My latest power foods
August 9. 2015
By: Gina Yoryet Román
I always get a kick of digging out information about the latest power foods and I pride myself educating people and sharing my knowledge. Week by week I make sure to get thoroughly informed to experience with the most recent health trends. During the last few weeks, I´ve experienced with two super foods I read about.
One of them was banana peels, on July 19, while skimming through yahoo news, my eyes weekly got caught on this headline, “The One Crazy-Delicious Weight-Loss Food We Know You’re Not Eating.” According to Tara Cox, banana peels contain vitamin A, lutein, antioxidants like vitamin B, fiber, boost feelings of fullness, lower cholesterol.
The color of the banana peel works for different things, for example green peels are better to cook with, they contain probiotics, resistant starch. Whereas, yellow peel contain anti-cancer qualities unlike green peels. Among other benefits, that’s why I tried a delicious power shake and I was surprised about the sweet taste.
Here's the full article to get a better scope:
The One Crazy-Delicious Weight-Loss Food We Know You're Not Eating
Cucumbers is my next power food which I introduced just yesterday in a way. I cut up a whole cucumber in small round slices, and I ate it with the peel. I had actually tried cucumber in water a few times before, just like a lemonade after reading about it a while ago. But I was not cognizant to all the nutritious benefits this green veggie had. Cucumbers have the following Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, Folic Acid, Calcium, Vitamin C, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Zinc. I am glad I read this before picking up a supply of Vitamin C and Magnesium at the pharmacy to speed up my knee recovery! Every time I try something new, it is not to lose weight, it is more about building a more resilient body, especially with aging. The best strategy to lose weight is working out and eating healthy. Since I am VERY limited because of my knee, I have to be very careful with what I eat!
Cucumber aroma in hot water creates a soothing scent that helps you relax, among other benefits, cucumber help fight a hangover, they can also give you an energy boost, just like coffee. I also learned that a few slices of cucumber in water, boost weight loss. I only drink and try new things because of all the properties they contain, like I mentioned previously.
10 things you didn´t know about cucumbers
Another one of nature’s exquisite gifts to humanity is, a yummy green veggie known as plant for the Gods, or God´s healing plant - the cactus.
Since I was little, I recall my mother integrating cactus in pico de gallo, grilled cactus, or cactus in a special Mexican style sauce with chicken and/or beef. My favorite style is cactus on the grill by far. Recently, my progenitor taught me another one of her secret recipes (I never developed an interest in domestic chores because I never had the real need to do it, as there was always someone else to do it and cater to the spoiled little me).
Here's the easy recipe!
Buy some small or large cactus at mercado Alcalde, one of the oldest markets in Guadalajara.
Wash them thoroughly.
Put a little bit of olive oil in a pan, chop up a few garlic cloves and onion in small chunks, and put them in the pan. Wait a few minutes before you put the cactus.
Once the cactus are in the pan, add a little bit of oregano to give it a special flavouring, add either regular salt, or garlic salt.
Wait for a few minutes, until you see the toasted garlic. Delicious!
It is one of the easiest and quickest recipes I learned earlier this year. Anyhow, last month when I did volunteer teaching, I personally fixed Father Lillard different meals that included cactus. He didn’t know all the marvelous health benefits this delicious plant contains, and he didn’t believe that I am a novice in cooking matters!!!
Anyhow, this plant has multiple benefits. It helps regulate sugar in the blood, it contains eighteen aminoacids which boost your energy level and they help fight fatigue. Cactus strengthens the liver and the pancreas, it produces insulin production. It also contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, and C, calcium, magnesium, sodium potassium, iron. It contains fiber that help a better digestion. It helps reduce cellulitis, and slow down the obesity process. It helps improve the circulatory, immune, nervous, urinary system, gastric ulcers, they protect the stomach and intestines.
In addition to that, it is used for home remedies such as: burns, inflammation, hernia, ulcers, fever, tooth ache, and in beauty treatments like facials, dry hair, among many other goodies that you can experiment with.
I could write a book about all the health benefits my latest power foods provide but now is not the time...
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