
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What's your number?

What’s your number?
May 8, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

During a two hour lasting chat with one of my best friends a few weeks back, I was on the verge of wetting my pants from laughing about all her men anecdotes. She mentioned the men she is/was dating in San Diego. She also pointed out, ‘What’s Your Number,’ a romantic comedy released in 2011. 

Since the day we conversed about that, ‘What’s my number’ keeps resonating within. It is not quite the same number Ally Darling (Anna Faris) wants to add up. With me, it is always asking about what my number is in different matters like this.

It is not the number of men I date,
It is more about the quality man who will hold my heart forever.

It is not the number of gifts I’ve been given during prior relationships,
It is the number of magic moments we spent together and what I’ve learned from those experiences. 

It is not the number of temporary acquaintances that come and go, 
It is the few TRUE and LOYAL lifetime friends standing by me. 

It is not the number of cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews I have, 
It is Just the 10 of us. My brothers, sisters and parents.

It is not the number of fancy, kinky and shinny stilettos in my closet,
It is the few pairs of trainers that give me the greatest sense of comfort.

It is not the number of fancy and expensive restaurants I go to, 
It is THE exquisite homemade dishes I can eat with my family by my side.

It is not the number of trips I make, 
It is the smells, the landscape, the people, the culture I can take in.

It is not the number of mistakes made,
It is more about the learning experiences and what I can hold on to.

It is not the number of days I am able to do volunteer work, 
It is about looking right a needy soul and eyes and know that I’ve helped made a difference in someone’s life but more so in mine. 

It is not about the number of anything I possess, 
It is more about the symbolic value of each object itself.

It is not the number of butterflies lying all around me, 
It is about what they symbolize.

It is not about the number of books I read,
It is more about the knowledge gained.

It is not the number of workouts I can squeeze in in a week’s time,
It is more about quality and discipline.

It is not the number of miles I drive each day, 
It is about making it back home safe and sound each night.

It is not about the number of prayers I silently say to myself,
It is more so about getting a sense of inner peace.

It is not the number of times I bend temporarily, 
It is the number of times I bounce right back.

But overall, 
It is not the number of posts I write, 
It is the number of people I can reach out to and challenge and push myself to stay disciplined and truthful to all of my passions...

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