
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Following these simple rules

Following these simple rules
can be very easy
June 30, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

It may seem like a lot but we can tackle them all for the most part. Just yesterday I found these great rules that can help every woman stay on track. Unbelievingly, I follow a lot, if not most of them!

1. Starting fresh every day is a must, every day is a new beginning that brings different opportunities.
2. I disagree with this one, for me exercise is a priority even when I am not at my best physically, it has become a lifestyle for me.
3. I always check my statements and I am up to date with my payments/bills.
4. I don’t necessarily skip meat on Mondays but I don’t eat meat every day. I can do without it just fine.
5. I drink a glass of water with a slice of ginger, sometimes lemon and sometimes cucumber right before going to the gym.
6. I’ve cut down on sugar, I don’t eat as much sugar as before but I have to get better at that.
I NEVER try to keep up with anyone, I am my toughest opponent.
 I need to find out what retinol is exactly and then I may take the risk since I am starting to get some ‘wisdom marks’ as I like to call them. Use a retinol if you’re starting to get wrinkles.
 I don’t check with Human Resources since I am self-employed.
When I am pissed off,  I try to counting up to a million but it doesn’t always work out!
 I used to enjoy bike riding a lot more than now, I need to grab my bike and pedal a couple miles or kilometers. 
 Since I have internet on my phone, I use it a LOT MORE than before
 I always beat myself up for the littlest things but I get over them very quickly.
 I have to boast that I have NEVER done ANY type of drugs, not once in my life.
 Neither have I ever smoked.
 My clothes are very well taken care of.
 I consolidate my debts as I go, I like taking care of that aspect ASAP.
 I have never had a problem with alcohol, I used to drink socially but now I am not a night person so I don’t worry about it!
 Snacking when I am hungry!? Now we’re talking, I have to get MUCH BETTER about this one, I always give in to my cravings. I used to have more discipline.
 I don’t know what the 2/30 rule is so I don’t practice it.
 I used to love getting sunburned, I am not very careful with it! My face cannot be exposed to the sun AT ALL!
 Practice the 20/20/20 rule. (To help you deal with this problem, the 20-20-20 rule suggests that after every 20 minutes,  the computer user should take a break for at least 20 seconds and look at objects that are 20 feet away.) I just learned about this one and yes I spend a lot of time using the computer and I don’t apply the rule but I will start applying it just to see what results I get.
 I have never taken any sleeping pills.
 Consider taking liquid chlorophyll. I I have been consuming chlorophyll for quite a number of years.
Don’t skip your yearly gynecological appointments. NO COMMENT!
Eat whole foods as much as you can. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.
I always make sure to keep myself hydrated so I drink lots of water without sugar.
Practice safe sex. NO COMMENT!
Smell an orange. Uhm, what for?
 Make your home a place you want to be. I love being home after running around all over the place. I love unwinding here at the end of the week.
 Treat big purchases like big purchases. Sure!
. Never use your gym membership? Sometimes I take a 2, 3, 4, 5 day break but I am really good for the most part.
Keep the change. I do!
Clean smarter. That’s a good idea! How? Because I HATE domestic chores!
 Cook (a little) more. I would need some cooking lessons first!
Stand up for yourself. I learned to do that since my early 20’s!
Read labels. I have to get better at that!
 Take medication seriously. I do but do they really do their job?
 Don’t skimp on sleep. Sometimes I sleep very few hours but I sure make up when chronic fatigue hits me.
 Listen to your body. I still have to work on this. I am NOT super woman or either can I perform physically like I did 10, 15 years ago!
Always, always, always wear a seatbelt—even in a taxi. I really dislike seat belts, I pester myself about this. I NEVER wear it when I take a cab.
 Wash your hands often. I ALWAYS do!
Go on a social media diet. NEVER have been on a diet, probably NEVER will. I don’t believe in them.
Optimize your fertility if you plan on having kids. NO COMMENT!
Floss! I have flossed since I was a teenager!
Sneeze into your arm, not your palm. That’s a good idea! I have to remind myself.
Stash snacks. Sometimes I do.
 Shop on a full stomach. Why? To walk off the food? Or to avoid spending too much because you are soo full that you makes you sleepy?
Learn to take constructive criticism. I detest this but as a writer, I have to take the blows as they come!
 Never let Google diagnose you. I don’t! Google is very informative but it is NOT definitely not my doctor!

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