
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Sirena Mexicana

Sirena Mexicana
26 de junio del 2019

Siempre me impresiona ver a guerreras  de esta edad y con tantas ganas de seguir luchando y dando prioridad a su salud.

María Eugenia Walls Galindo es conocida como "La Sirena de Acapulco." No es una nadadora simple, es una nadadora profesional de 82 años con una larga trayectoria. Ha sido parte de maratones y competencias tanto a nivel nacional, como a nivel internacional. 

¡Esto motiva a cualquiera!

Monday, June 24, 2019

Como la Mariposa

24 de junio del 2019

Alguien me envió este bello mensaje hace unos días.

El título me llamo la atención mucho porque para mí las mariposas son muy simbólicas ya que lo relaciono con mi primera etapa de formación en este largo recorrido. Después de leer la historia, pude ver el mensaje muy claro, directo e intenso en este capítulo de mi vida donde muchas veces no logro descifrar este laberinto interminable. Es ahí cuando mi pasado vuelve nuevamente a abrirse paso a zarpadas, o como me dice mi mente constantemente en inglés, my past has clawed its way out once again, y me hago las mismas preguntas que me hacía in illo tempore, en aquel tiempo.

“¿Dios mío, ¿cuál es mi propósito? ¿Por qué estoy aquí? ¿Qué quieres de mí?¿ Por qué yo?¿Por qué ahora? ¿Qué sigue?”

Hay ocasiones en las que las pruebas que enfrentamos parecen interminables.
Empezamos con mucha fuerza a luchar contra ellas, a hacerles frente, pero al cabo de un tiempo parece que ya no nos quedan fuerzas y pedimos a Dios que nos saque de ellas rápidamente.

Lo cierto es que toda prueba tiene su propósito y tiene un tiempo en el que Dios puede moldearnos. Es como el caso de la mariposa.

Cuentan que un hombre encontró un capullo de una mariposa y se lo llevó a casa para poder presenciar el momento en el que el hermoso ser saliera. Un día vio que había un orificio y entonces se sentó a observar por varias horas, viendo que la mariposa luchaba por abrirlo más grande y poder salir.

El hombre vio que forcejeaba duramente para poder pasar su cuerpo a través del pequeño agujero, hasta que llegó un momento en el que pareció haber cesado de forcejear, pues aparentemente no progresaba en su intento.

Entonces el hombre, en su bondad y creyendo que la mariposa se había atascado, decidió ayudarla y con unas pequeñas tijeras cortó al lado del agujero para hacerlo más grande y la mariposa, finalmente pudo salir del capullo.

Sin embargo, al salir la mariposa tenía el cuerpo muy hinchado y unas alas pequeñas y dobladas. El hombre continuó observando, pues esperaba que en cualquier instante las alas fueran a desdoblarse y crecieran lo suficiente para soportar al cuerpo, el cual se contraería al reducir lo hinchado que estaba.

Nada de eso sucedió, y la mariposa solamente podía arrastrarse en círculos con su cuerpecito hinchado y sus alas dobladas. Nunca pudo llegar a volar.

Lo que el hombre en su bondad y apuro no entendió fue que la restricción de la apertura del capullo y la lucha requerida por la mariposa, para salir por el diminuto agujero, era la forma en la que la naturaleza forzaba al líquido del cuerpo de la mariposa hacia sus alas, para que estuvieran grandes y fuertes y luego pudiera volar.

La libertad y el volar solamente podrán llegar luego de la lucha. Al privar a la mariposa de la lucha, también le fue privada su salud.

Si Dios permitiera progresar en nuestras vidas, sin obstáculos, nos convertiría en inválidos. No podríamos crecer y ser tan fuertes como podríamos haberlo sido.

Dios quiere bendecirnos, tiene grandes planes para nuestras vidas, pero más allá de eso, desea ir moldeándonos, trabajando en nosotros y nunca nos dará una prueba mayor a la que podamos soportar.

“Porque yo sé los pensamientos que tengo acerca de ustedes, dice Jehová, pensamientos de paz, y no de mal, para darles el fin que esperan.” Jeremías 29:11


También está el caso de la rosa que atravesó el concreto, creció y floreció, a pesar de la fuerza de este. La mariposa y la rosa son dos ejemplos precisos y bellos de como algo tan frágil puede imponerse y abrirse paso cuando se lo propone.

“Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature's laws wrong, it learned to walk without having feet. Funny, it seems to by keeping its dreams; it learned to breathe fresh air. Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else even cared.” 

 “we wouldn't ask why a rose that grew from the concrete for having damaged petals, in turn, we would all celebrate its tenacity, we would all love its will to reach the sun, well, we are the roses, this is the concrete and these are my damaged petals, don´t ask me why, thank God, and ask me how.” 

You see you wouldn’t ask why the rose that grew from the concrete had damaged petals. On the contrary, we would all celebrate its tenacity. We would all love it’s will to reach the sun. Well, we are the rose - this is the concrete - and these are my damaged petals.”

¿Has oído de la rosa que nació de una grieta en el concreto? Comprobando que las leyes de la naturaleza son falsas, aprendió a caminar sin tener pies.

Parece gracioso, pero manteniendo vivos sus sueños aprendió a respirar aire fresco. ¡Que viva la rosa que nació en el concreto cuando a nadie ni siquiera le importaba!
Tupac Shakur

Es verdad que como dice la historia de la mariposa, en ocasiones las pruebas que enfrentamos parecen interminables y nos destrozan la mente, el alma, el corazón y el espíritu, y nos debilitan el cuerpo. A pesar de que parezcamos monos parchados por tantos golpes que nos da la vida, cada cicatriz que llevamos es una experiencia vivida y aprendida.

Así lo consideran los japoneses con el significado de Kinsururoi.
Metafóricamente, somos una pieza de arte, y las fracturas y heridas que nos provoca el transcurrir de la vida, en ocasiones también nos destrozan.

Kinsururoi, o Kintsugi, nos habla del momento de la reconstrucción de uno mismo, de cicatrizar un sinfín de heridas para volver a enfrentarnos al mundo "rotos, pero enteros."

Esta es una bella metáfora de la vida, al dar importancia a las cicatrices y volver relevante la forma en que nos restauramos para nuevamente ponernos de pie y fortalecer nuestro ser y embellecer nuestra existencia en su totalidad.

Friday, June 21, 2019

My fears are manifested in the darkness

My fears are manifested in the darkness
Gina Yoryet Román
June 20, 2019

Post originally written on April 14, 2019

Earlier in April I went on to a new quest to kick off the next chapter of my life. I was asked to write a brief autobiography and to emphasize my prior professional experience.
This chapter is just one piece of the puzzle that will lead me to a fuller episode, and that phase will hopefully get me closer to finally wrapping up my book, my testimony of this journey called life…

It starts like this,

The ordeal with my name, something that has had to be explained as far back as I can recall.  My birth name is “Yoryet,” pronounced “Georgette,” but I go by “Gina” (Gina is short for Georgina, which is the Spanish version for Yoryet, or Georgette) because every English speaker is far from articulating “Yoryet,” the way it should. Many people are under the impression that my real name is "Georgina," but I go by "Yoryet."

Being bilingual, multicultural and biliterate awakened my interest of traveling and learning about other cultures since I was young.

Long ago after graduating from High School, it took me a while to narrow-down my path Education wise, and I kept dropping out of college and starting all over again. Back then, I thought I was all that, and a bag of chips! Conquering the world was my quest, yet, little did I know that as long as I neglected the gifts I was given, and lacked the right tools, failure would be my most faithful and resilient companion.  When I finally became cognizant of my reality and purpose; Adult Education, teaching languages, health and fitnessplaying sports on a professional level and writingdestiny had one of the most challenging setbacks aligned, needless to say, my dreams came to a halt.

Once I moved to a whole new world, I put all my time, energy and effort into starting a business geared towards Education, funny enough, as Teaching and Education are some of my passions in life. Sharing my knowledge with others ignites me to want bigger and better every day. Years ago, since I started my small business, I have invested a lot of energy into polishing my skills as a Teacher and Educator in different areas. Teaching has been the main trigger to help me stimulate my passion and define my purpose.

Another one of my passions is playing with words (writing).
I co-authored HERspectives - Rules and Tools that Build Successful Women - How I Achieved Work, Life, Balance, which was published in July, 2014. 

In 2018 I authored Habla Cristiano (Spanish as a Second Language 1 and 2) Spanish learning series.

I have published my own Spanish and English Teaching Curriculums. I was part of the Teacher Trainer/Training at an international school where I worked for seven years, and later I went on to working independently.  

Living in different countries has provided me with the experience of teaching English as a Second Language from Elementary School to College/University levels.  
I also became a certified Translator, text Translator, and Simultaneous/Consecutive Interpreter which has given me the opportunity to work with some of the most important worldwide organizations I have also trained Translators and Interpreters in the Medical area in the past

"I am the messenger, the one who takes your statements and brings them to life in an unknown language to you. I was trained to play
with a game called, "words," to best interpret and deliver your message. And that is exactly what I want to do because my interpretation
can only be as good as I am, and that's always good to keep in mind

I first became involved in teaching through the natural progression of the skills and experience I gained by growing up in a multicultural, bicultural and biliterate family in both California and Mexico. I developed a love for languages at a very young age and began to pursue a career in that field, where I could play with my words and expand my knowledge in vast areas.

Later in life, this led me to start My ABC’s (my principles in life), posting publicly about my most meaningful matters: Spirituality, Family, Work and Business Ethics, Health and Fitness, Charity Work, Reading, playing with words (Writing), reflecting and embracing the simplicity of life:

In Guadalajara I was also featured on radio talks and workshops on the importance and advantages of Professional and Business Writing and of being bilingual in the business world as well as Business and Business Ethics.

I have taught a wide variety of courses geared towards English for a Specific Purpose, and various Standardized test prep courses, Technical English, and medical writing, Advanced Composition, CV and Cover Letter Writing, English and Spanish for a Specific Purpose, Spanish Language and Culture, Technical English/Spanish in different areas, (Medical, Law, Business, Education, etc.)

In addition, I have created my own Business Development Training and Curriculum for Business Entrepreneurs / Business Students at IPADE (Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección Empresarial – The Panamerican Institute of Business Administration) and Coparmex Jalisco, (Confederación Patronal de la República Mexicana – Mexican Employer´s Confederation) as well as other Government and National/Translational Institutions. 

I have worked as a Bilingual Spanish/English Learning Facilitator, Coordinator and Supervisor at different Institutions in Guadalajara.

My approach to teaching each subject and/or level, is according to each student's needs. Every class is tailored accordingly with structure and flexibility. Throughout my teaching experience. I have used different Teaching Methods; The Silent Way, The Natural approach, as well as other Teaching Approaches.

These traces that I´ve left behind in my journey, are my own testimonial and drive to myself and to those I work with. Now, more than a decade later, life has thrown yet another curveball at me, this time it is by choice, NOT by chance though.

Long ago, little did I know, or much less did it go beyond my wildest dreams to fathom, that I would some day move to yet another country and literally go back to basics (I´m only at this given place because my husband is from this side of the world).
Here I am, as I watch my fingers type voicing out my ideas, I can´t help fighting this angst of not being capable of rising to the occasion according to Canadian Educational and professional Standards.

At this particular moment and place, the future seems bleak. I am unbeknownst as to whether I have what it takes to pull through this never-ending excruciation of going back to the beginning, like a babe in the woods! Yet, deep down I am well aware that I have to remain mentally and physically resilient and use my extensive experience accordingly, to get there.   

With this in hand, next time my fears are manifested in the darkness when I lie awake at night, I will be at ease. For the sake of all my sacrifices, I will work even harder than ever because I know that it is only a matter of time before I get there. Mind over matter!  

Amidst the storm, writing has always been a therapy, and although I do it very randomly nowadays, I am always inspired to keep playing with my words…

“A childhood dream turned into passion, my passion diverted into my reality, my verdict that reveals my essence and proves that obstacles are nothing but tiny matters lying ahead.”

For the last twelve months since that life changing transition, my spirit had been dormant resonating, reasoning, strategizing, and outlining how to retaliate and come back bigger and better. As of late April, I could finally see the rain starting to subside and that enabled me to gather all the necessary tools to trace my path and regain my mental strength once again