Monday, June 25, 2012

A detrimental habit

A detrimental habit
By: Gina Yoryet Román
June 25, 2012

Every end of semester the normal drill is foreseen weeks in advance so I always try to squeeze in more workout days because very few times do I keep my word to limit myself junkwise.

As of two weeks ago, there’s been a little get together here, a farewell reunion here and there for those foreign friends who are leaving. The school where I work is very international, so meeting new people is very common.

Weighed down with work, I was not eating at my regular times. Eating my regular meals and taking little bites of chips, cookies, sweet bread, candy, and anything I could get my hands on has always been a fatal habit when I’m under stress. There go the results from the cross fit routines I did for a few days in a row.

The almost three week binge eating and feeding my muffin top went on until this past weekend when I went to Guanajuato to do some investigations of a particular case which I’ll post about later.

With this said, for the most part my running/workout journal is filled with intensive workouts or at least a power walk, until the last couple of days, all I see are blank pages.

Even after following a very strict regime with my workout journals, I’ve never been one to have a food/diet log nor have a goal of daily or weekly calories and believe it or not, I have NEVER tried ANY diet! Actually the more time that goes by, my daily meals keep getting more and more menial as I avoid eating vegetables.

It is hard for those who know me to believe that vegetables are not in my daily menu.
Sometimes I try to have vegetables three or four times a week but it just gets tedious and I rather not make time to munch on those wonderful and healthy veggies.
I have to confess that it is a very lazy habit of mine that keeps being fed with all the junk I stuff myself with.

Before I started splurging I was feeling a few kilos under weight but
with all the binge eating I definitely do not own an attractive slim waistline at this moment!

Regardless of that, right now I am standing at a point where I wouldn’t try any detoxifying method or any diet, I’d NEVER become a vegetarian either (I don’t eat meat nor do I eat a whole lot of vegetables), I wouldn’t take any diet pill, not even the African Mango, the “latest Miracle weight loss supplement,” as experts claim it to be a powerful multivitamin with many benefits for men and women.

I’d be terrified to even think about that extreme nasogastric (nasal) tube method diet, an extreme nutritional diet to reduce overweight, obesity and cellulite which only feeds the patient with the necessary nutrients for ten days (the first stage). When they reach the tenth day, the patient is supposed to lose 15 kilos. After that come the second and third stages where the patient adds infusion teas, that is more so like fasting. 
That I find too extreme but many people, especially women, soon to be brides are trying it because they want to feed their vanity and look good.

The only thought of it gives me the creeps so for the time being I’d rather stay loyal to my workouts because food is too good to forsake!

Friday, June 22, 2012


June 22, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

When learning a new word I always want to find out the origin as it helps me increase my knowledge. By researching the meaning of words, it helps me visualize the whole picture and see the real beauty behind each letter and word as a whole.

But I’d never pondered into the beauty of each term until I read an article a few months ago titled, “La palabra más bonita del idioma español,” – the most beautiful word in the Spanish language which at this point I don’t even recall.

I’ve never felt a whole lot of confidence when expressing myself properly in Spanish, even with this being one of my native languages, I feel very limited (In other words, ignorant and illiterate) especially when it comes to grammar and business terminology.

So! The other day while talking to C. K., the film producer of “The Road to Tequila,” I mentioned something to him and his reply was, “Serendipity.” The first thing I said was, “Wow! What a beauty and I loved the way it sounded too!
Something in those eleven letters automatically drew me and I was immediately driven to pay a visit to one of my most faithful friends… google.

I know many beautiful words in English but never one that covers so much and with such a profound background.
So here’s what I found.

The most beautiful word in the English language - Serendipity
Definition of serendipity:
(n) : an unsought, unintended, or unexpected discovery, made by accident and sagacity; the discovery of something by accident while investigating something quite different. For example, finding a biological culture "ruined" by mould, and discovering the antibiotic penicillin as a consequence
"Serendipity” is when you find things you weren't looking for because finding what you are looking for is so damn difficult. --Erin McKean,"


Other synonyms of Serendipity:

Fighting, conquering, thriving, winning, surviving, prospering, rising, happiness, life, courage, transparency, purity, hope, energy, good vibes, natural beauty, but most of all, freedom.




Sunday, June 17, 2012


By: Gina Yoryet Roman
June 17, 2012

The ability to perceive, the faculty of understanding, IQ, acuity, acumen, agility, alertness, aptitude, brainpower, brains, brightness, brilliance, capacity, cleverness, comprehension, coruscation, discernment, gray matter, intellect, judgment, luminosity, penetration, perception, perspicacity, precocity, quickness, quotient, reason, sagacity, savvy, sense, skill, smarts, subtlety, trenchancy, understanding, what it takes, are all adjectives used as synonyms for intelligence.

The word intelligence is only regarded as one word which most of us don’t take the time to look into more depth because we are always too caught up in our daily routine. The word “intelligence,” signifies intelligentia, "understanding," from intelligentem (nom. intelligens) "discerning," prp. of intelligere "to understand, comprehend," from inter- "between" + legere "choose, pick out, read" (see lecture). Meaning superior understanding, sagacity."

What’s more fascinating though, is the different classifications of intelligence such as:

1. Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”):
Designates the human ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations).  This ability was clearly of value in our evolutionary past as hunters, gatherers, and farmers; it continues to be central in such roles as botanist or chef.  It is also speculated that much of our consumer society exploits the naturalist intelligences, which can be mobilized in the discrimination among cars, sneakers, kinds of makeup, and the like.

2. Musical Intelligence (“Musical Smart”):
Musical intelligence is the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone.  This intelligence enables us to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on music, as demonstrated by composers, conductors, musicians, vocalist, and sensitive listeners.  Interestingly, there is often an affective connection between music and the emotions; and mathematical and musical intelligences may share common thinking processes.  Young adults with this kind of intelligence are usually singing or drumming to themselves.  They are usually quite aware of sounds others may miss.

3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart):
Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations.  It enables us to perceive relationships and connections and to use abstract, symbolic thought; sequential reasoning skills; and inductive and deductive thinking patterns.  Logical intelligence is usually well developed in mathematicians, scientists, and detectives.  Young adults with lots of logical intelligence are interested in patterns, categories, and relationships.  They are drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments.

4. Existential Intelligence:

Sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get here.

5. Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart”):
Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others.  It involves effective verbal and nonverbal communication, the ability to note distinctions among others, sensitivity to the moods and temperaments of others, and the ability to entertain multiple perspectives.  Teachers, social workers, actors, and politicians all exhibit interpersonal intelligence.  Young adults with this kind of intelligence are leaders among their peers, are good at communicating, and seem to understand others’ feelings and motives.
6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”):
Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills.  This intelligence also involves a sense of timing and the perfection of skills through mind–body union.  Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and craftspeople exhibit well-developed bodily kinesthetic intelligence.

7. Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart):
Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings.  Linguistic intelligence allows us to understand the order and meaning of words and to apply meta-linguistic skills to reflect on our use of language.  Linguistic intelligence is the most widely shared human competence and is evident in poets, novelists, journalists, and effective public speakers.  Young adults with this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles.

8. Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart”):
Intra-personal intelligence is the capacity to understand oneself and one’s thoughts and feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and directioning one’s life.  Intra-personal intelligence involves not only an appreciation of the self, but also of the human condition.  It is evident in psychologist, spiritual leaders, and philosophers.  These young adults may be shy.  They are very aware of their own feelings and are self-motivated.

9. Spatial Intelligence (“Picture Smart”):
Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in three dimensions.  Core capacities include mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image manipulation, graphic and artistic skills, and an active imagination.  Sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters, and architects all exhibit spatial intelligence.  Young adults with this kind of intelligence may be fascinated with mazes or jigsaw puzzles, or spend free time drawing or daydreaming.

 The Nine Types of Intelligence”

By Howard Gardner

Navigating through the internet I read about the people with the highest IQ in the world: Paul Allen, Microsoft partner: IQ: 160, Robert Byrne, one of the “Collins Kids,” on the chess board: IQ: 170, Benjamin Netanyahu, number 11 of the world´s most influential people in 2010: IQ: 180, Marilyn vos Savant, the woman with the highest IQ for five consecutive years: IQ: 186 - she has tested as high as 228 on various IQ tests, Garry Kasparov, Chess Grandmaster, writer, political activist, IQ: 190, Terrence Tao, the youngest ever full professor at UCLA. IQ of 230, and last but not least, or I should say, number one on the list, James Sidis, Psychiatrist, scored and IQ of 275.
What about Albert Einstein who maximized 5% of his brain power, Mark, Elliot Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs? What category would they fall in? These men in modern and old history have influenced the world in a way that very few individuals have. What type of intelligence do they each fall under? Did they or are they using their entire brain and intelligence capacity? What makes them stand out? Were they gifted from the moment their mothers gave birth to them? Can one inherit those intelligence traits?

For example, according to internet sources, William James Sidis, obtained seven different degrees, he could speak close to 40 different languages, he wrote 15 books, wrote many articles, amongst other achievements.

Another source states that William James Sidis never underwent an IQ test but experts estimate that he could score a 250 which would make him the most intelligent person in the world up to now.

I wonder if he classified under the nine types of intelligence, maybe he maximized all of them? Mine is definitely spatial intelligence and a little bit here and there.
There should definitely be more wizards in the world.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Letters to D. R. & S. J. J. R.

Letters to D. R. & S. J. J. R.
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
June 14, 2012

My niece and nephew are going for  a one-week spiritual camping trip for the second time and my sisters asked family members and friends to write them a letter if/when they feel homesick.

It is a real honor for me to dedicate some words to them:

For: D. R.
From: Aunt Georgie
June 14, 2012

Handsome and youthful little man, I am always honored to dedicate a few words to the # 1 in the second generation of the Roman Dynasty.

I am very happy to know that you are growing into a respectful and fine young man as you have always been brought up.

Keep living a life full of transparency and honesty and don’t you EVER give up your morals and values because I will always be there pushing you to reach the summit.
I will NEVER let you give up because that is NOT a choice.

ALWAYS remember that there’s NO such thing as a free lunch so fight hard for your ideals because life is about fighting, conquering, thriving, winning, surviving, prospering, rising, happiness, life, courage, transparency, purity, hope, energy, good vibes, natural beauty, but most of all, freedom.

Respect and cherish your mother and all the loved ones who are behind supporting you.

“The Road to Success”

The road to success is NOT straight,
1)      There is a CURVE called FAILURE
2)      A loop Called CONFUSION
3)      Speed bumps called FRIENDS
4)      Red lights called ENEMIES
5)      Caution lights called FAMILY
6)      You will have flat tires called JOBS
7)      But if you have a spare one called DETERMINATION
8)      An engine called PERSEVERANCE
9)      A divine and powerful driver called GOD
10)  You will make it to a place called SUCCESS

I love you as if you were my own son and don’t ever doubt that if one day you are seeking financial, moral, spiritual support, I will be there till the end of time because the bond uniting us is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.

I am very proud of you young man!

For: S. J . J. R.
From: Aunt Georgie
June 14, 2012

S. J., I was very happy to hear your joyful and sweet voice yesterday, you sounded so radiant, proud and full of life to take another leap as you are now 11 years old!! Thank you for letting me be part of you and sharing your happiness with me and with all the ones who love you. Even though we are not close for the time being, I have faith that some day sooner rather than later we will share countless moments and blessings and I will witness watching you turn into the fine young lady you were meant to become.

I still remember that chubby little girl who was born 11 years ago. Every year that goes by you get closer to being the good natured girl God wants you to be.
Have fun, live your life to the max but within the principles that your amazing mother has taught you.
Don’t ever be afraid to take a stand and fight for your morals, values, ideals and ethics. Always take the less traveled road and reach all your goals with your own hard word.

If you ever want to spend a summer with me, the doors of my heart and my home will always be open for you because you are a part of me, a part of the Roman Dynasty.

As the “princesita” and “guerrera,” you are do not let anybody take you the wrong way. Make decisions based on the strong foundation you were raised with.

I wish I were there so we could spend some girlie time doing our nails, our hair, writing, watching a movie, reading a book or relaxing.

Sweetie, I miss you and love you dearly.

ALWAYS live by these rules:

1)      Love and cherish your mother
2)      Live a respectful life
3)      NEVER fall into “bad” influence
4)      Always fight for your morals, values, honesty and respect
5)      Live your life like the true lady you will some day be
6)      Don’t get deceived by the superficial and materialistic aspects of this world
7)      Love God, respect your loved ones and love yourself
8)      Treat your body like a cherished temple
9)      Always smile, even in the midst of turmoil
10)  Fight the battle called life with your most powerful weapons: your sword - honesty and your indestructible shields - values

“Who would you be if you don’t stand up for what you believe?”

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The wonderful world of cross fit

The wonderful world of cross fit
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
June 12, 2012

As worn out as I was this morning, I headed to the gym to break a sweat but instead I pulled off a light cross fit workout, one of my BIG time favorites since running has been put last on the list. Those animalistic and insane routines had been put on the back burner for a while because my knee injury limits me too much so instead of attempting knowing that I’ll end up more frustrated because I’ll aggravate my injury even more, I stay away from them. 

Trying really hard to keep my eyes open I started off with a 30 minute power walk on the treadmill when another gym rat, (probably the most consistent woman at my gym – even more than me) arrived and we initiated a chat about the high importance of alternating routines as the body, muscles and bones get more tense and harder to train and slow down muscle build up as we age.

She mentioned being bored of the same routine and expressed her interest in looking into other alternatives so she asked the trainer. To make the long and boring story short, he suggested her to try a cross fit routine which she was unfamiliar with.
She inquired about that briefly last week and then she brought it up again today. She shyly muttered the question, “Can you show me a workout right now?”

I hesitated for a moment because I am VERY selfish with that, my workout time is very sacred to me, the gym is my sanctuary so I don’t necessarily like to dedicate my time to others unless I am training someone and being paid but I opted to be kind and so we did.

Not even half-way through the workout she was sweating very intensely and ready to check out so I gave her a little longer to rest in between sets. She was astonished at my strength and endurance just as I was having a mental pity party with my physical limitations since “Sarcopenia” - (Sarcopenia derives from Greek roots, "sarx" meaning flesh and "penia" meaning loss - which means the loss of muscle fiber and coordination as the result of aging and the lack of movement; most runners develop sarcopenia at some point after wearing their muscles and joints out when running on cement), became a part of me. 

We did a leg workout and I am so looking forward to tomorrow’s arm workout with my kettle bell, reversed push ups, military push ups, scorpion pushups, handstand pushups and other basic type of push ups which I’ve got nailed down. Although my arm strength has increased to a close 85% of my maximum force, I still haven’t been able to do a single basic pull up. 

My limitations can be very disgracing if I don’t control my mental turmoil, especially for the long-term high performance athlete I was once. Therefore my option now is to enjoy my workouts, do the best I can and keep being consistent, persistent within my limits for as long as I can to maintain myself in good shape but more so to be healthy. 

Even being a loyal fanatic of cross fit, I have to admit that particular routines are a bit too much and someone can end up getting seriously injured if they don’t stretch or do the exercises carefully.

So what's left for the Cuaima (on a fitness aspect) in me, is to alternate with all those amazing routines and see which one gives me better results, like the Px90workout or the Gladiator workouts.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

La Santa Muerte


La Santa Muerte

By: Gina Yoryet Roman

June 10, 2012



I am a born and raised catholic and as a devout Christian, all through my stay (during my childhood) in México City, I attended mass with my parents Sunday after Sunday and my family was always involved in religious activities to live a peaceful and moral existence.


"Being obedient and submissive" was part of the role of the six women (including my mother) encircling my family so as the woman I was to become, that was probably the highest important factor to shape me

since that’s what I was taught.


According to my investigative nature though, there was a trail with too many gray areas left behind assigning me a mission to find out and get a feel of what life was really about if I didn’t stick to my catholic beliefs.


 After being a part of a catholic youth group for two years (during my adolescence) it became rather dull so I parted towards a new horizon and sought for “freedom.”


For many years my full agenda made sure I didn’t miss one single party or club night, and there wasn’t even a gap to be spiritual.


Years later there were many failed attempts to renew my vows with catholicism looking at myself in the mirror, solitude impacted me hard with a slap making me wake up.


From thereon I was invited to join other religions, so I checked out one, maybe two but they never felt real, frustration and confusion grew because I had always known of one real religion, the one in which I was brought up way long before I parted my nest.


Finally after all those years of abashment, putting all my inner demons at peace, I finally made up with my religion again. As of eighteen months ago, (12 months ago to be more concise) I’ve been more devoted than ever because I have the will and when there’s a will, there’s a way.


I am still occasionally invited to try other religions but there isn’t the least spark of interest, why waste my time or stir unnecessary confusion? My intent is not to upset anyone because we all believe “our” religion is “THE ONE,” but I do draw a very abrupt line when someone tries to convert me into something else.


As it happened on April 14, I was called to work at a simultaneous translation event at the “Centro Bíblico Cristadelfiano” in downtown. As my job requires, I had to study the material in order to deliver better quality. While going through the presentation and the bible, the questioning began but I didn’t let it get to me this time, if my beliefs are well grounded, why should I get more baffled? 


Nowadays there’s a whole new religion every day but more astounding than all is those evil sects who claim to worship a divine power who they feel obligated to worship by sacrificing human beings, even innocent children.


The best fitting example of these sects is “La Santa Muerte,” – Holy Death, whose origins are still being questioned, though the skeletal figure symbolizing “La Flaca, or “La Santa Muerte,” has been venerated as far back as ancient Mexico, it is gaining more followers with this, dropping the number of catholics dramatically.

Earlier this year, an eight member family in Hermosillo was charged with the murder of two ten-year old boys and a fifty-five year old woman as an offering to La Santa Muerte.

Last month another satanic ritual sacrificing a five year old took place in San Agustin Netzahualcoyotl.  His own mother pulled his eyes out claiming that she was the chosen to save humanity.


Fortunately the neighbors heard the little boy screaming in pain and called the police who arrived just on time to save that little angel. The first days he was battling with death but thank God he is now in a more stable condition.


I keep questioning myself, “How could someone hurt a child like that?” His mother must be really out of her mind. I hope she never has the blessing to bring another innocent little one to this world.

But most of all I hope she serves that 50 year sentence the members of her sect have to serve.

I am a firm believer of this, “It is our duty to respect each other and to act on one another’s best interest.”

Monday, June 4, 2012

My sleep deprived nights

My sleep deprived nights
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
June 4, 2012

As of January first I’ve lost my focus in almost every possible way, life has been more so like this: I take two steps forward but it feels more as if I had taken three or four leaps back.

Number one, the year started out very slowly workwise, it didn’t pick up as it normally does within the second or third week of January so I’ve had to look for other activities to fill in those gaps and avoid my mind from wandering uselessly. It all projects more when I try to close my eyes and sleep…
I cannot get disconnected for more than two seconds and manage to get some zzzz's. 

Mid January (January 16 to be exact) came sluggishly, slowly trespassing my peace of mind and leaving me with one of the deepest scars in my soul, the reason being? My grandmother, granny M. Lou W. passed away after a long battle with Alzheimer’s. I was very distraught because the heartbreaking news didn’t get to me till late April so guilt struck me many nights causing even more nights of insomnia.

In the midst of that sense of loss, there was also hope, January, February were looking very promising, it was the perfect time to grow, conquer, fight, thrive, win, survive, prosper, rise, to open a whole new episode with the “right” someone, a time to believe, to be courageous, to be pure, transparent, reenergize, to be free– just “me,” the perfect time for “Carpe Diem,”

That was more so like a small obstacle like many which I tend to get thrown off track with like other similar tiny matters but once I am back to my normal “me,” it is easy to regain incredible self-control. 
On March 25 Mexico was injected with hope once again when Pope Benedict the XVI came to Guanajuato but that peace only last lasted too little as a few days later, the most violent day of the month stirred panic and despair in our hearts after many vehicles were burnt throughout the city.

In April I worked at an event doing simultaneous translation for the Centro Bíblico Cristadelfiano, a whole new religion that left me with even more doubts about spiritualism and beliefs. Even though I am a born and raised catholic (and I will always be one), my peace of mind was a bit agitated.

May finally arrived, after many sleep deprived nights due to the countless failed attempts to clarify my baffled mind I finally regained focus.

Not for long though…

May 15, being certain, I had a LONG chat with a friend and needless to say more, that conversation contributed to that sky high cipher of sleep deprivation nights.

Finally as peace struggled and crawled to meet the cross line of my mind I was struck once more. This time it hit my health and I’ve been skipping the gym for the last four days because I haven’t felt like “me,” I am feeling puny and weak but at the same time I feel like the pounds are quickly crawling in my muffin top.
Whatever the cause may be I miss my full nights of beauty sleep and I was determined to regain them yesterday after spending the WHOLE day in bed.

Perhaps the death of my grandmother left me delirious, or maybe that fake illusion formed in my mind, it could be all the doubts with that religion I discovered (I am not going to get into it because who would I be if I don’t stand up for my catholic beliefs?)
That conversation with that particular friend on May 15 is irrelevant, it was just that.

Whatever the reason may be, it leaves me with many sleepless nights. During those nights I dream of many unreal things, every time I close my eyes, it’s like if I were living another life. There is something out there I cannot resist…

Whatever that obstacle disrupting my sense of peace may be, there's no other option but to fight against it with all my might even if that means taking the less traveled road.

“Most men take the straight and narrow. A few take the road less traveled. I chose to cut through the woods."