
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Practicing Resiliency

Practicing Resiliency
because my body deserves it
June 11, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

Sometimes two, three, four, five days go by without taking a single bite of veggies. Yes, I am all for sports and for the most part, I live a very physically active lifestyle because my body is my most valuable asset. Or so I make myself believe.

Over the weekend I brooded over not having had any vegetables AT ALL in three weeks!! Yes, that’s how bad it got this time. I thought that as I got older, my cunning mind would NOT convince me into skipping those nutritious and healthy legumes but the total opposite happened. The older I get, the more challenging it gets to develop a habit to eat clean. I mean, I don’t eat junk all the time, I’ve cut back on a lot on sweets, bread, potato chips, salty and spiced up low quality food. On the other hand, I eat rice quite frequently, I started eating red meat (I eat it once or twice a week), and other meals that don’t necessarily have any nutritional value. That’s why I haven’t been able to go back to my pre-surgery weight, although I am getting closer.

This early afternoon’s phone call and the end of May, were a wake up call to remind me to get myself together and try A LITTLE harder. This is very challenging at this time because the pain on my knee won’t subside, plus I must have pulled an agressive move at the gym because I have a very sharp and throbbing pain on my left calf and ankle. On top of that, I’ve only managed to pay a visit to the gym two or three days per week because my energy level is at its lowest ever. All I want to do is sleep, snooze and nap, OH, and EAT!

The first reminder came late last month when I finally found a new photographer who I had a brief talk with a few days ago to explain to her (this is the first time I will work with a woman) what I am looking for and to set up a time and place for the fitness photo shoot. The original idea was early April but I was far from being emotionally or physically ready so I was very glad to postpone it. Now that I am more focused, I am definitely shooting for Saturday June 28, which means that I’ve got exactly sixteen days to do the best I can and to NOT be subdued by all my physical impediments.

The second memorandum was the phone call I got today, it was Simplemente Adriana, 105.9 FM radio who interviewed me last November 27 to give a talk about the importance of writing. We’ve been playing tag since early April to have a second talk about health and fitness, and perhaps a third talk about my upcoming project, “Rules and Tools that Build Successful Women,’ to entice young tapatias to thrive in the business world. The moment I read the caller's name on my phone screen, my heart beat faster and I nagged myself for not pushing myself further.

In result of that, I came up with a resolution which so far, I’ve made happen two days straight. I want to boost my energy level and make my body more resilient so I’ve had a green juice, celery, spinach and small chunks of beet root and as of yet, I’ve felt more hyped up despite making it to my 5am work outs three days this week. I will alternate my greens to avoid getting bored and this will be my ritual for the next sixteen days until the BIG day arrives!! This time I am going to applaud my effort, and strength as opposed to beating myself for NOT reaching perfection.

As far as the radio talk, they wanted to go live this Friday but I couldn’t cancel all other work related activities, that's why we are going to work around my time away in July and August. This is very exciting because although I am not an expert, I am confident enough to hold a talk about the different blood and body types as it is a very serious topic that many people are oblivious to.

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