
Friday, October 11, 2013

A first round victorious crossfitter Juan Camarena Espinoza

A first round victorious crossfitter 
Juan Camarena Espinoza
October 11, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

The second athlete I interviewed at the first Ultimate X Cross-Fit 
competitions on Sunday September 29, was Juan Camarena Espinoza, a radiant and pleased contestant who agreed to be give me a few minutes of his time right away. 

As the interview progressed, his enthusiasm spread out his adrenaline all around. 

Here are the results:

Name: Juan Camarena Espinoza
Place of birth: Tepic Nayarit
Age: 33
DOB: June 8, 1980
Weight: 78 kilos (171.961 pounds)
Height: 1.74 meters (5 feet, 70866 inches)
BMI: 14% (26.8)
Body type: A combination of Mesomorph and Endomorph. 
What sport do you practice train for? Crossfit on a high-rendering level.
How long have you been competing? This is my first time competing.
Level: Intermediate.
Placed: Number 1 in the semi-finals, I still have to pull through the final ranking.
How long have you been doing crossfit? Six months.
Have you played, or are you currently playing other sports? Gym, and surf.
What was the most useful tactic to put you on first place? Doing crossfit training. I enjoyed it and regard it as a hobby so that was very useful. 
What is your objective: Measure my potentiality, test how far my body could go. The overall idea is to get, be ready and score in the first places in the next competitions.
Do you follow a specific diet? Yes, my diet is based on a specific number of calories depending on my physical training but it is basically eating clean and healthy. Very low (good) grease, zero fried, saturated fat or junk food or heavy meals. I mainly consume fruit, vegetables, low cholesterol meals, natural protein. Progenex  (What is Progenex?) 
How many times a week do you train? 
Cross-fit: Six times a week.
Gym: Three times a week.
Outdoor running: Three times a week. I do between 5 and 10k. 
Where do you train? At the main park in Tepic, parque La Loma.
What are the biggest challenges you have had to face? First of all, having to compete with myself day by day, and secondly, compete with people from all over México. It can be daunting to see and meet other competitors who are taller and whose body mass index surpasses mine. But at the end of the day what matters the most, is your ability to perform.  It is really about several factors. Sometimes BMI is irrelevant as opposed to speed or vice versa. 
What is your daily routine? I started doing cross-fit as a hobby but during the last three months I’ve been putting in three hours a day. My work schedule is very flexible so that gives me the opportunity to dedicate more time for cross-fit.
What is your job? I am a business owner. I sell stationery products.
What advice would you give to apprentice and pro athletes? Age is not a limit. Always have in mind that YOU are your toughest opponent and limit, you set your standards, goals and limitations. One of the many advantages of cross-fit is that it works around age, gender, body type and other factors.
What do you think about the fact that México is now number one in overweight and obesity? It is very sad and disappointing. We don’t lack the right resources to do it, there are many places to work out but a huge factor that plays an important role is the lack of information we are oblivious to. Another problem is that there is plenty of food in México, therefore we eat very abundant meals, on top of that many individuals live a very sluggish lifestyle; people spend too much time sitting around watching low-quality and pointless tv programs, playing video games or using technology. Tv doesn’t promote exercise, and we are obviously lured by these unnecessary programs.
Do you have further comments?  Thank you cross-fit for giving me the opportunity to be here today and for being able to compete. I am a perfect example of a positive change, cross-fit has transformed my life (it is now my life) and I really love it and relish it. I am always amused by it, the time or place don’t matter, what matters is that where we are a very close-knit community where we help each other out. You witnessed it, when we are finished we help our contenders to be better with yourself and others. 

Juan competing

Juan lifting

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