February 24, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman
The best thing for a runner, would be to never let go. That is exactly what I envisioned 10, 15 years ago when I was at the peak of my fitness career and injury free. I could not imagine life without running.
That fantasy vanished a few years back (It'll be four years on June 17 since I was forced to break off my affair with strolling, I hope not for good though).
Giving running a momentary break was NOT the end of my fitness career. Yes, running will always be my number one option but I've found other alternatives to stay lean, clean and healthy.
On the same day, June 17 (2012), Jalisco held its very first women's 100 meter race at La Gran Plaza Fashion Mall. The first 150 meter race wearing 5 centimeter (at least) heels, took place in Mexico City, on the 27 of the prior month.
The women who participated in these races came together to raise funds to fight against cancer, child malnutrition and other causes.
As a health and fitness advocate, I support this good deed. On the other hand, I am all for fitness without cruelty. Perhaps I am not looking at the whole picture but I don't get why women have to put themselves through such ordeal, running in heels!
On a daily basis women look stunning wearing those amazing stilettos but at the end of the day, is such torture really worth the effort? It's like they say, beauty has a price BUT heels bring more disadvantages than advantages.
1) They make women look sexier
2) They help petite women add a few inches
3) They are an automatic male magnet
4) They make us look more feminine
5) They are stylish
6) They help bring about an attractive posture
7) They are elegant
8) They complement clothes: outfits, dresses, skirts, pants, etc.
1) They make walking difficult
2) They tense up and pressure the entire body, especially the lower back.
3) They cause blisters
4) They develop red and yellow patches on feet.
5) They can cause deformities on feet and legs
6) They cause leg sprain
Surprisingly, the female gender will never give them up and the male kind will always support us wearing them because ladies all for beauty and sex appeal and men love that. To the point that prior dancer Coryelle Abney came up with, Hop Heel last year, a type of gymnastics or dance routine wearing heels.
In Kansas City, Stiletto Fitness Classes have also become very popular. I wonder why these tendencies are increasing quite rapidly if traumatologists contradict such practices?
I am not against them but I only wear them very sporadically, on special occasions. Simplicity is closer to my slogan. Yes, men prefer heels, yes, they help women look like bomb shells, and all those goodies but why make my feet suffer?
My point is, that fitness and suffering don't go hand in hand. Why wear heels during a work out session when there are hundreds of comfy, stylish, soft and supporting trainers to perform a good fitness class without cruelty?
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