
Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Runner on the rebound

A runner on the rebound
My toughest opponent 
August 23rd, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

Name: Gina Yoryet Roman
Sex: Female
Age: 35
Height: 5 feet, 2 inches (1.58496 meter/s)
Weight: 110 pounds (50 kilos)
Fitness level: Intermediate
Body type: A combination of Mesomorph and Endomorph 
Estimated BMI (Body Mass Index): 20.1 
BMI Categories:
  1. Underweight = <18 .5="" span="">
  2. Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  3. Overweight = 25–29.9
  4. Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Currently pays/practices: Gym, cardio, strengthening and knee strengthening exercises stretching, walking. 
Prior fitness profile: Competed for three-4 years at college level. Went on to long distance: 21 and 42.1k for 11+ years. 
Did body conditioning, weight training, did castings and worked at sports fitness modeling events.
Did exercise videos, health and fitness phone and on the forum interview (s) for: www.steppingoutsecrets.
Did health and fitness radio and newspaper interviews.
For more information on prior fitness experience click here.
Total time with fitness affair: 17+ years
Trains: 3-4 days at the gym, and power walking whenever my work schedule allows it.
Why?: I love waking up with a rush of adrenaline. I am not a coffee drinker so I get my morning adrenaline through working out. That is my way to speed up my metabolism. Plus I love being in shape, healthy, it balances my mind, body and soul. 
Diet: I eat clean overall but sometimes I do A LOT of emotional eating. I am really good at working but from time to time I find it hard to stay disciplined. For example, I don’t like veggies, I don’t necessarily hate them but I’d rather not eat them so I have to constantly remind myself to make sure and integrate some greens at least 5 times a week. 

Objective: As of next week (Monday August 25), I will start re-training myself to do The 5k Color Run on September 29. I’ve started practicing what I preach by putting myself on a diet plan and an easy but a little more challenging and demanding physical routine that does not further damage my knee. I’ve been very afraid and skeptical about running on pavement since my surgery especially because the pain has NOT subsided completely. Therefore, I will jog it slowly and smoothly and mix it with a few minutes of brisk walking. Also tone up, gain a little more muscle and strength all around to begin with. 

Number of competitions/races/marathons: Many (Can’t recall)
Date: September 29, 2013
Where: Gdl
Estimated time: 45 minutes, an hour. (It’s been 4 years and 2 months since I last did any running that I’ve even forgotten what my times were)
Category: Beginner/Amateur - A runner on the rebound

How did you get into sports? My love for sports started developing from a very early age on but didn’t start practicing any until I was 16 or 17 years old because I was very timid.  

How do you feel after your first and other victories? 
I was never one of the fastest runners but I did score 2nd, third, fourth place. 

Biggest challenges: Training and diet. Finding time to juggle everything can be very a real defiance for everyone for the most part: I spend a lot of time sitting down so and my days are very long so I have to squeeze in some time before anything. Then my hobbies, juggling different work related projects, volunteer work, reading, writing, and other things that come up as I go. I am willing to pay whatever price comes my way to be fit and healthy though. 

Advice to young/amateur athletes and people who want to lose weigh in general: Get in real good shape, be disciplined, invest time, energy and effort, never let tiny matters defeat you, challenge yourself and don’t be afraid.

What do you think about Mexico being number 1 in overweight and obesity? It is very sad and disappointing. There’s A LOT of work our nation has to do in order to change that. We have to change our habits, eat cleaner, less portions, move around more and be be very careful with our health. I want to reduce that number, meet more athletes, talk to them, motivate them and vice versa. 

I want to experience Shelter, comfort, escape, blessing, craving, habit, benefit, good, asset, protection, source, preference, advantage, risk, stake, improvement, influence, interest, dominance, gain, choice, pain, gratification, self-fulfillment, profit, protection, recognition, strength, emotional, spiritual and physical support, stability, help, alleviation, care, furtherance, guidance, encouragement, endowment, relief, reinforcement, rescue, reward, salvation, shot in the arm, engine, fuel, sacrifice, sustenance, enrichment, merit, enrichment, sacrifice, focus, determination, persistence, insistence, virtue, superfluity, quality, convenience, confidence, assurance, enhancement, drive, power, goal…. my sanctuary and once again get the feeling of what it’s like to be ‘Yoryet Roman Athlete.’ 

My backups: 

 1) Marathoning/Running for mortals: John, "The Penguin" Bingham
2) The Runner's Diet: Madelyn H. Fernstrom, PHD, CNS
3) Brain Training for Runners: Matt Fitzgerald
4) 5k, The Running Race everyone should try:

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