Thursday, December 27, 2012

Women aren’t women anymore...

Women aren’t women anymore...
December 27, 2012

“Women are no longer women, but ‘she-demons’, who come from the great land across the sea. They do not love, but rather devour their mates, bones and all. Who could love such a creature?”
Quoted by Jeff Fecke in his “Ladies: If You Want to Get Married, Get Back in the Kitchen,” November 26, 2012

¡Oh mujer, mírame a Mi, flagelado y coronado de espinas! ¡Contempla Mis Llagas y Mis heridas...!

¡Después escucha y reflexiona!
Durante Mi vida terrenal, viví como manso cordero; fui al Calvario sin abrir la boca; traté con dulzura a la Samaritana y se convirtió; conmoví el corazón de María Magdalena, la pecadora e hice de ella una predilecta y una santa; al cruzar las calles de Palestina, pronunciaba palabras de luz, de paz y de amor; Mis enseñanzas eran dulce como la miel: pero un día, al echar una Mirada Divina a todos los siglos, viendo como el mal INUNDABA, IMPETUOSO, A TODO EL MUNDO, Y ULTRAJABA MIS TEMPLOS, pronuncié palabras de fuego: ¡Ay del mundo por los escándalos!... ¡y de quién escandaliza! Sería mejor que se le atara una piedra de molino al cuello y se le arrojara al mar. 

Quien pronuncia este ¡ay! es un Dios abandonado por muchos sacerdotes, religiosas y seglares que no viven realmente lo que Yo les prediqué. Soy Yo, Jesús, que sufrió tanto para salvar a las almas; soy Yo, el Juez Supremo de la Humanidad, de esa humanidad, que entre otros pecados me crucifica nuevamente con sus modas indecentes. Yo, pronunciaré la sentencia eterna para cada alma: PARAÍSO O INFIERNO.

Reflexiona, mujer, que sigues la moda licenciosa y piensa con seriedad un momento sobre los graves escándalos que provocas a quienes te miran, te desean y te hieren con frases groseras a causa de tus ropas ajustadas, transparentes, escotadas y cortes.
¡Oh, mujer: ¿Por qué ultrajas Mis Templos, haciendo exhibición de tu cuerpo?, ¿por qué sólo te ocupas en agradar y tentar a los hombres?, ¿por qué transformas Mi Casa de Oración en una sala de anatomía donde abundan cabezas, troncos, extremidades y hasta la marca de tu ropa interior?

Mis Templos son profanados a causa de tus ropas sensuales y provocativas.
Dime, mujer, tus virtudes, ¿dónde están?; tu pudor, tu modestia, tu humildad, ¿dónde están?

Tus modas que tanto tientan, ¿son distintas a la de una atea? ¡NO, EN ABSOLUTO! Puedes ilusionarte tú misma diciendo: ¿qué mal hay en seguir esta moda? ... las demás mujeres también lo hacen y... hay sacerdotes que no lo prohíben y hasta lo aceptan. Esta ilusión es para ti, pero la realidad es otra bien distinta. LA CONDUCTA INCORRECTA de tantas mujeres, aún cristianas, NO JUSTIFICA LA MALA CONDUCTA PROPIA. Si las demás mujeres se quieren condenar siguiendo lo que el mundo les predica, ¿por qué te has de condenar tú?

Todos los pecados que provocas con tus pantalones, shorts, minifaldas, blusas y vestidos transparentes y escotados, ombligos y espaldas descubiertas, FUERA Y DENTRO DEL TEMPLO, son imputables a quienes te miran, pero más que todo, son imputables a ti que eres la causa voluntaria.

Yo, Legislador Divino, dije: Si alguien mira a una mujer con malicia, YA PECÓ EN SU CORAZÓN. La Moral que Yo enseñé, ES UNA, INVIOLABLE Y ETERNA, mientras que las modas son muchas. Mi Iglesia no tiene modas, el mundo las tiene todas. Si realmente me amas, debes seguir Mi vida llena de abnegación y sacrificio, por lo tanto, debes abandonar las modas que atentan contra la Moral y la Fe.

Angosta es la puerta que conduce al Cielo y ancha la que lleva al Infierno, la mayoría elige esta última.
Estar contra las modas indecentes y NO USARLAS es muy difícil y se necesita mucho amor hacia Mí, PARA NO DEJARSE ARRASTRAR POR ELLAS.
Hombres y mujeres, se preocupan más en seguir el último grito de la moda que el imitar Mi vida llena de austeridades.

Yo fui enviado al mundo, no para hacer Mi Voluntad, sino la de Aquel que me envió.
Tú fuiste enviada al mundo no para vivir, hacer y usar lo que a ti de dé la gana, sino para realizar Mi Santa Voluntad.
O estás Conmigo o estás contra Mí; o estás Conmigo o estás con las modas faltas de pudor. Lo que elijas te dará la eternidad de Mi Gloria o la eternidad de las penas.

Cuando la muerte te arranque, de este mundo lleno de vanidades y de lujos sin razón y llegues a Mi Presencia para ser juzgada, viendo los pecados que los hombres cometieron al mirar tu cuerpo escasamente cubierto, tú misma quedarás avergonzada: ¿Qué pretextos podrás presentarme? ¡Ay de ti, mujer, por tus escándalos! ¡Ay de ti que perdiste el pudor y la vergüenza!, ¿por qué obras así?, ¿por qué me crucificas nuevamente con los clavos de tu inmodestia?

Cuando en forma irrespetuosa me recibes en la Comunión, cuánta amargura siento al entrar a tu cuerpo que es motivo de tantos pecados en los hombres y mal ejemplo a las pocas mujeres que tú, con desdén, y desprecio llamas "anticuadas". Te aseguro que muchas de esas "anticuadas" están Conmigo, mientras que muchas modernas sin pudor, están "gozando" en el Infierno.
Los matrimonios que se celebran, también abofetean Mi Rostro, cuando las novias y madrinas se acercan al Altar medio desnudas al igual que muchas de sus amistades. Tienen una hipocresía tal, que aún semidesnudas, llevan colgada al cuello una hermosa cruz metálica, signo de su "gran catolicidad". La verdad es que son sepulcros blanqueados, llenos de lujos por fuera y... vacías de humildad y caridad por dentro.
¡Ay, ay , ay!, de todos aquellos sacerdotes que TEMEN O NO QUIEREN PROHIBIR que pisoteen y profanen Mis Templos con las desnudeces de las modas.

Muchos de ellos se dejan seducir por su presencia. NO QUIEREN SER RIGUROSOS EN EL CUMPLIMIENTO DE SUS DEBERES.
Yo fuí traicionado por un falso apóstol. Y hoy, hay falsos sacerdotes, religiosas y seglares que en forma clandestina están trabajando para destruir Mi Iglesia. Falsean mi Doctrina permitiendo de todo y creando un cristianismo fácil.

En mis templos se ven las cosas más profanas, por ejemplo: maquillajes, peinados, exóticos, joyas, amuletos, anteojos de sol, finas y escasas telas. Otros, en cambio, se dedican a comer, fumar, mascar chicle, conversar, dormir, estudiar, flirtear, cruzar las piernas, aplaudir, bailar, cantar canciones profanas y el feliz cumpleaños, curiosear, pasear admirando las obras de arte, sacar fotos durante la santa Misa, etc., etc., etc., como si estuvieran de pic.nic. ¡Pobre de ellos! A Mi Casa de Oración la están convirtiendo en lugar de pecado y ... NADIE SALE EN MI DEFENSA. TODOS CALLAN Y HUYEN, NADIE VE NADA Y ME NIEGAN COMO CUANDO ME CRUCIFICARON. NADIE SE ARRIESGA POR MI Y TODOS SE LAVAN LAS MANOS COMO PILATOS.
¿Dónde están los que darán su vida por Mí?

Si un político, un deportista o un artista les dicen: "hagan ésto o usen aquello", todos lo imitan. Yo, en cambio, les prometo el Premio Eterno, si cumplen Mis Mandamientos, Y CASI NADIE HACE CASO A MIS INVITACIONES.
¡Ay, ay, ay!, de Mis religiosas que en sus Instituciones y Colegios no aconsejan a sus alumnas sobre la sana y correcta manera de vestir. ¡Ay, ay, ay de las monjas que adaptan sus vestimentas a las de las mujeres mundanas: vuestros pecados están terminando Mi Paciencia. ¡Ay, ay, ay! de los padres y madres que siguiendo el ritmo inmoral de las modas, pervierten a sus hijos con el uso de las mismas y los hacen motivo de escándalos.

¡Ay, ay, ay! de todos aquellos seglares que no se animan a aconsejar con energía a tantos hermanos equivocados, sobre la NECESIDAD Y OBLIGACIÓN DE ABANDONAR las modas y acciones que desvirtúan Mi Evangelio.
¡Ay, ay, ay! de todas aquellas personas que de una u otra manera fomentan, comercializan y permiten toda clase de desnudeces. Sé muy bien que queréis corromper a la mujer, para así con más facilidad destruir Mi Iglesia, la Familia y la Patria.

A todas las personas les digo: Es responsable del pecado quien lo comete y quien tiene el deber de impedirlo y cobardemente no lo impide.
"Se toman severas medidas para luchar contra el hambre, las pestes, la pobreza y las impurezas de la atmósfera, pero se contempla, inclusive con complacencia, la contaminación de los espíritus". (S. S. Pablo VI).
Mi Justicia destruyó las ciudades inmorales de Sodoma y Gomorra. Peor será el Castigo que tendrá lugar dentro de poco tiempo, según lo viene anunciando Mi Santísima Madre en La Salette, Lourdes, Fátima y otros lugares.
Oh, almas, que vivís en el fango moral, en la vida cristiana fácil, cómoda y libertina, sembrando por doquier la muerte espiritual. Miradme crucificado, meditad sobre el Infierno en donde caen tantas almas que en un tiempo vivieron dándose todos los gustos, placeres, modas, diversiones, etc., etc.. ¿qué será de vosotras?

¡Oh, mujeres, que cuando vivían eran halagadas, aplaudidas, admiradas, imitadas y perseguidas por tantos exhibicionismos de sus cuerpos. Ahora, ¿quién se acuerda de ustedes?, ¿dónde están sus conquistas?, ¿dónde sus dineros, joyas y fama?, ¿dónde están los cuerpos que tanto mostraban? FUEGO ETERNO LAS CONSUME, FUEGO QUE DEVORA Y NO MATA. En cambio las que aquí vivían modestamente soportando agrias críticas y bromas hirientes por su pudor y respeto hacia Mí, gozan para siempre de la eternidad de Mi Compañía y la de María, Mi Santísima Madre.

Si tu mano, tu pie, tu ojo o... tus modas, son motivo de escándalos, CÓRTALOS Y ARRÓJALOS LEJOS DE TI, pues más te vale entrar sin ellos al Reino de los Cielos, que con los mismos al Fuego Eterno.

Quien teme y respeta a los hombres y a las modas más que a Mí, NO ES DIGNO DE MI.
A mis fieles Obispos, sacerdotes, religiosas y seglares, los invito a que con prudente valentía, defiendan Mi causa y Mis Templos del avasallamiento de las modas obscenas y vergonzosas, caso contrario, el brazo de Mi Divina Justicia caerá riguroso sobre todos ustedes que tienen la obligación de dar testimonio de Mi Vida.

He aquí las palabras mismas de Nuestro Señor a Santa Margarita María de Alacoque: "Yo te prometo en el exceso de la Misericordia de Mi Corazón que su Amor Todopoderoso concederá a cuantos comulgaren nueve primeros viernes de mes seguidos, la gracia de la penitencia final, o sea, que no morirán en desgracia mía y sin recibir los sacramentos y que mi Corazón se constituirá en seguro asilo de ellos en aquel momento".

La Santísima Virgen a Sor Lucía, la afortunada vidente de Fátima el día 10 de diciembre de 1925, le dijo: "Mira, hija Mía, Mi Corazón todo punzado de espinas que los hombres en todo momento le clavan con sus blasfemias e ingratitudes. Tú, al menos, procura consolarle, y haz saber que Yo prometo asistir a la hora de la muerte, con las gracias necesarias para la salvación eterna, a todos aquellos que en los primeros sábados de cinco meses consecutivos, se confiesen, reciban la Sagrada Comunión, recen la tercera parte del Rosario y me hagan compañía durante un cuarto de hora meditando en los quince misterios del Rosario, con intención de darme reparación".

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas is about giving & receiving

Christmas is about giving and receiving
December 26, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

My eight six email addresses are to drive one bananas because I am constantly bombarded with a TON of junk email. Between the massive amount of messages, there was an instanter whose title captured my eye immediately:  Care2causes is the largest online community for healthy and green living, human rights and animal welfare. 

The timing of this message couldn't have been more precise, making me reason and overturn my LONG list of requests (put the selfish gene lying within behind) for the upcoming year.

10 Random Acts of Kindness, an article written by Ximena Ramirez on December 20, talks about RECEIVING the following gifts…
1) Kindness 
2) Love
3) Affection
4) Warmth
5) Peace
6) Promise
7) Brotherhood
8) Understanding 
9) Human quality
10) Smiling

Plus the gift of giving randomly and being kind to strangers without expecting absolutely anything in exchange.

The most genuine act of granting love to others was number 8, 'Gas for Christmas,' that of Don Reed who willingly and lovingly camped out at a Tennessee gas station for an hour surprising 80 strangers and filled their gas tank using money from his own pocket. He only asked those lucky folks to pay it forward. 

That is one of the beauties of doing charity work and about life; Give and receive, receive and give, follow the wise saying, "What comes around, goes around."
I try to apply this principle of giving more than receiving yet most Christmas and almost my entire life I have received more than what I can ever give back.

When one gives without asking for, or expecting anything in return, sooner or later the blessings will be returned in twofold. I've experienced and witnessed that in different occasions throughout my life, that's why in 2013 my list of goals is to give and do more for others because there are many whose needs surpass mine.

I will start off by re-connecting with a great lady (a client of mine) I just met who in her seventies is very community alert and active. She collects funds to donate and buy blankets, clothes, food, etc. and visits retirement homes and orphanages.

My dream is to die giving and doing random acts of kindness to warm many peoples' souls and spread that culture in Mexico.

"Plans change, people disappoint and traditions expire.
Release your expectations of the holidays and be open to surprise."
By: Cheryl Richardson

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Dear Santa

Dear Santa
December 25, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

Dear Baba Claus (Santa's Assistant)
Care of Santa Claus

How is it going cute, chubby and fluffy ole' man?
I know this is not the best time to contact you as you are buried under a million requests. It's been ages since I've jotted down a list of desires. Are you in Mexico, in the U. S., in Europe, in Asia, Egypt? Wherever your odyssey is taking you, please rush to answer my inquiries.

Let me warn you  beforehand that it is a LONG list so be prepared for never asked before favors BUT before getting started, would you be kind and clarify some doubts that I've speculated since long ago (that's the main reason I was held aback to ask for anything).

Is there an age limit for petitions? I mean, It's not like I am not an adolescent nor a young adult, let's say I surpassed the big 30. If there's an age margin, have you ever made an exception just like with grammar rules? 
I am crossing my fingers for my wishes to be granted but if they don't, here's my list anyway. Please be kind enough and give me a little tinge of hope to share my frenzy with many others. I promise that I will not plead for money, empty or vain matters, nor impossible requests so one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and
four to go!!

1) Can you help me be 100% physically REAL SOON in order for me to come back reloaded and to override my prior expectations?
2) Can you intervene for me to reach all my dreams and goals and to have more stability in every possible way?
3) Could you give me strength and loads of energy to do more charity work?
4) Would you help me stay energized and motivated the entire year and the many ones to come?
5) Would you tighten the ropes when I tend to stray and don't EVER let me give up who I am? Otherwise who would I be if I don't stand up for my beliefs?
6) Could you give me a recipe to keep my mind, body and soul healthy and combat my bad attitude that wreaks inner havoc sometimes? 
7) Please give me twenty remote controls to shut down the internal negativity pounding in my head and that annoying pessimistic voice that tends to torture me when that wonderful TOM (Time of the month) approaches.
8) Please help me be wiser and concentrate on and take action in more meaningful achievements.
9) Grant me the joy and serenity of reuniting all my family more frequently or at least once or twice a year.
10) Make me physically, mentally and spiritually stronger to devote my life to doing good deeds
11) Please don't let me run out of writing ideas, otherwise I will never be able to fill that empty void.

12) PLEASE do something urgent so the low quality food crazy cravings cease attacking me! 

Ok Santa, this is it for now, I will keep adding on to my wish list so be kind enough and rush to answer my petitions.

P. S. 
Make sure you take enough time to rest as you will need it after you get through with my list.

1,000,000,000 thanks Santa!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Resume of Jesus Christ

The Resume of Jesus Christ
December 23rd, 2012

The Resume of Jesus Christ

Address:     Ephesians 1:20
Phone:        Romans 10:13
Website:     The Bible . Keywords: Christ, Lord, Savior and Jesus



My name is Jesus -The Christ. Many call me Lord! I've sent you my resume because I'm seeking the top management position in your heart. Please consider my accomplishments as set forth in my resume.


I founded the earth and established the heavens, (See Proverbs 3:19)
I formed man from the dust of the ground, (See Genesis 2:7)
I breathed into man the breath of life, (See Genesis 2:7)
I redeemed man from the curse of the law, (See Galatians 3:13)
The blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant comes upon your life through me, (See Galatians 3:14).

Occupational Background

I've only had one employer, (See Luke 2:49 ).
I've never been tardy, absent, disobedient, slothful or disrespectful.
My employer has nothing but rave reviews for me, (See Matthew 3:15 -17)

Skills Work Experiences 

Some of my skills and work experiences include: empowering the poor to be poor no more, healing the brokenhearted, setting the captives free, healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind and setting at liberty them that are bruised, (See Luke 4:18).
I am a Wonderful Counselor, (See Isaiah 9:6). People who listen to me shall dwell safely and shall not fear evil, (See Proverbs 1:33 ).
Most importantly, I have the authority, ability and power to cleanse you of your sins, (See I John 1:7-9).

Educational Background 

I encompass the entire breadth and length of knowledge, wisdom and understanding, (See Proverbs 2:6).
In me are hidden all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, (See Colossians 2:3).
My Word is so powerful; it has been described as being a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path, (See Psalms 119:105).
I can even tell you all of the secrets of your heart, (See Psalms 44:21).

Major Accomplishments 

I was an active participant in the greatest Summit Meeting of all times, (See Genesis1:26 ).
I laid down my life so that you may live, (See II Corinthians 5:15 ).
I defeated the arch enemy of God and mankind and made a show of them openly, (See Colossians 2:15 ).
I've miraculously fed the poor, healed the sick and raised the dead!
There are many more major accomplishments, too many to mention here. You can read them on my website, which is located at: www dot - the BIBLE. You don't need an Internet connection or computer to access my website.


Believers and followers worldwide will testify to my divine healing, salvation, deliverance, miracles, restoration and supernatural guidance.

In Summation 

Now that you've read my resume, I'm confident that I'm the only candidate uniquely qualified to fill this vital position in your heart. In summation, I will properly direct your paths, (See Proverbs 3:5-6), and lead you into everlasting life, (See John 6:47 ). When can I start? Time is of the essence, (See Hebrews 3:15 ).

Thursday, December 20, 2012

My latest fitness allies

My latest fitness allies
December 20, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

Yesterday was my first thirty-five minute granny walk or any attempt to move since late August. My first reaction was, "No, it'd be better to give my knee at least another two weeks." It only took me five seconds to revert that thought and I immediately reached out for my new pair of cross trainers waiting in the closet.
My knee throbbed insignificantly for a few minutes but when I got home I rushed to do my twenty minute therapy and the pain subsided almost instantaneously.

Today my therapist integrated more exercises to my routine plus added a little weight. I felt nothing but thrill and resplendence when she expressed that I am the  fastest recovery patient since she started her career as a physical therapist. 

After my therapy, I did another forty minute stroll and walked a little faster than yesterday which my knee didn't take too well forcing me to sit down briefly. In contrast to fretting, I was more at ease because my intuition tells me that everything will be just fine, plus, my January goal will be met!

I had envisioned exactly that..
Start out early or mid December by integrating a few strolls here and there, following some light ab and arm work three times a week and be good to go in January.

In addition to that, sum a little boost with my latest fitness allies to reacquire my old shape,  the strong and fit body I deserve (but better than ever this time to challenge and prove myself that age can make me stronger and better):

1) The 2013 Women's Health Training Guide which includes a killer ab routine by gorgeously cut Anna Kournikova, all kinds of diet tips for every age and more great and useful health tips.

2) The Women's Running Mag with a killer routine for sculpted abs with the kettle bell. 

3) The Muscle & Fitness - Hers Mag with awesome tips for shapely legs and to get lean all over. 

4) The nutri-bullet (I'll go into further depth about this in my next post). This nutriblast is THE world's first nutrition extractor!

Plus my other accomplices that will take about eights weeks to get in the mail since there's not a single place to find them in this city.

1) The Runner's Guide to Yoga. 
By: Sage Rountree

2) Successful Running at 30's, 40's, 50's and beyond
By: Keran Barrett

3) Reset your Biological Clock
By: Al Sears MD

After having gone all the stages; anger, frustration, sadness, anxiety, stress, these magnificent resources will help me make the most of the (MY) rebound. 

I am sooo looking forward to re-welcoming my fitness quest!
What a great way to say farewell to this year and to embrace the one lying ahead.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I couldn't ask 4 more on a Dec 16

I couldn't ask for more...
on a December 16
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
December 16, 2012

Reading my horoscope is not a habit of mine for a number of reasons. One of them is the lack of time and interest, and the skepticism that always invades my mind, but I just got through reading it by coincidence.

Sagittarius daily Overview
Your social energy is vibrating at just the right frequency today -- so make the most of it and connect or reconnect with folks who could be important to you. It's a great day for parties!

Here's when the rebuttal begins:

1) My social energy is not vibrating at all. It's been awfully low since I have not exercised regularly and stopped taking my vitamins.

2) I did somewhat reconnect with a very important person that I kept avoiding to call (I just got off the phone after talking to him). 
My father! At any given moment in the past not only would I have refused to talk to him but the only thought of him would've stirred nothing but negative emotions within. Many pessimistic memories about him haunted me endlessly unlike now. I won't discuss our issues in detail but one of the reasons we never clicked is because we are a mirror of one another in many ways. We both are very strong willed and imposing, that's why there were many confrontations while growing up. 
Neverthless, this morning when one of my sisters called I told her that I am very grateful for all the undeserved blessings I've been given.

3) Today it is most definitely NOT a good day for parties! My list of priorities has reversed, meaning that partying comes at the very far end of my list. I expressed my deepest thoughts and feelings to my sister this morning about my panorama like this:


"Too bad we didn't have a chance to catch up with all this family craze as we celebrated HR1's (my oldest brother) birthday yesterday and mine today. Don't sweat it, there will always be time later on like mom always said, "hay mas tiempo que vida," - time is longer than the rope. 
Thanks for everything, my day was very nice and quiet but that is all I need because I am very grateful to everyone for everything. Mom and I didn't go out to lunch or anything, we just went to mass, had lunch here and i finished some work. 
I was feeling down for a few days because I always get melancholic during the holidays but the truth is that God has given me way too much. Plus there are millions of people who are really at their very lowest so I am just happy to finally be in the final stage of this physical interruption that really had me suffering!
I have a lot of faith, hope and inner peace like never before and I was radiant in happiness when all of you called (except RG2, but I know she's not too expressive so I am not bothered). Even dad called just a little while ago. Just knowing that all of you are a part of my life, is priceless. 
It is the bomb to have so much love and so many siblings but the best of all is that we are very close. Having you and knowing that we are all healthy and that we have a wonderful mother who's always been a true warrior and a great example to us, is one of the greatest blessings. 
Listening to my niece and nephews adorable voices singing happy birthday to me is heart melting!
Dad sounds a lot more relaxed now and I am at ease because we are now finally able to let sleeping dogs lie and we are ok. I am going to go see him as soon as I am fully recovered physically.
There isn't really any better way to celebrate my birthday, so I could NOT ask for more."

God bless!

4) My two or three real close and lifetime friends facebooked me as well (I reopened another account that I very seldom check but for the most part, I only look at the notifications that I get by email without having to open my dull, pictureless and commentless account)
The nicest comment from my long time great friend, K. E. was, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEAUTIFUL FRIEND. I LOVE YOU LOTS AND MISS YOU SO MUCH. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!"

With this in hand, what else could I have thirsted for on a December 16 or any given day?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Drinking has its benefits…

Drinking has its benefits…
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
Dec 13, 2012

My drinking habits are abiding all year round, that's why my fridge is always equipped with two exquisite and refreshing drinks.

Firstly, I don't give room for high caloric drinks such as coke or Arizona juice because their sugar content is very high (even when coke is amongst my top 3 favorite junk drinks). I can immediately dump them over something more natural and healthy. The only time I've had coke about three or four days a week for eight weeks straight (and almost 1 entire liter of coke one day), was just a few weeks ago because my body cajoled me into cheating.  

Red bull and energy drinks of that sort are not a temptation, they feel more like a poison in my body. The only time I had half a bottle of one Red bull, the texture was funny, the after drinking effect was like loads of sugar on my tongue so I rather stick to more ordinary fluids. 

Gatorade, powerade, electrolyte, and other power drinks of that category can be detrimental in the long run. 

Coffee and hot chocolate aren't amongst my must haves for two reasons; 
1) I'm not  a coffee addict, doing without it suits me well. My metabolism is very fast as it is and I'm pretty hyped up 95% of the time. 
2) The sugar content in chocolate is outrageous, that's why I only have it very randomly.

Booze is not something I voluntarily buy unless I go to a BYOB (bring your own booze) potluck or dinner. 
Wine, I am not some sort of connoisseur of it. 
Rum, Whisky, Vodka, I am not too keen on these, I can't tell the difference between them to begin with. I'm a babe in the woods in this aspect. 
Therefore, I'd rather stick with good the 'ole tequila. 

My drinking habits don't have to do with any of the already mentioned. My affair with a good drink is better connected with greens. On a sweltering summer I can have up to three liters or more, during the winter the consumption is reduced to two liters always leaving me refreshed, no matter the weather. 

A glass of this green blood is always lying on my nightstand, ready for me when I wake up in the middle of the night.
When I go out for a late dinner, my bottle of this green liquid is always embraced by my grip.

The reason why I am all for this stimulating green drink is because:
It provides the same benefits as iron
It is a powerful detoxifier and tonic
It is high in amino acids
It cleans blood and it creates red blood cells
It helps maintain a healthy colon
It regulates calcium
It is a very powerful antiviral and anti-bacterial 
It improves liver function
It stops cancer cells from developing
It helps fight infection
It is an oxygen booster
It is rich in enzymes that promote quick rejuvenation of our cells
It helps skin disorders
It helps break addictions
It is used as an anti-inflammatory
It is calorie free unless you choose the sugared type 

Chlorophyl offers the benefits mentioned above plus others, that is why there is always a bottle of this marvelous drink in my covert.
Health is one of my priorities so once I am 100% recovered, I will cross the milestone of just being healthy to being fit once again with this drink plus a load of water, plenty of milk and enough protein shakes backing me up so I can take advantage of the many benefits of drinking. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

La Guadalupana

La Guadalupana
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
December 12, 2012

I learned a lot about faith from my parents, especially from my mother. I still have memories of us going to mass week after week. As a born and raised catholic, I was baptized and did my first communion.
When I was a teenager I became part of a catholic youth group which played an important role in forging who I am now.
That very short lasting stage in life eventually became tedious and I soon got distracted with other 'better' things and dropped it, that followed my complete disconnection with all religion matters. Spiritual matters were not necessary after all…Only every once in a while when things were not that rosy. 

The truth is that deep down I always prayed and reached out to God and La Virgencita, in the dim lighting of my room when the entire world was asleep. When daylight came I put on a good show and faked that I was very tough and those issues were irrelevant and pointless. 
I had forgotten those prayers until my youngest sister reminded me a few weeks ago, "I remember when we were younger, you prayed every night."
Her comment caught me off guard because I thought nobody knew about my spiritual side. 
About a year and a half ago, I started going to F. S. S. P., where I've found the long sought inner peace. F. S. S. P. has taught me simple yet BIG things. To give unconditional love and to hold on to faith no matter what. Amongst the most important values, I've learned to cherish and have faith in La Morenita, or La Guadalupana, our Mexican virgin. 

Especially today, on her day, Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe.' On december 12, the  majority of Mexicans (about 70%,) gather around the Basilica in Mexico City (the second most visited temple worldwide) and in churches all around Mexico to thank  the mother of our nation for the miracles granted during the year. 
Last night as I slowly fell into a deep sleep, I could hear fire crackers afar and this morning I was awakened at dawn by the cracking of fireworks to welcome her. 

Not many believe that she belongs to us nonetheless; according to El Siglo de Durango, a Mexican newspaper,  a Chinese business man tried to patent La Morenita as theirs, on February 28, 2002.
Mexicans were very outraged and insulted when the news spread. Who would've thought that the Chinese would be devoted to our virgin? There may be some Chinese catholics but I have never met a single one so it is hard to put the two together.
To Mexicans she will always be the mother and protector of Mexico so no one can just come and snatch her from us.  We will continue to celebrate this day and to worship her because she will never leave us nor forsake us.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Pulled in different directions

Pulled in different directions
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
Dec 8, 2012

The nature of my job/s requires a lot of time on the computer robbing me from my favorite hobbies. 

My weekly goals are something like this:
1) Pray 5 to 10 minutes longer (20 minutes). 
2) Attend Sunday mass regularly and whenever I can during the week. 
3) Spend time with my mom and have lunch with her almost every day. 
4) Workout 4-5 days (when I am in good health).
5) Read and get soaked with topics I like: Health & Fitness, business, finance, politics, philosophy, culture, traveling, law, tourism, etc. 
6) Do volunteer work once a week.
7) Work: That means juggle my time between Health & Fitness, Translating/Interpreting and Teaching. 
8) Post 3-5 articles 

Reality looks is otherwise:
1-2) Praying: 
There are days when it is almost impossible to keep my eyes open so I keep dozing off in the middle of my prayers. But I will NEVER give that up. Running off on very little sleep is not helpful but since August that I have NOT worked out, squeezing in a little more zzz's has suited me perfectly; my cheeks are now rosy and chubby.  :(

2-2) Regular Sunday and daily mass: 
We are 23 days from wrapping up this year and I've only missed two Sundays (One of them was when I recently got operated). I've attended mass during the week every chance there is or when my unstable agenda variates. 

3-2) Mom-me time:
There aren't a whole lot of regrets in this department as I spend quite a reasonable amount of time with her. There are times when we get catty or disagree with each other BUT everything's under control for the most part. :)

4-2) Breaking a sweat:
It is been a little over sixteen weeks that I've set foot at my gym (or any gym) that I've forgotten what it is like to sweat like a real woman. Huh!?
It was torture at the beginning but I am no longer concerned because I am on a countdown from getting a hold of my "normal" me. This experience has taught me to be stronger but more so, to be more patient. Sometimes we have to learn to be more lenient the hard way and so I have.
Right now, my physical therapy is the only action I am exposed to but no complaints as that's got me on the way to recovery. 

5-2) My reading time? It is almost always NON existent
I honestly resent the lack of time spent in this territory. It is not like I don't read enough. I get my share of it but I am mostly flexible to read books and topics I don't necessarily enjoy. The reason behind this is that every one of my classes is required to read a book which we all agree with. Therefore, MY reading gets put aside. What irritates me more than anything is when my students don't keep up with the reading, especially when I am very acquiescent. 
Another reason is that my jobs require me to read a lot about various issues not are per-say amongst my favorite. 
For instance, I went to a bookstore earlier today and bought two Health & Fitness magazines that I had planned to skim through at 8ish the latest, (it is now 10pm and I've got another hour to go).

6-2) Charity labor:
This division had to be suspended for just a little while but I will soon rebuild the bridge and start acting upon this good deed. Albeit not being able to spend as much time as I'd like, I will definitely not break my affair with it because it is in my nature and it has become a part of who I am. 

7-2) One of the most important units in a human being's life and what encourages us to better develop and push ourselves professionally. Before I decided to merge this remarkable and demanding mix of jobs, I had never found something that entertained me as much. 

8-2) Last but not least! I've become more compromised with this therapeutical hobby. My weekly goal is to post 3-5 articles a week but several times when I have the best intentions to get to it, something unexpected comes up. 

1-3) Yes, this morning I wanted to pray a little longer but there was too much work to do so I had to hop out of bed very slowly to avoid hurting myself (I am moving in slow motion these days). 

2-3) I only made it to Sunday mass the last couple of weeks but I will take advantage of being able to drive now and schedule one mass during the week. 

3-3) I've spent more time with my mom than with any other person during the last few weeks.

4-3) Reaching my physical goal. Frustration is no longer lingering in my mind. I am assimilating things a little better and I am so joyful because it will soon be re-integrated. 

5-3) Make myself understand that there will not always be "Me" time. Instead of holding a grudge on this, overturn my emotions and try to make the best of it! Besides, it's really not all that bad. This almost month long "forced" break allowed me plenty of time to enjoy and finish two of my preferred books! 

6-3) My heart is longing this for a couple of weeks now. With this in hand, this is amongst my top things to do. 

7-3) Work can be tedious if/when I let it get to me. As of Friday  I've been snowed under with translation work and deadlines at school. On Friday my brain felt like bursting at any second after I spent most of my day translating a legal document. When I was finally through with it, there was a medical report to edit.
This morning, there was another medical report to translate and so it got done. There were also grades and progress checks to do.
Tomorrow my lesson plans and a Teacher Training Action Plan (to be launched next school year) that another Teacher and I are in charge of awaits, plus I want to post another article.

8-3) When another post is added and when I look at the number of posts, it brings a wide smile to my face and it fulfills  me. I release all my emotions with this, through this, revolving anxiety emotions when I don't do it. 

Is there time for fun!?
Certainly! I took a break and went to buy some magazines and then had lunch with my mother. Later on a friend popped by briefly.

There is no room for monotony as it can sure get tedious…
The truth is, that's what I look forward to day by day because it is the fuel that keeps me going and to be the healthy, happy and strong me. All of this activeness keep me alive, they feed my mind, body and soul so I would never give them up. 
There is always turmoil with my hectic agenda that the image of me tied to four horses pulling towards different directions visits my mind time after time. 

As we speak, my mind is stirring like a tsunami at a million miles per hour trying to plan, strategize and prioritize the few projects that had to be left on standby because of my knee injury.

As soon as my therapy exercises are out of the way and when I make it to bed I will get my hands on my new magazines!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Clean eating

Clean eating 
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
December 6, 2012


Gotta love those greens!

Lighter and smaller meals have landed on my plate lately. This morning was THE perfect example.

My menu today looked like this:

A one liter protein shake, which filled me up till 2pm.
1) Skim milk
2) 2 spoonfuls of agave syrup (Even diabetics can consume it since it is organic)
3) 1 banana
4) 1 apple
5) 2 spoonfuls of herbalife protein powder
6) 2 spoonfuls of herbalife shake powder
7) 2 spoonfuls of birdseed powder (higher protein content than other proteins. Ex: 1 glass of milk enzyme protein birdseed has more protein than 2 or 3 pounds of meat. 
Check for more benefits of birdseed in this link:

LUNCH (2:30):
1) Grilled fish fillet
2) 1 side dish of veggies (I've been trying to eat vegetables every day): broccoli, cauliflower, jicama and tomato with a few drops of vinegar dressing.
2) 1 small serving of beans - 0 bread, 0 tortillas

DINNER (7:30):
1) 2 boiled eggs 
2) 1 slice of toast
3) 1 glass of skim milk

I am slowly trying to integrate more small meals a day to detach from junk, that doesn't mean that there won't be a random free day which will not be particularly scheduled. It will be better to look forward to it after I've worked very hard and I deserve the reward.