Monday, August 20, 2012

Diet goals for this week

Diet & Fitness goals for this week
August 20, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Román

Logging my nutrition goals last week definitely helped me; it forced me to stick with my regime.
 Every time I gazed at a doughnut I didn’t give in to my temptation and when I did my grocery shopping, I intentionally avoided going through the potato chip or the sweets aisle. Not bad for someone who eats junk every day!

Leading a healthy diet has always been my downfall so I have to set limits especially now that I haven’t been able to get my mind away from being operated. As daunting as it may sound I have to put a stop to my pain for good, with this said, I am getting myself ready physically and mentally so diet plays a majorly important role.

This week I intend to eat more vegetables, fruit, more food that boosts my metabolism, eat bread and tortillas only once or twice a week. Only splurge one day BUT within a limit.
Make it to the gym two or three times a week and do a brisk walk twice a week despite all the insconstancy of the upcoming two weeks.

I am very confident that I will accomplish my goal since last week I was impressed with my self-discipline.

Happy Monday!

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