
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Plan B, C and D

Plan B, C and D
January 28, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

Right now I am munching on cereal while I watch ‘Yoga for the Knees,' and Tai Chi, How To: Quick and Easy Way to Treat Knee Pain or StiffnessI am trying different things to help me get through this unexpected and long lasting knee injury. Therefore last week I tried Bikram Yoga for the first time ever. Sadly it didn’t fulfill my expectations. The room wasn’t as hot as I had hoped, there were too many people, and I got bored, plus it is very expensive! I guess I don’t see how simple stretches will help me heal? Patience has NEVER been one of my virtues, maybe I should let things flow and give room for the fermentation process until I reach 1000% wholeness once again. 

I’ve also eyed one or two Pilates videos that someone recommended me last week. And last but not least, I am getting mentally prepared to make my debut for my early workouts twice a week as of next week. It’s been too long since I’ve had consistency with my workout routines because of the pain that doesn’t give room for motivation. The analgesics and anti-inflammatories I started taking, are helping as well, I only hope this is temporary because I miss being pain free. 

On my way to the gym after class today, I thought of how my workouts sessions are that random these days that it is very hard to encourage myself, so I had to come up with plan B, C, D, and however many plans there are in order to be well like before. If I could be stronger than before, I would be like WOW! But if it doesn’t happen like that, I want to at least be able to stop experiencing physical pain. All I want is to lead a healthy lifestyle and be able-bodied even at a later age. Among the different things I am trying, I am doing my best to squeeze in one pilates session a week with my physical therapist who is an expert on that. I will schedule one acupuncture session as well to see the results. 

I am taking each day at once and doing my best not to think about the pain but sometimes it is too intense. Let’s see what all my plans have to offer...

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