Sunday, October 17, 2010

Habits to avoid

Sunday October 17, 2010

It’s 10 what!? Oh my, it’s 10:30pm and I am barely getting started on my writing. As much as I wanted to get on the ball and get to it earlier, I just couldn’t but at least I am right now as much as I’d like to hop into bed at this precise minute. This week I thought I’d have more free time on the weekend but of course I didn’t because I had progress reports due, the usual lesson plans and something always comes up at the last minute. This time the excuse is that a very dear friend of mine came over to chat with me for a “little while” but we ended up talking for about three hours!
One of the things we talked about was “bad influence” and how easily it is to get sidetracked and pulled into the wrong direction. This “bad influence” topic is something to really ponder because it always makes me wonder and ask myself whether or not it is just in our minds. Perhaps as a child, teenager or as a young adult it is easy for us to incline towards the “easiest” and “fastest” solutions, but not as an adult, not at this point in life because from the moment we decide to go with that so called “bad influence” we know what the consequences will be and we have to confront them as much as we want to avoid them. We are perfectly aware of what harms our body and mind, we know who to stay away from and who to stay close to. We are always full of excuses but why not incline towards good people, good habits and the good things in life?
Let’s stay for instance when someone starts drinking they may think that they went through the same when they were children but why not do good things for others? Plain and simple, because we are very sleazy.

But as adults we are entitled to select good and bad we are capable of deciding who and what we allow in our life. Ending 2008 and most of 2009 many unpleasant things happened in my life and I was so bitter and angry that long after I realized that it happens to every single human being. My biggest problem was that I didn’t know how to handle my emotions and needless to say that affected a few relationships and I lost some of them because I was a very negative and unhappy human being so now that I’m in control of me again I´d like to help others reach peace within.
Ten things to say no to:

1. Rushing.
2. Energy draining people
3. Negative thoughts.
4. The inner critic who tells you to play it safe.
5. Pushing yourself to do more when you feel tired.
6. Unhealthy guilt or shame.
7. A request that immediately causes you stress.
8. Second helpings when you feel full.
9. More work when you already have a full plate.
10. Living life from the neck up.
11. Not forgiving

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