
Saturday, August 31, 2013

My partner in crime...Another immortal

Trying to keep up!

Overshadowed by THE sprinter & long distance PRO!
My turn to show her a few of my moves!
Trying to get rid of my muffin top!

My partner in crime
Another immortal
August 31st, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

I just got back from a very long day of work and all through my ride back, I hesitated whether to hit the sack immediately after getting home, or write this post that I was very eager to narrow down.
This ‘other’ immortal takes me back to over ten years ago during my amateur years as a young competitor. During that golden cycle long distance running NEVER felt like a drag because I had THE perfect companion to get through that distance (I, the slower and thicker bodied one, was always left far behind). As the fragile Ectomorph she is, and I, as her older sister, felt that I had to protect her from getting hurt, I didn’t even want the wind to ruin her rosy cheeks. Now that we are in our thirties, not only are her cheeks still naturally rosy (she hardly ever uses any makeup), but she still averages a 7. something mile, plus she goes on and on without wearing out or without losing her breath. On top of that, when she runs a 5 or 10k, she either comes first, second or third place. AND she’s one of the first five to reach the finish line when she pulls a 21k!
Although we weight the same, those pounds are better distributed on her tiny self!

Name: Liliana Roman
Sex: Female 
Height: 5' 4" (1.6256 meters)
weight: 110 lbs (49.89 kilos)
Fitness leve: intermediate
Body type: Ectomorph 

  • Small “delicate” frame and bone structure
  • Classic “hardgainer”
  • Flat chest
  • Small shoulders
  • Thin
  • Lean muscle mass
  • Finds it hard to gain weight
  • Fast metabolism

Estimated BMI: 18.9
Plays/practices: running for leisure and competitive running
Total time running: 12+ years
Run 3 - 4 times a week ( 5-6 a week when training to compete)
Why: I love running, challenging myself to beat my personal best and competing
Other sports played/practiced: Soccer, other types of cardio, gym, power walking, etc. 
Diet: no red meat (beef only every once in a while)
Objective: to become an icon, a role model to those
close to me and serve as an inspiration to those who learn about me.

How did you get into running: it was by chance. I was recovering from a car accident injury (knee fracture) and met a girl in a summer class who ran for the school track and field team. I had always been attracted to "running" and was a high admirer of Ana Guevara 
but never looked into it or thought I'd run.She invited me to the "try outs" and I've been running ever since.

Soon after (only 11 months after my car accident) I was running for the school season "cross country team" followed by the next season "track and field".

Advice to amateur runners/athletes: if you like a sport, try it and fulfill it. Train smart and enjoy it. If you fail, try again, and again, and again.

Tomorrow when I am refreshed I will give more life to this post by adding a poignant photo of my partner in crime to serve two purposes:
Revive those golden years filled with stamina.
Remind us of our shared objective: Become icons, role models to those
close to us and serve as an inspiration to those who learn about us...

That picture will also make me yearn the time when we can jog, run, sprint and surge together once again.

Liliana Roman Athlete::

Friday, August 30, 2013

Exercise is NOT necessary

Exercise is NOT necessary
August 30th, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

I just checked out this very intriguing article on yahoo news: ‘How To Get "Ripped" Without Exercising.’
3 hours ago, Broken News Daily (August 30, 2013

Apparently the Abracadabra bra is IT! It is NOT necessary to exercise to get ripped.
I will check it out tomorrow or Sunday when I am not dozing off because I just got home after a very long day!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Reflexions of a health & fitness enthusiast

Reflexions of a health 
& fitness enthusiast
August 29, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

I was very enthused about getting home to write after mass until a few minutes ago when my serenity was obstructed due to a very abstruse moment that the more I think about, the less I am able to put together.

Thence I will do my best to evade being daunted by that particular incident and keep my thoughts very brief.

Reading through some of old posts, I stumbled upon, ‘Discipline doesn’t have to hurt,’ which was written and posted around August 23rd of last year. I read this particular article over and over again, pondered about the before and after surgery Gina Yoryet, gave some serious thought to it in order to get myself motivated to actually practice what I’ve preached for half of my life... Health and fitness. 
Though absolute physical recovery is around the corner, there are still a few aspects that I am trying very hard to tergiversate only because of fear and anxiety.

Here they are:

My list of “NOT YETS! At least not now!
  1. Leave my jump rope at home every time I head to the gym to avoid temptations and hurt myself further.
  2. DO NOT sprint
  3. DO NOT add A LOT of weight at once when I do leg strength training
  4. DO NOT do killer lunges
  5. DO NOT do high intensity crossfit routines 
  6. DO NOT jog for more than 20 minutes on the treadmill
  7. DO NOT run on cement
  8. DO NOT do any jumping or high impact leg routines
  9. DO NOT be a deaf and blind tenant to my engine
  10. DO NOT get carried away with food (I have to be VERY strong with this one because I’ve been on a food spree since four weeks ago to be precise.
  11. DO NOT focus on all the physical strain and losses I’ve undergone 
  12. DO NOT be impatient
  13. DO NOT BE too lenient and use my hormonal changes as an excuse.
  14. 14) DO NOT be oblivious to D. I. S. C. I. P. L. I. N. E.

Perhaps REDEFINING The meaning of this word will push me to get back on track to find physical balance. 


Posted: 23 Aug 2012 07:59 PM PDT

Discipline doesn’t have to hurt
August 23rd, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Román

“When my gym had recently inaugurated, it was promoting through a local radio station to bring in more clients. One morning while I was briefly interviewed, the radio talk person inquired, “What is your drive to exercise regularly?” I answered, “I have been doing it for half of my existence so it’s become a lifestyle.” Within a few seconds the phone lines were open for interrogations and the first caller, a young lady immediately bombarded me with questions but the most significant one was, “How can you be so devoted? I have started and given up many times and tried every single diet out there at no avail.” My answer was, “It’s very simple, all you have to do is set your mind, heart and soul into it and commit, sacrifice and DISCIPLINE to achieve your goals.” To that she responded, “But I am not strong enough to commit because discipline is very painful.”
I snapped and replied, “You are hesitating so what that means is that you don’t really want it, if you don’t do whatever it takes to get it, you don’t desire it with all your might.”

As of lately my own words keep haunting me and I have to bite my tongue every couple of seconds when I’m ready to curse myself for being so inattentive with the best I gift I was blessed with…
My engine, the temple I should’ve cherished from the moment I was capable of doing so.
As I watch my fingers type, this thought keeps beating into my head, “I want to escape the prison of my own making, the prison of pain I incarcerated myself in.” As much as I may have wanted to stop it, I clearly didn’t want it badly enough, I dragged it for too long and now I am seeing the results.”

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A badminton Star

A badminton Star
August 27, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

All the athletes I have met lately are by mere coincidence and/or plain luck. It seems as though one after another marches his way to me willingly and voluntarily. Just yesterday I met a young badminton player and we had a very prompt and informal interview right away due to time constriction
One of the first things I asked him was, “what equipment is necessary to play badminton?”
  1. A badminton raquet
  2. A shuttlecock
  3. A badminton string
  4. Badminton shoes
  5. Badminton clothes
  6. Socks
  7. Wrist bands
  8. Headbands
  9. Other
Name: Hugo Javier Gutierrez Huerta 
Sex: Male
Age: 20
DATE OF BIRTH: April 24, 1993
Height: 1.90 meters (6.2336 feet)
Weight: 72 kilos (158.733 pounds)
Fitness level: Intermediate
Body type: Ectomorph 
Estimated BMI (Body Mass Index): 20.3
Plays/practices: Badminton
Medals won: 
1) Gold medal in double mix match with his game partner, Esther Jimenez
2) Gold medal "Por Equipos," tournament. A team won by the team all together.
Other sports he would like to practice:
Baskettball, swimming, tennis
Total time doing badminton: 10 years
Trains; Two hours daily, six days a week 
Why: I would like to compete at the Panam games Toronto in 2015 , and i like to play badminton , because when I play badminton i feel different , it's a very good sport and it's very fun and I am good at it. 
Diet: I currently don't have a diet but , when I am going to play at a tournament, I need to be careful with particular food. For example if I ate a heavy meal 20 minutes before my match, I will feel/be very heavy and I won’t be able to control myself or perform at my best.
Objective: Go to 21 points and don't let the shuttlecock fall 
Event: second selective to go to the Veracruz Centroamericanos 2014 
Number of tournaments : 3 
Victories: 3 
Date: August 23-25 , November 22-24 , January 5-7
Where: Guadalajara Jalisco , CODE 2  
Time: 9 am - 9 pm and Sunday 9 am - 2 pm 
Category: Free
How did you get into badminton? Actually I used to play basketball , but one day  saw my friend’s medals and I asked him what sport he played. He replied, “badminton.” I didn't know what badminton was , so one day I went to the CODE, (Consejo Estatal para el Fomento Deportivo), with him and when I saw badminton I said, “this is my sport and I don't know why but  i like it.”
How do you feel after your first victory? Very happy and I understood what discipline was. It was the best day I can remember. 
Biggest challenges: Finding time, it is very difficult because I am a full time student, then spending time with my family, training and other hobbies. 
Advice to young/amateur athletes: enjoy your sport and , don't be afraid , and if you play with your heart you can do many things , and if you want to be the best player , never back down .
What do you think about Mexico being number 1 in overweight and obesity? I think mexico needs more attitude and more organization because now there are more young athletes who want to play a professional sport but unfortunately the don’t have any support from government or from athletic institutions. 
Define discipline: 
It is a great feeling to meet such young and disciplined young and older, amateur, currently  competing and retired athletes!

Monday, August 26, 2013

The meaning behind 'Y'

The meaning behind 'Y'
August 26, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

The name Yoryet has a web popularity of 16,300 pages.

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your name:



What does Yoryet mean?
The meaning of Yoryet is unknown.

Yoryet has a Facebook presence of 2,790 pages. 
Yoryet has a Google+ Plus presence of 50 pages. 
Yoryet has a Linkedin presence of 25 pages. 
Yoryet has a Twitter presence of 322 pages. 

The most popular images on the Internet for name Yoryet: has 1 occurrences for name Yoryet. 
White Pages has 121 occurrences for name Yoryet. 

What is the origin of name Yoryet? 
Beauty and unordinary (Mexico). domain is available. domain is available. domain is available.

Yoryet spelled backwards is Teyroy
This name has 6 letters: 4 vowels (66.67%) and 2 consonants (33.33%).

Anagrams: Oyrtye Ryetoy Eotryy
Mispells: Yotyet Yoryett Ioryet Yolyet Yoyet Yoryeta Yroyet Yoryte Yoreyt 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Seven brilliant quotes

Seven brilliant quotes
August 25, 2013

“Never play with the feelings of others because you may win the game but 
the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a life time.”

“The world suffers a lot.
Not because of the violence of bad people.
But because of the silence of good people.”

“I am thankful to all those who said NO to me, it’s because of them I did it myself.”

Abraham Lincoln
“If friendship is your weakest point, then you are the strongest person in the world.”

Martin Luther King
“We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools.”

Mahatma Gandhi
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

Dr. Abdul Kalaam
“It is very easy to defeat someone, but it is very hard to win someone.”

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Injury free runners

Injury free runners
Nike image in Mexico
August 24, 2013

Very interesting and motivating story!

Comunidad indígena mexicana, imagen de Nike en México
-indigena-mexicana-imagen-de-nike-en-mexico#axzz2cdVF1RLr | Fecha: 08/21/2013

Con el propósito de promocionar en México su línea Free Flyknit, la empresa estadounidense Nike acudió a la Sierra Tarahumara a calzar a algunos rarámuris bajo el eslogan: "Correr está en el ADN de todos los mexicanos".

Los llamados rarámuris son una de las comunidades que habitan en el norte de México que se destaca por su gran capacidad para correr distancias largas en la sierra Taraumara, descalzos o con sandalias de cuero.
Nike, con el objetivo de promover un producto que permita retornar a lo 'natural'se decidió por los rarámuris para mostrar a su público los movimientos simples del cuerpo para ofrecer una flexibilidad que pueda compararse a correr descalzo.
“En línea con la nueva filosofía de Nike en la cual se prioriza lo natural, creemos que los rarámuris son una gran fuente de inspiración porque entienden al ‘running’ como algo natural en sus vidas, como una fuente inagotable de bienestar y disfrute”, expresó Luis Godínez, Gerente de Running en Nike de México, a través de un comunicado compartido en su página oficial.
La expedición en busca de la comunidad rarámuri se realizó en el poblado de Guachochi.
“Nos llena de orgullo poder compartir parte de la historia de nuestros hermanos rarámuris, que con unos días de convivencia nos demostraron que correr es más que solo un deporte, está en el ADN de todos los mexicanos”, escribieron en su web oficial representantes de Nike.
En las imágenes difundidas, se muestra a un rarámuri vestido con un calzón de manta, una camisa holgada verde, una gorra y los tenis fluorescentes Nike. El hombre corre y flota en el aire con marcada habilidad y destreza.
Los rarámuris probaron los nuevos zapatos-tenis en una carrera de seis millas –casi 10 kilómetros– en Barranca de la Sinforosa, la ruta que recorren en sus tradicionales fondos de entre 10 y 50 millas, según reporta el semanario mexicano Proceso.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Runner on the rebound

A runner on the rebound
My toughest opponent 
August 23rd, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

Name: Gina Yoryet Roman
Sex: Female
Age: 35
Height: 5 feet, 2 inches (1.58496 meter/s)
Weight: 110 pounds (50 kilos)
Fitness level: Intermediate
Body type: A combination of Mesomorph and Endomorph 
Estimated BMI (Body Mass Index): 20.1 
BMI Categories:
  1. Underweight = <18 .5="" span="">
  2. Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  3. Overweight = 25–29.9
  4. Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Currently pays/practices: Gym, cardio, strengthening and knee strengthening exercises stretching, walking. 
Prior fitness profile: Competed for three-4 years at college level. Went on to long distance: 21 and 42.1k for 11+ years. 
Did body conditioning, weight training, did castings and worked at sports fitness modeling events.
Did exercise videos, health and fitness phone and on the forum interview (s) for: www.steppingoutsecrets.
Did health and fitness radio and newspaper interviews.
For more information on prior fitness experience click here.
Total time with fitness affair: 17+ years
Trains: 3-4 days at the gym, and power walking whenever my work schedule allows it.
Why?: I love waking up with a rush of adrenaline. I am not a coffee drinker so I get my morning adrenaline through working out. That is my way to speed up my metabolism. Plus I love being in shape, healthy, it balances my mind, body and soul. 
Diet: I eat clean overall but sometimes I do A LOT of emotional eating. I am really good at working but from time to time I find it hard to stay disciplined. For example, I don’t like veggies, I don’t necessarily hate them but I’d rather not eat them so I have to constantly remind myself to make sure and integrate some greens at least 5 times a week. 

Objective: As of next week (Monday August 25), I will start re-training myself to do The 5k Color Run on September 29. I’ve started practicing what I preach by putting myself on a diet plan and an easy but a little more challenging and demanding physical routine that does not further damage my knee. I’ve been very afraid and skeptical about running on pavement since my surgery especially because the pain has NOT subsided completely. Therefore, I will jog it slowly and smoothly and mix it with a few minutes of brisk walking. Also tone up, gain a little more muscle and strength all around to begin with. 

Number of competitions/races/marathons: Many (Can’t recall)
Date: September 29, 2013
Where: Gdl
Estimated time: 45 minutes, an hour. (It’s been 4 years and 2 months since I last did any running that I’ve even forgotten what my times were)
Category: Beginner/Amateur - A runner on the rebound

How did you get into sports? My love for sports started developing from a very early age on but didn’t start practicing any until I was 16 or 17 years old because I was very timid.  

How do you feel after your first and other victories? 
I was never one of the fastest runners but I did score 2nd, third, fourth place. 

Biggest challenges: Training and diet. Finding time to juggle everything can be very a real defiance for everyone for the most part: I spend a lot of time sitting down so and my days are very long so I have to squeeze in some time before anything. Then my hobbies, juggling different work related projects, volunteer work, reading, writing, and other things that come up as I go. I am willing to pay whatever price comes my way to be fit and healthy though. 

Advice to young/amateur athletes and people who want to lose weigh in general: Get in real good shape, be disciplined, invest time, energy and effort, never let tiny matters defeat you, challenge yourself and don’t be afraid.

What do you think about Mexico being number 1 in overweight and obesity? It is very sad and disappointing. There’s A LOT of work our nation has to do in order to change that. We have to change our habits, eat cleaner, less portions, move around more and be be very careful with our health. I want to reduce that number, meet more athletes, talk to them, motivate them and vice versa. 

I want to experience Shelter, comfort, escape, blessing, craving, habit, benefit, good, asset, protection, source, preference, advantage, risk, stake, improvement, influence, interest, dominance, gain, choice, pain, gratification, self-fulfillment, profit, protection, recognition, strength, emotional, spiritual and physical support, stability, help, alleviation, care, furtherance, guidance, encouragement, endowment, relief, reinforcement, rescue, reward, salvation, shot in the arm, engine, fuel, sacrifice, sustenance, enrichment, merit, enrichment, sacrifice, focus, determination, persistence, insistence, virtue, superfluity, quality, convenience, confidence, assurance, enhancement, drive, power, goal…. my sanctuary and once again get the feeling of what it’s like to be ‘Yoryet Roman Athlete.’ 

My backups: 

 1) Marathoning/Running for mortals: John, "The Penguin" Bingham
2) The Runner's Diet: Madelyn H. Fernstrom, PHD, CNS
3) Brain Training for Runners: Matt Fitzgerald
4) 5k, The Running Race everyone should try:

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


August 21, 2013

¿Quién hallará una mujer fuerte? Su precio es, con mucho, mayor que el de las perlas. Confíe en ella el corazón de su marido, que no le faltarán ganancias. Ella le acarrea el bienestar y no la desgracia, todos los días de su vida. Busca lana y lino, y trabaja con la habilidad de sus manos. 
Es como nave de comerciante, que trae víveres de lejos. Se levanta cuando aún es de noche y distribuye la comida a su casa y la tarea a sus criadas. Pone su mirada en unas tierras, y las compra; del fruto de sus manos planta una viña. 

Ciñe vigorosamente sus lomos y arma de vigor sus brazos. Comprueba que marcha bien su negocio; no se apaga su lámpara de noche. Aplica sus manos a la rueca y sus dedos manejan el huso. Abre sus brazos al desdichado y tiende su mano al indigente. No teme para su casa las nieves, porque todos traen vestidos forrados. Hácese ella sus cobertores y se viste de lino y púrpura.

Su esposo es respetado a las puertas de la ciudad, cuando se sienta entre los ancianos del país. Ella teje finas telas y las vende y proporciona ceñidores al mercader. La fortaleza y la gracia son sus atavios; y sonríe al porvenir. Abre su boca con prudencia y la buena palabra está sobre su lengua. 

Vigila la marcha de su casa y no come ociosa el pan. Levántase sus hijos para aclamarla dichosa; su marido la alaba diciendo: Muchas mujeres se han mostrado valientes, pero TÚ ventajas a todas. Engañosa es la gracia y vana la hermosura; la mujer que teme al señor, ésa es digna de alabanza. Dadle del fruto de sus manos, y sean sus obras las que hagan su elogio a las puertas de la ciudad. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


August 20, 2013


Are tiny creatures that live in your closet
and sew your clothes a little bit tighter
every night...
If you'd been wondering, now you know that
It is NOT you putting on weight, really!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

An Amateur with the force of an all time PRO

An Amateur
with the force of an all time PRO 
August 18, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

When I  first met Fernando Mancillas at my dentist office a few months back, his short sleeved shirt revealed his toned up biceps right away. My first thought was, “This young man is a genuine athlete!” But I decided to meddle some more and get to the ‘how’ of such muscular body but I couldn’t come up with ideas of how to approach him without looking or being aggressive. 

The first time Fernando and I struck up a real conversation was in June when I brought the Guadalajara Reporter newspaper with my ‘How to Nurture a love for exercise and a good diet,’ interview for my Orthodontist to see since she insisted that I looked like a professional athlete myself (one day she poked my tummy out of impulse because she said she was curious since my body looked very toned up, ha, ha!). She started showing it off to all her office colleagues and it soon ended up in Fernando’s hands. From that moment on, we clicked and right there and then I got to the bottom of it. When I finally asked him for an interview which was finally done last night at his first (amateur) M. M. A. (Mixed Martial Arts) fight at Lienzo Charro, he didn’t hesitate to answer with a polite, “Claro que sí!

Here are the results of our chat!

Name: Fernando Mancillas Chavez
Sex: Male
Age: 27
Height: 1.87 meters (6 feet 1 inch)

Weight: 97 kilos (213.4 pounds)
Fitness level: Intermediate
Body type: A combination of Mesomorph and Endomorph 
Estimated BMI (Body Mass Index): 28.2
Plays/practices: Valetudo ((Vale tudo = “anything goes" or "No rules,” are full-contact unarmed combat events) 
and M. M. A. for eight months. Practiced kick boxing for two years prior to that. I’ve been been doing cross fit and weight lifting for some time as a strength back up. 
Total time doing martial arts: 4 years
Trains: M. M. A. Two hours daily, six days a week (takes Wednesday off). Weightlifting/crossfit every day.
Why: I like to be in shape and healthy, the cardio part of it keeps me in shape. Plus I like the adrenaline, power and self-fulfillment playing a sport on a competitive level.
Diet: Three months prior to competition, 0 grease, an overall clean diet to keep his energy level high and to be lighter and be able to move faster. 
Objective: As an amateur’s first fight and victory, I want to tone up my body more, get stronger, gain flexibility, learn more techniques, tactics, focus and self-confidence to keep winning.
Number of fights: 1
Date: August 17, 2013
Where: Lienzo Charro Ignacio Zermeño
Time: 6:00-10:30 p. m.
Category: Heavy weight: 95+ kilos

How did you get into Valetudo? I was invited by a family member about nine months ago and I immediately got into it. 
How do you feel after your first victory? Although I am quite satisfied and happy, I was somewhat nervous. I lacked strategy and technique. I got many blows that shouldn’t have happened. It looks very simple from an audience perspective but when you’re up there, you feel like you’re giving it all you’ve got but sometimes that isn’t good enough. 

Biggest challenges: Training and diet. Finding time to juggle everything can be very a real defiance for the most part: My profession (I am a dentist), going to school full time, my girlfriend and family, other responsibilities and hobbies and overall training but there’s a price and sacrifice involved in anything positive but I am willing to pay that whatever it takes.

Advice to young/amateur athletes: Get in real good shape, be disciplined, invest time, energy and effort, never let tiny matters defeat you, challenge yourself and don’t be afraid.

What do you think about Mexico being number 1 in overweight and obesity? It is very sad and disappointing. There’s A LOT of work our nation has to do in order to change that. We have to change our habits, eat cleaner, less portions, move around more and be be very careful with our health. 

Last night was only the beginning of this powerful amateur but he’s got the youth, will, discipline, focus and stamina that will soon lead him to celebrate one victory after another and I would be more than happy to follow and record his journey to use as an example to many other young or beginner athletes.

The most exciting about it all for Gina Yoryet, is that I get invited to new places, I met new people and see fresh faces, I get injected with energy and positive vibes. True, I don’t make money doing this BUT! It is one of my favorite hobbies and I don’t think I could EVER give that up! 

Plus going to sporting events allows me to chat with new athletes and one interview transitions into another. For example, last night I met a cyclist who sat next to me by mere coincidence...

So guess who will be one of my next interviews!? 

Celebrating Victory with THE winner!

August 17 Fight Hard Championship

Had to pose w/the other fighters!

That roll on my waistline would've NEVER happened prior surgery!  LOL! Posing w/the biker!