalajara 2013, it was awful then glorious. I recently ran the Maraton de la Ciudad de Mexico 2014 and I’m currently training for the Maraton de Guadalajara 2014. If my wife will let me, I want to try some ultra-distances next year. Number of events, marathons: 9 half marathons (including one 25k trail), 3 marathons, trail races from 10-25k, and a bunch of 10k road races. I think I have 22 or 23 medals hanging in my house now. Date/s: My first race was the Atenas-Tucson 2012 10k at the Unidad Deportiva Tucson in Guadalajara. I’ve been running races consistently since. I set a 21k PR in the Medio Maraton de Guadalajara 2014 of 1:32:58. My marathon PR was at the 2014 Garmin Marathon in Olathe, Kansas, where I ran a 3:24:01.
The majority of my races have been in Guadalajara. I love trail racing in the Primavera, and I run the Medio Maraton Mundo Cuervo every year in Tequila. Ive also run a half marathon in Chicago (Rock and Roll), a marathon in Kansas (my hometown), and the Mexico City marathon.
What category would you classify yourself in?
Whatever category a 33 year old man falls into.
How did you get into running?
I bought a pair of running shoes just after my 30th birthday. At the time I lived in Toluca, Estado de Mexico. I went to the park and tried to run the 1.6km loop. I made it through about a kilometer but had to walk the (very slight) uphill. I went back the next day and completed the loop, then just kept adding distance. Each time I completed a new distance, I thought about something longer. I started losing weight and was happy with how I looked and felt, and quickly found myself loving my new hobby.
How did you feel after your first victory?
Tired, but with a great sense of accomplishment. If you think about how many people can and have run 21 or 42 kilometers, it is a good feeling. Biggest challenges you’ve had to face: (In running) Finding a balance between training and family/social life. As any distance runner will attest, it is a big time commitment. My wife is not a runner and often doesn’t understand and is not on board with the commitments required. Going to bed and waking up early on weekends, refusing food and alcohol, taking time out of the day to run, all of these are big commitments that require a delicate balance, especially in a marriage and if you have children. Advice to young/amateur athletes: Do something that makes you happy. If you’re good enough to go to the Olympics, that’s awesome. If not, so what? I started running when I was 30, and I wish I hadn’t waited so long to begin. I will never go pro or probably even climb on the podium, but that’s not what running is (or should be) about. A lot of runners are happy to not enter races or compete, and more power to them!
What do you think about Mexico being number 1 in children overweight and obesity and the U. S. number 1 in adult overweight and obesity?
It’s no surprise that in developed countries throughout the world we are seeing a spike in obesity and obesity related disease. People have to work more and longer hours to make less money. Children are allowed to sit in front of various screens for hours at a time. Most paradoxically, especially in the US, empty calories are much cheaper than healthy ones. Trying to feed a family is much easier, cheaper, and faster with fast food, processed food, and junk food than with whole foods and good calories. The US actively subsidizes unhealthy choices and our food production is in the hands of huge multi-national corporations. It is more profitable to produce sugary, salty, fattening options laced with chemicals than fresh, whole foods. Don’t expect to see any of this change in the near future.
Do you have further comments and/or advice for other health and fitness enthusiasts?
I laugh to myself when people tell me all the reasons they have to NOT run or exercise. YOU HAVE to MAKE 'it' a PRIORITY! Everyone I know who is an “enthusiast” loves it and looks forward to working out. Don’t make excuses, set reasonable goals, attain them, then set new ones.
quoted by an apprentice runner
October 12, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
A few weeks back, I met Jason, an amateur runner who now gets the full scope of what health and fitness are about. He is 33 years old and got into running barely three years ago. He wishes he wouldn’t have waited so long to accomplish this utmost important goal in every human being’s life, which balances your mind and
He is a great example of where/when there’s a will, there’s a way. So, if you think it is too late to get started, follow his pattern! It’s like they say, once you get started, you can never go back. Why not get started now?
Name: Jason Michael Parks
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Height: 1.80m (5 ft 11 inches)
Weight: 84 kilos (185 lb 3.0130oz)
Fitness level: I would say high in relation to the population average.
Body type: A combination of Mesomorph and Endomorph. I have a strong frame and a good metabolism, but I tend to carry a few extra kilos.
BMI (Body Mass Index): 25.8
Total time doing health & fitness, running:
I’ve been going to the gym for 6 or 7 years now, but I started running 3 years ago. Before I started running I weighed a maximum of 115 kg.
Why do you like training?: Training, especially running, is a huge part of my life. It helped me lose weight and gain self-confidence. Training for races gives me specific goals and dates to work toward, it’s a great motivator. Going for a run helps me blow off steam, relax, think through problems I may be having, or sometimes empty my mind and just concentrate on breathing or the mechanics of a run. I also think running helps me deal with all of the issues surrounding being a father to my daughter, who has cerebral palsy. Sometimes the challenges of a disabled child get overwhelming and running becomes my escape. Recently, my wife and I bought a jogging stroller and I take my daughter for a 10km run in the park. She loves it. Her giggles and smile are more motivation than any race shirt, medal, or PR. I could go on and on, but I don’t think runners really need to explain to each other why we love it so much. That’s why I feel a connection to people I see out on a run. I always try and make eye contact, give a wave, or offer a quick greeting. We know.
Do you follow a specific diet/nutrition plan?
Not really. I make a conscious effort to avoid added sugar and saturated fats. I always drink protein shakes after workouts and I up the carbs when my training intensity goes up. I do a long run most Sundays, and I use it as an excuse to eat junk. I used to smoke and drink a lot. Since my daughter was born I quit smoking and I rarely drink anymore.
What is your health and fitness objective?: To live and be healthy until old age. To remain physically strong to be able to help my daughter, who has (and will have) severe mobility impairment. More egotistically, I want to be able to continue running and training for competitions for many years to come. Sometime in the future (maybe after I move up a few age groups) I would love to qualify for and run the Boston Marathon.
What events, marathons have you participated in?
My first training objective was the Medio Maraton Atlas 2012. I trained for it for 4 months, almost killed myself running it, and haven’t slowed down since. I have about 10 half marathons under my belt on roads and trails, it’s probably my favorite distance. I like marathons because they are so freaking hard. My first was the Maraton de Guadalajara 2013, it was awful then glorious. I recently ran the Maraton de la Ciudad de Mexico 2014 and I’m currently training for the Maraton de Guadalajara 2014. If my wife will let me, I want to try some ultra-distances next year. Number of events, marathons: 9 half marathons (including one 25k trail), 3 marathons, trail races from 10-25k, and a bunch of 10k road races. I think I have 22 or 23 medals hanging in my house now. Date/s: My first race was the Atenas-Tucson 2012 10k at the Unidad Deportiva Tucson in Guadalajara. I’ve been running races consistently since. I set a 21k PR in the Medio Maraton de Guadalajara 2014 of 1:32:58. My marathon PR was at the 2014 Garmin Marathon in Olathe, Kansas, where I ran a 3:24:01.
The majority of my races have been in Guadalajara. I love trail racing in the Primavera, and I run the Medio Maraton Mundo Cuervo every year in Tequila. Ive also run a half marathon in Chicago (Rock and Roll), a marathon in Kansas (my hometown), and the Mexico City marathon.
What category would you classify yourself in?
Whatever category a 33 year old man falls into.
How did you get into running?
I bought a pair of running shoes just after my 30th birthday. At the time I lived in Toluca, Estado de Mexico. I went to the park and tried to run the 1.6km loop. I made it through about a kilometer but had to walk the (very slight) uphill. I went back the next day and completed the loop, then just kept adding distance. Each time I completed a new distance, I thought about something longer. I started losing weight and was happy with how I looked and felt, and quickly found myself loving my new hobby.
21k Tequila Jalisco 2013 |
Rock n Roll Chicago 2013 |
Sport City Guadalajara 2013 |
How did you feel after your first victory?
Tired, but with a great sense of accomplishment. If you think about how many people can and have run 21 or 42 kilometers, it is a good feeling. Biggest challenges you’ve had to face: (In running) Finding a balance between training and family/social life. As any distance runner will attest, it is a big time commitment. My wife is not a runner and often doesn’t understand and is not on board with the commitments required. Going to bed and waking up early on weekends, refusing food and alcohol, taking time out of the day to run, all of these are big commitments that require a delicate balance, especially in a marriage and if you have children. Advice to young/amateur athletes: Do something that makes you happy. If you’re good enough to go to the Olympics, that’s awesome. If not, so what? I started running when I was 30, and I wish I hadn’t waited so long to begin. I will never go pro or probably even climb on the podium, but that’s not what running is (or should be) about. A lot of runners are happy to not enter races or compete, and more power to them!
What do you think about Mexico being number 1 in children overweight and obesity and the U. S. number 1 in adult overweight and obesity?
It’s no surprise that in developed countries throughout the world we are seeing a spike in obesity and obesity related disease. People have to work more and longer hours to make less money. Children are allowed to sit in front of various screens for hours at a time. Most paradoxically, especially in the US, empty calories are much cheaper than healthy ones. Trying to feed a family is much easier, cheaper, and faster with fast food, processed food, and junk food than with whole foods and good calories. The US actively subsidizes unhealthy choices and our food production is in the hands of huge multi-national corporations. It is more profitable to produce sugary, salty, fattening options laced with chemicals than fresh, whole foods. Don’t expect to see any of this change in the near future.
Do you have further comments and/or advice for other health and fitness enthusiasts?
I laugh to myself when people tell me all the reasons they have to NOT run or exercise. YOU HAVE to MAKE 'it' a PRIORITY! Everyone I know who is an “enthusiast” loves it and looks forward to working out. Don’t make excuses, set reasonable goals, attain them, then set new ones.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Cuando yo quería ser grande
Cuando yo quería ser grande
Vicente Fernandez
October 11, 2014
Se van perdiendo en el tiempo.
Mis años se van quedando muy lejos.
Ya no me lleva mi madre de la mano.
Solamente sus consejos.
Viven en mi los recuerdos de niña.
Cuando a una estrella deseaba.
Como recuerdo a mi madre,
Que con eso sonreía.
Mientras mi madre miraba.
Años que vienen despacio,
primero con que lentitud avanzan.
Como quería ser grande, recuerdo
para no quedarme en casa.
Y acompañar a mi madre muy lejos.
Tal vez hasta el fin del mundo.
Por que mi madre era fuerte,
Era muy inteligente,
Era y seguirá siendo mejor que ninguna.
Hoy ya no quiero que pasen los años
Por que mi madre ha envejecido.
Se le han cubierto de arrugas sus manos,
y de nieve sus cabellos
Oh señor detén el tiempo te pido,
por que tu puedes hacerlo.
Por que yo en verdad no entiendo Dios mio por que
Se nos va lo bueno...
Cuando se cansen un día tus pasos
yo quiero ser quien los cuide.
Mientras dame el brazo
Y vamos a ver a ver que vas a decirme.
Vicente Fernandez
October 11, 2014
Se van perdiendo en el tiempo.
Mis años se van quedando muy lejos.
Ya no me lleva mi madre de la mano.
Solamente sus consejos.
Viven en mi los recuerdos de niña.
Cuando a una estrella deseaba.
Como recuerdo a mi madre,
Que con eso sonreía.
Mientras mi madre miraba.
Años que vienen despacio,
primero con que lentitud avanzan.
Como quería ser grande, recuerdo
para no quedarme en casa.
Y acompañar a mi madre muy lejos.
Tal vez hasta el fin del mundo.
Por que mi madre era fuerte,
Era muy inteligente,
Era y seguirá siendo mejor que ninguna.
Hoy ya no quiero que pasen los años
Por que mi madre ha envejecido.
Se le han cubierto de arrugas sus manos,
y de nieve sus cabellos
Oh señor detén el tiempo te pido,
por que tu puedes hacerlo.
Por que yo en verdad no entiendo Dios mio por que
Se nos va lo bueno...
Cuando se cansen un día tus pasos
yo quiero ser quien los cuide.
Mientras dame el brazo
Y vamos a ver a ver que vas a decirme.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Happy birthday to a fine young man!
Happy birthday to a fine young man!
October 5, 2014
D. R., I hope you had a great time today. I am glad you went to church with Tammy.
Jovencito, never give up your dreams, you are very smart and you were given many gifts,
so don't waste them.
You were meant to be a very successful man and every day that goes by, you are one step closer to
realizing that HUGE accomplishment.
I love you and I have faith that you will be that man you were meant to be!
Un super abrazo!
Young man, the day you were born was a day the Roman family was blessed with a great baby. Happy birthday!
Dado, we are proud of the young man you've become. Seeing you grow in character as you grow older gives us great joy.
It’s fun to think back about when you were a baby and other fun times when you were very young and growing up. We’re looking forward to seeing what comes from your future, and we’re wishing you an awesome birthday.
I know you are getting older, but to us you will always be our baby. We love you very much. (Birthday message from us)
Happy birthday guapo! I am wishing you the very best things in the coming year and in life.
May God guide you with his loving hand and bless you as His own as you turn another year older. We know that you were made and given to us for a great purpose, just as baby Jesus was a gift to Mary and Joseph. Happy birthday! We’re praying for you.
Every year you get older, we start feeling older. Maybe that’s because we are getting older too. Whatever the reason, I’m blaming you for making us feel old :). Happy Birthday!
We love you very much, and we’re very proud of what you've become as you have gotten older. Here’s to one more year of awesome! Happy birthday young man!
You have not only been a blessing as a son, nephew, grandson. As you matured, you have become a good example to your cousins.
Sons like you are a valuable treasure to your family.
Having a young man like you in the family, is one of the greatest joys in our life, so your birthday is a joyous occasion fit for celebration.
Having a baby is one of the most amazing things you could ever do, but having a baby who grows up the way you are turning out is even more exciting. Happy birthday to you! We’re very proud of you.
I’m praying that God blesses you with all the things that He’s generous enough to give you. I am wishing you the best birthday you can have.
No one knows how long they get to live, but our time with you has been nothing short of a blessing. Your birthday is a good time to remember and be grateful for our time. We're wishing you a happy birthday as we celebrate your life and how you have been a blessing to us!
The great thing about having a baby boy, is that you get to see them grow up to be young men. You are turning out to be a fine young man.
Your birth was just the beginning of many birthdays. It was just the beginning of many blessings.
You are the promise of new beginning and you have a very bright future lying ahead of you, so use God’s gifts and do the best you can with them. And before you even know it, all your hard work will have paid every single suffering moment!!
Felicidades young man!
October 5, 2014
D. R., I hope you had a great time today. I am glad you went to church with Tammy.
Jovencito, never give up your dreams, you are very smart and you were given many gifts,
so don't waste them.
You were meant to be a very successful man and every day that goes by, you are one step closer to
realizing that HUGE accomplishment.
I love you and I have faith that you will be that man you were meant to be!
Un super abrazo!
Young man, the day you were born was a day the Roman family was blessed with a great baby. Happy birthday!
Dado, we are proud of the young man you've become. Seeing you grow in character as you grow older gives us great joy.
It’s fun to think back about when you were a baby and other fun times when you were very young and growing up. We’re looking forward to seeing what comes from your future, and we’re wishing you an awesome birthday.
I know you are getting older, but to us you will always be our baby. We love you very much. (Birthday message from us)
Happy birthday guapo! I am wishing you the very best things in the coming year and in life.
May God guide you with his loving hand and bless you as His own as you turn another year older. We know that you were made and given to us for a great purpose, just as baby Jesus was a gift to Mary and Joseph. Happy birthday! We’re praying for you.
Every year you get older, we start feeling older. Maybe that’s because we are getting older too. Whatever the reason, I’m blaming you for making us feel old :). Happy Birthday!
We love you very much, and we’re very proud of what you've become as you have gotten older. Here’s to one more year of awesome! Happy birthday young man!
You have not only been a blessing as a son, nephew, grandson. As you matured, you have become a good example to your cousins.
Sons like you are a valuable treasure to your family.
Having a young man like you in the family, is one of the greatest joys in our life, so your birthday is a joyous occasion fit for celebration.
Having a baby is one of the most amazing things you could ever do, but having a baby who grows up the way you are turning out is even more exciting. Happy birthday to you! We’re very proud of you.
I’m praying that God blesses you with all the things that He’s generous enough to give you. I am wishing you the best birthday you can have.
No one knows how long they get to live, but our time with you has been nothing short of a blessing. Your birthday is a good time to remember and be grateful for our time. We're wishing you a happy birthday as we celebrate your life and how you have been a blessing to us!
The great thing about having a baby boy, is that you get to see them grow up to be young men. You are turning out to be a fine young man.
Your birth was just the beginning of many birthdays. It was just the beginning of many blessings.
You are the promise of new beginning and you have a very bright future lying ahead of you, so use God’s gifts and do the best you can with them. And before you even know it, all your hard work will have paid every single suffering moment!!
Felicidades young man!
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