
Friday, June 28, 2013

Place vs. technique

Place Vs. technique
It is NOT where, it is HOW
June 28, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

One of the first things upon my arrival here, was to look for a good gym within walking distance. As a fitness enthusiast first things first and a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do to fulfill her bear necessities. 

I am not high maintenance with this gym issue as long as my needs are attained with the proper space, equipment and environment. Unlike people in this city. From time to time I hear all this bragging about the overly high priced gym membership they go to. Being a gym member and speaking another language are clear indicators that one belongs to the gente bien, - well-off people, clan. Those spaces are about double or more than at other cities where I’ve lived in the past. 

I am all for having a membership because home workouts don’t attract me but my center of attraction is mainly, bueno, bonito y barato, - good, nice and cheap. 
Therefore I totally disagree with the headline my eyes witnessed earlier today, “5 Reasons NOT to Join a Gym,” As a health aware individual and as a critical human being, I immediately jumped the gun and thought, “What in the world is going through this person’s mind!?” The majority of the population worldwide is either overweight or obese and excuses only make matters worse, we don’t need to add on more de-motivators. 
Just as I started opposing the title, I skimmed through the article which said, 
 “No Gym, No Problem: Five Reasons Why A Gym Membership is Not Necessary For Fitness Excellence.” That is more in tune! 

Being happy, healthy and whole doesn’t require a lot of money. WILL is the first and foremost concept of this game. WILL + TIME + EFFORT + SACRIFICE + DISCIPLINE, are pure kryptonite. The place is the least important factor, it is NOT where, it is HOW you do it. For example, brisk walking is one of the best and most complete exercises. It keeps the pounds from creeping on all the problematic corporal areas plus it is an excellent therapy to unwind. 

So yes, “No Gym, No Problem.” This message was a coincidence as this morning I thought of letting my year run through and consider whether or not continue paying or try something new like Bikram Yoga, swimming or other relaxing and non hard impacting alternatives to avoid harming my body any further.

Perhaps I will just perform a few weekly power walks at a park but that would require more time, there’s still time to ponder about that, I am six months away from having to renew. One thing I am certain of, is that the setting is irrelevant so I won’t stop moving, moving moving!

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