Saturday, January 28, 2012

The 10 Commandments of Working out


January 28, 2012

I was just going through my list of goals for this year and one of them was to be more disciplined with my eating habits, and to stop doing mindless, unnecessary, emotional and compulsive eating to shed the two stubborn extra kilos clinging on my muffin top because of the food spree we had over the holidays and to stay at 50 kilos…no more, no less.

So I’ve unconsciously had bread only three times in 28 days! About two weeks ago I had Alfredo, then last week I only had two tiny slices of bread and today I had another two very small ones with my pasta.
The funny thing is that I didn’t record that goal in my exercise and diet journal nor register it in my mind, it happened without even thinking about it.

On the other hand, I’ve been splurging on cheese and tortillas!! I’ve lost count on how many tortillas and cheese I’ve gotten a hold of but what makes me anxious the most is the frequency, most of this week and last I’ve had them twice a day every day. No wonder my 6 pack cannot be developed! Maybe I am not doing the appropriate workout, perhaps I should give the Hottie Body Hum Pilates Club a shot!

So I am once again devoting myself to making a serious attempt to stop pigging out and look for ways to control my crazy cravings and stay focused on my workouts by finding alternatives to not aggravate the unbearable pain on my left knee that’s been killing me.

In fact, just a little while ago I was studying my material for the Sports Nutrition Certification I am doing (another one of my goals for 2012) and I came across this list of workout commandments that I will do my best to always have in mind (I made a small change to the title).


1. Thou shalt always be ready to exercise at thy appointed time.
2. Thou shalt call at least twelve hours ahead to cancel or pay full price for thy missed session.
3. Thou shalt do all that the trainer tells thou with no murmuring.
4.Thou shalt eat the way thou are commanded to by thy teacher.
5.Thou shalt not bounce any checks lest thou pay a $20 fee for it.
6. Thou shalt tell all of thy friends about the wonderful things thy teacher has done for thou.
7. Thou shalt not use foul language or take the name of God in vain.
8. Thou shalt cheerfully and joyfully attend thy aerobics sessions, and reflect lovingly upon them.
9. Thou shalt get good results and blessings if thou doest all thy teacher commands thee.
10. Thou shalt have curses (fat and weak) if thou failest to follow any of thy teacher’s commands.
Thy mark: Gina Yoryet Roman, This day: January 28, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Enjoy the Silence

Enjoy the Silence
January 15, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

I am biding my time as I hear the clock tick every millisecond. I watch the way my fingers create new words without a set direction, yet each of those words has a very profound significance as they will be another reached victory and purpose one day rather sooner than later.

Sometimes I go back and read my old posts and it is still hard for me to believe that it is really “Me” who has created those words. It’s been rather odd through my entire life to acknowledge myself for what I’ve accomplished because I am very critical towards myself and because whatever I do will never be good enough. And especially because during my youth I was NEVER one to think about what I’d become when I reached adulthood or much less one to set goals within a time frame.

Sometimes people ask how I can be so disciplined and they automatically assume that I grew up planning everything but they are far from the truth as I lived all my adolescence and early twenties like a vanishing feather flying up and about, a lost soul without a clear vision. When I tell them that I always inclined towards superficial and materialistic aspects without accomplishing anything other than “another” school or work week barely getting passing grades or enough money to get by, they always laugh skeptically.

My morals and values are much different than 15 years ago and my perspective now is that it is our duty as human beings to at some point grow out of the wrong actions and decisions we make earlier but sometimes it seems as if some don’t want to change for better.

That is one of the reasons why I now hold such high standards (“high standards” according to others) because that will lead me to the person I was meant to be and reach all my life’s victories.

People wonder, how I can manage getting up at 4:30am four or five days a week? How could I’ve stayed so loyal to my workouts after 16 years? How can I juggle the variety of projects; Teaching, Translating, Health and Fitness and Writing? (The latter I currently do as a hobby). How can I force myself to squeeze in and expect a little more of me every day, month and year?

Perhaps nothing is done at 100% perfection but I will always keep trying.
I’ve decided that the silent moments in my life would be the most productive ones as instead of choosing to be “sad and lonely,” I can use them to replenish my mind and soul.

Many people don’t manage solitude too well, they don’t appreciate that alone time we are given. Silence is indeed hard to find. Cities are notoriously noisy due to the high concentration of traffic and people. There seems to be no escape from loud music, loud machines and loud voices. But the kind of noise that endangers our spiritual well-being is not the noise we can’t escape but the noise we invite into our lives. Some of us use noise as a way of shutting out loneliness: voices of TV and radio personalities give us the illusion of companionship. Some of us use it as a way of shutting out our own thoughts. Other voices and opinions keep us from having to think for ourselves. Many of us do it to hide behind a mask or for many other reasons

My perspective to such behavior is that most of us are afraid to face and reach to our inner selves and strive for spiritual growth. There is an amazing documentary by Philip Gröning, “Into Great Silence,” released in 2005 in which has neither commentary sound effects added, consisting only of images and sounds of life in a monastery. This film should hold high praising and awards as that is what society has been in desperate need of.

There was also this inspiring phrase by singer Meg Hutchinson about this matter, “My next record should be 45 minutes of silence.” “Because that is what we’re missing most in society.”

And last by not least, there is “Enjoy the Silence,” by Depeche Mode that holds a very true verdict of such vain and empty society we have created.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


January 12, 2012

A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day,
drinking iced tea and visiting with her mother. As
they talked about life, about marriage, about the
responsibilities of life and the obligations of
adulthood, the mother clinked the ice cubes in her
glass thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober glance
upon her daughter..

Don't forget your sisters,' she advised, swirling
the tea leaves to the bottom of her glass. 'They'll
be more important as you get older. No matter how
much you love your husband, no matter how much you
love the children you may have, you are still going
to need sisters. Remember to go places with them now
and then; do things with them.'

Remember that 'sisters' means ALL the women...
your girlfriends, your daughters, and all your other
women relatives too. 'You'll need other women. Women
always do.

What a funny piece of advice!' the young woman
thought. Haven't I just gotten married?
Haven't I just joined the couple-world? I'm now a
married woman, for goodness sake! A grownup! Surely
my husband and the family we may start will be all I
need to make my life worthwhile!'

But she listened to her mother. She kept contact
with her sisters and made more women friends each
year. As the years tumbled by, one after another,
she gradually came to understand that her mother really
knew what she was talking about. As time and nature
work their changes and their mysteries upon a woman,
sisters are the mainstays of her life.

After more than 50 years of living in this world,
here is what I've learned:


Time passes.

Life happens.

Distance separates.

Children grow up.

Jobs come and go.

Love waxes and wanes.

Men don't do what they're supposed to do.

Hearts break.

Parents die.

Colleagues forget favors.

Careers end.

Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how

many miles are between you. A girl friend is never farther
away than needing her can reach.

When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you
have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life
will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on,
praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on
your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the
valley's end.

Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk
beside you....Or come in and carry you out.
Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters,
daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, Mothers,
Grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins, and extended
family: all bless our life!

The world wouldn't be the same without women, and
neither would I.. When we began this adventure called
womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or
sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we
would need each other.

Every day, we need each other still. Pass this on
to all the women who help make your life meaningful.
I just did. Short and very sweet:

There are more than twenty angels in this world.
Ten are peacefully sleeping on clouds and ten are
playing at this moment.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

My biggest attraction

My biggest attraction
January 8, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

The end of 2011 and the first week of 2012 have been very fulfilling as I started off with one of my many goals – that is to spend time with positive and successful people.

Sunday December 18, I had dinner with the producer of“The Road to Tequila,” and planned and strategized 2-3 issues that we are making happen this year. The following two days we went to do some interviews at La Cámara de la Industria Tequilera and to the Consejo Regulador del Tequila, to wrap our day up, we had dinner at Santo Coyote.

On Tuesday we went to Tequila to do another interview but we were out of luck since some people are afraid to bring up some topics on camera because that could be detrimental for their business.
On December 31st I had brunch with my mentor, a woman who has achieved and done so much in Guadalajara since her arrival in 1960.
That same day, New Year’s dinner, two of my sisters, my nephew, my mother and I had some special guests…
The priests from our church, they came with another 5 people.

We couldn’t have ended the year any better, surrounded with love, peace, harmony and affection, food in a cozy place in the midst of chaos, death, tragedy, despair and pain that many families are going through. Thank God there are always angels in our journey.

So getting rid of bad intentioned people is on my top list. It is nice to know many people and spend time with them but what matters to me more than quantity is quality and talking to priests is always very peaceful because they project good vibes and they are filled with warm and kind words, they have so much wisdom but more than anything, they have the power of healing hearts and guiding humanity to follow the right path.
We talked about many things but the one that made me reflect the most was vanity.

If someone had asked me before what is my biggest attraction? Perhaps I would’ve said, “my legs, my nose, my arms or my face because those are the body parts that I’ve been complimented the most about.”
I would’ve said that because I’ve let myself be induced in this vain and superficial world. I chose to incline towards the outer aspect but I would like to change that.

From now on when someone asks me about my biggest attraction I will respond like this, “My brain is my biggest attraction and my most valued asset.”
Appreciate it and act like a lady, like the priest said this morning during mass.
Only loving words must always come out of a woman’s mouth to her partner, not orders as a woman is very powerful and it compliments the man of the house.

If I am blessed with a loving partner someday I will use my biggest attraction for us to succeed all the stages in our relationship and I will also use it to make wise decisions, to talk to the right people.
My brain will be my guide to lead me through the right path.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Purpose Given Life

The Purpose Given Life
January 1st, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

It was all gloom and doom seven years and seven months ago as life took an unexpected turn and it left me with one of the most painful scars ever.

On May 20th, everything was up in the air, my life was under someone else’s control and I was terrified of the unknown.
“My” entire world fell down on me making me realize that I wasn’t the person I was supposed to be which led to endless days of a desperate search of answers and countless moments of rage wishing I’d disappear.

In my moments of doubt I never pondered on the fact that God does answer prayers and that there is a purpose for every human being in this planet and that every opportunity and blessing are disguised as tragedies.

2011 was a year to test my faith, to find my purpose, to set much higher and important goals, to leave many people and negative things behind, but most important of all, it was the time to find answers to “why me,” “why now,” “why here,” “why to others?”

Deep down I am still terrified of life but I do not let it control me, I try to focus instead on maximizing my abilities and unleashing my highest potential to tackle down all the obstacles lying ahead and to accomplish my purpose now at the right place and time.

And 2011 was when peace, serenity and gratification finally knocked on my door again.
A year when hope flourished again, when I met most of my health and fitness goals, the landmark when I reached most of my professional goals and my list of wishes was longer than ever and when I set much higher, serious and challenging expectations, a year when I was finally able to shrug my shoulders and shake off all the resentment and be more joyful.

When I finally gave up trying to understand daunting dreams that disturbed me, I prayed instead until anxiety disappeared.

But most of all, I am finally starting to understand The Purpose Given Life.

2012 Goals

2012 Goals
January 1st, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

As the New Year embarks, there are many new goals to be achieved, projects and missions to be completed.
So I came up with this list today, the first day of 2012 but I know that it will get longer as time passes.

The difference between now and when I was much younger is that before I’d only think about things but I never put them on paper that’s why most of those goals were not met but since I started writing them down, 98% of them have become real.

Professional goals:
1) Finish my project in TJ
2) Finish “The Road to Tequila”
3) Start business plan to export a health product to foreign countries
4) Start putting together tour packages
5) Patent my brand at IMPI
6) Make some changes to GTS and learn all the small details to better manage my site.
7) Write more frequently and start my biography (update and fix my blog, make it more professional looking)
8) Enroll in a course to get certified to become a sworn Translator
9) Get 3-4 more steady clients
10) Take a course to get certified to teach Spanish (improve Spanish grammar)
11) Learn another language
12) Take accounting and business leadership courses
13) Partner up with colleague and put together business courses.
14) Learn more about business, finances and the economy.
15) Be a better Teacher, Translator and Writer
16) Become successful or die trying

Health and fitness goals:
1) Complete my Sports Nutrition Certification
2) Go to knee therapy (and start running eventually)
3) Study and learn about the human body
4) Do more cross training, start integrating swimming lessons, rowing (and perhaps even dance lessons)
5) Get in better shape - Get more toned up
6) Help more women to lead a healthy life style

Personal goals:
1) Have more faith and hold on to it
2) Put more time into praying, be more dedicated and don’t rush
3) Go to mass every Sunday, not only when I feel like it
4) Cut back on the swearing
5) Stop looking in the mirror so much and doubting myself – Believe more
6) Start doing charity work again (volunteer at Padre Romo’s temple)
7) Read more
8) Call my family more
9) Be more giving and caring
10) Stop being so self-centered
11) Listen more, talk less and be more understanding
12) Avoid being distracted
13) Apply for VUS
14) Travel more
15) Start saving money
16) Start looking into buying a house
17) Be more sociable
18) Learn from my past mistakes and take them as a learning experience
19) Increase my knowledge in every possible area
20) Be more organized, dedicated and persistent in everything
21) Spend my money wisely – don’t buy unnecessary things and save more
22) Pay off my car
23) Pay off my credit card
24) Pay off my braces
25) Find TMOMD
26) Find answers to many things I don’t understand
27) Find my purpose in life
28) Be more organized, aggressive and decisive
29) Be more selective and cut all the cords with the wrong people
30) Submit a story to Chicken Soup for the Soul

Confessions of a health and fitness enthusiast

Confessions of a health and fitness enthusiast
Chronicles of my workout routines 2012
January 1st, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

It’s been a tough and long year and a half since running had to be put behind as my knee injury keeps aggravating.

Although I am still not game for even five minutes, I am very satisfied with the change in my workouts. I’ve been able to integrate cross training and work around my issue but sometimes the pain is unbearable that I cannot fully enjoy my sanctuary.

It gets to the point where it hurts even to walk and drive.
At this precise moment I am pain free or there’s only very little pain, on my birthday two weeks ago, I also felt great but about a month ago the pain was so intense that I kept asking myself, “if this is life at 30’s, I am terrified of what is lying at 40’s, 50’s. I am so done, ready to check out!”

2012 will be filled with new and different things; swimming lessons, rowing and perhaps even dance lessons. It’s just a matter of spicing it up and keeping it fun and entertaining.

“Get fit or die trying”