
Friday, March 20, 2015



Today I woke up asking myself this,
"What have you done this year to reach your reality?"
"What steps have you taken to be spiritually, emotionally, personally, physically, financially, professionally fulfilled?"
"Are you taking the according steps to get you to the long-sought balance you've always yearned for?"
The truth is, I have been procrastinating on one of my 2015 victories. I can say that I am not mentally or physically prepared and a million other excuses but I can no longer keep feeding my mind with those pessimistic thoughts. Today I resolved that I must be stronger than that, put all negative emotions aside, and get a hold of myself to be able to focus. As long as I don't get past that lack of motivation I won't be game.

I keep dreaming, fantasizing over this victory but I must not want it with all my mind, heart and soul because no action is being taken whatsoever...

"Reality is the difference between what we wish for and what is. Realistic thinking begins with you doing your homework and getting the facts; and it is supported by finding out what others have done in similar circumstances. Why not learn all that you can from good thinkers who have been where you want to go, had the same goals and were able to realize their potential?"

  ~ John C. Maxwell

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