
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Motivation comes from within

Motivation comes from within
February 28, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

I'd been thinking about it for rather long but in reality, all I needed was a slight push to start integrating two weekly 5am routines. So far, one is nailed down, the second one is yet to happen (tomorrow). That light prod came to me unexpectedly but quite suitable last Saturday when I encountered a gym acquaintance who I originally met sometime last August. 
F, a young fitness enthusiast who is struggling to keep his weight down like many of us, commented that he is/was trying to get motivated to make his morning workouts as well but he has not able to get himself together.

Standing there chatting at the gym all to ourselves, we agreed to make that long-awaited come back last Monday. I was honestly not motivated in the least. The question was, what impulsed me to get on my feet that early once again? My competitive nature, the fact that I abhor losing, my womanly word, the compromise. 

At 5 am sharp there I was! I beat him to it. That fed my ego and rubbed it on his face when he arrived 15 minutes later. 

"What a nice way to get encouraged!" I pondered. Truthfully, deep down, I know that the minute I set my mind, heart and soul, I become very determined. So my thought was basically, "Motivation is internal, nobody can really motivate someone else, it comes down to just getting it down yourself."

Ok, when I can't seem to get a hold of myself (that is exactly where I stand physically as I type), I go through brief pity parties but once I'm on the rebound, I  get stronger, more decisive, constant and persevering. 
That is backed up with the perfect armor to nurture my most important spheres; my mind, body and soul.

To improve my writing and keep coming up with ideas and stay encouraged:
I drown in others' writing: Magazines, newspapers, books, internet articles, etc.
I thoroughly skim through their work and pay careful attention to their style, order and wording.

To avoid getting sad or lonely, to stay away from distractions and "bad influence," (I don't always succeed) and to avoid getting carried away in vanity, greed and empty and materialistic matters and to get motivated instead, this is what's worked once I'm focused:
Volunteer work, a great channel to pull me through.

To improve my teaching skills:
Hands on practice kicks in to help me learn by sharing my knowledge with others. 

To improve my translation/interpretation skills and to keep my enthusiasm going:
I attend workshops, get intake from other experts, do my homework to keep the flow going. 

My incentive to keep life as simple as possible and to keep my drive: 
Meet ordinary people, talk to them and learn from them.
Read successful people's biographies and/or blogs. 
Or simply meet people from all walks of life to induce myself even more and to be grateful for what I have. 

While working on those small details, I am biding my time, awaiting for what I like to call "my trial" to conclude. One day it will pay off every single suffering moment. I mean, if Mandela patiently waited 27 seven years in prison and Darwin's hope to prove what he believed in, the theory of relativity, never withered, I can compile all my work from 17+ years to be drawn together into one. All arduous work may not be immediately acknowledged but one day in the near future, it'll have its rewards. 

Why not be a Dolores Huerta, a Nancy Galan founder of the Adelante Movement, or a fabulous, intelligent, and talented Mexican Cuaima like Esmeralda Yesica Garcia or Olga Maria Morales?

Keep pushing it to be bigger and better every day!

Monday, February 25, 2013

God always forgives, humans sometimes forgive…time NEVER forgives

God always forgives, humans sometimes 
forgive…time NEVER forgives
February 25, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

Just because our plans are to end something, doesn’t mean they are God’s. And just because we make mistakes -big or small- doesn’t mean He can’t fix them.
I do reflecting a whole lot, and often ask the purpose of each object, person and being in this world. One of the most tangled up topics, are relationships. It takes the littlest tension to destroy a lifetime's worth. 

We are fond of each other, yet we neglect to mend the small and insignificant matters. From own experience and others', I have witnessed one relationship after another being fragmented into tiny particles unable to be put back into its original shape. 

I don't like judging anyone because their reasoning is unknown to me but I do question, "what would it take to pick up the phone or do whatever it takes to reach out and drop nothing but caring words such as, "I love you, I want you back in my life?" It's like they said, it is easier said than done!

A million reasons and excuses: 

Pride, anger, resentment, hurt, disbelief, lack of trust, skepticism, fear of getting rejected, lack of faith, affliction, etc.

Last year I lost a very close friend of mine who for unexplained reasons decided to vanish. She was going through a very dark stage at that moment and as much as I offered to be there, she simply distanced herself. A few months later, I called her wanting to reconnect… that didn't happen. I still don't blame her but I do wonder what made her take the decision to eliminate me from her life. Perhaps I was not a good friend, not attentive enough. Maybe I was so involved in my own affairs, casting aside her suffering? I was given the benefit of the doubt and I accept it. There was never an argument, disagreement or tension between us, or so I believed. Regardless of all this, the times spent with her will be cherished for as long as I shall live. 

Relationships like this, are almost impossible to disregard because of such deep bonds. They can impulse us to make an effort and build the strength to try and re-establish them because even if we may not want them, that is NOT necessarily what God's got lined up for us. 

I would love our paths to reconnect to resume our friendship one day. More after watching "power to change," When there's true love and affection, I believe in second chances. It takes a lot of work, energy, effort, and will, to put the pieces back together. That's why  I never gave anyone a second opportunity before, but now I try to be reasonable to the ones I care about deeply and when I am given an opportunity because life is too short and tomorrow may be too late…

God always forgives, humans sometimes 
forgive…time NEVER forgives

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fitness w/out cruelty

Fitness w/out cruelty
February 24, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

The best thing for a runner, would be to never let go. That is exactly what I envisioned 10, 15 years ago when I was at the peak of my fitness career and injury free. I could not imagine life without running.
That fantasy vanished a few years back (It'll be four years on June 17 since I was forced to break off my affair with strolling, I hope not for good though).

Giving running a momentary break was NOT the end of my fitness career. Yes, running will always be my number one option but I've found other alternatives to stay lean, clean and healthy. 

On the same day, June 17 (2012), Jalisco held its very first women's 100 meter race at La Gran Plaza Fashion Mall. The first 150 meter race wearing 5 centimeter (at least) heels, took place in Mexico City, on the 27 of the prior month. 
The women who participated in these races came together to raise funds to fight against cancer, child malnutrition and other causes. 

As a health and fitness advocate, I support this good deed. On the other hand, I am all for fitness without cruelty. Perhaps I am not looking at the whole picture but I don't get why women have to put themselves through such ordeal, running in heels! 
On a daily basis women look stunning wearing those amazing stilettos but at the end of the day, is such torture really worth the effort? It's like they say, beauty has a price BUT heels bring more disadvantages than advantages. 

1) They make women look sexier
2) They help petite women add a few inches
3) They are an automatic male magnet
4) They make us look more feminine 
5) They are stylish
6) They help bring about an attractive posture
7) They are elegant
8) They complement clothes: outfits, dresses, skirts, pants, etc.

1) They make walking difficult
2) They tense up and pressure the entire body, especially the lower back. 
3) They cause blisters
4) They develop red and yellow patches on feet. 
5) They can cause deformities on feet and legs
6) They cause leg sprain

Surprisingly, the female gender will never give them up and the male kind will always support us wearing them because ladies all for beauty and sex appeal and men love that. To the point that prior dancer Coryelle Abney came up with, Hop Heel last year, a type of gymnastics or dance routine wearing heels.
In Kansas City, Stiletto Fitness Classes have also become very popular. I wonder why these tendencies are increasing quite rapidly if traumatologists contradict such practices?

I am not against them but I only wear them very sporadically, on special occasions. Simplicity is closer to my slogan. Yes, men prefer heels, yes, they help women look like bomb shells, and all those goodies but why make my feet suffer? 

My point is, that fitness and suffering don't go hand in hand. Why wear heels during a work out session when there are hundreds of comfy, stylish, soft and supporting trainers to perform a good fitness class without cruelty? 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Focus & discipline

Focus and discipline
February 23rd, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

Five weeks after dragging a throat infection, I am finally reaching the end of it. It was very bothersome because a throat virus had never been this long lasting. Finally on Tuesday morning I came down with a cold, had a stuffy nose, watery eyes, felt lightheaded, and puny and my cough was non stop day and night. 
I was not in the mood of going to the gym due to insufficient strength and motivation.

But I set my mind and forced myself to JUST DO IT!
I only managed to do a 30 minute power walk, 10 minutes on the elliptical and a few abs here and there.
40 minutes later I went straight to shower, checked out and came right back.
On Thursday I felt somewhat better so I drive to Sports Fitness (which is a bit further out), the other gym where I train only to find out my membership expired on the 18th! In less than five seconds I came up with an excuse to be let in and so it happened! 

I was still not that motivated to work out, was more lured to step into the sauna and interested in saying hello to the trainer, a friend of mine I met there last August. My time there was more productive than Tuesday.
Total time: 1hr, 10 minutes.
30 minute power walk
10 minute bike
Knee therapy and strengthening exercises, plus abs and stretching.

Today I almost skipped my session again but despite that, I hopped out of bed without a problem because I am marking my time frame, getting physically and mentally ready and make the transition to my early am routines as of this coming Monday. My goal for March is to do two early and two pm routines to make sure I am well rested and to avoid looking like a zombie. 

The last few days made me reinforce my mental state and push myself since I am on a kickoff till May. That's about 10 weeks to be exact. PM workouts just don't do it for me for numerous reasons:

1) My gym is a tiny little boxing ring which is packed, suffocating and smelly. Some people don't even bother wiping their sweat off the machines. YUCK!

2) Too many distractions; I either catch myself talking to a cutie for too long, or I end up lingering around for someone to get through with their workout so I can use the machines.

3) I can never seem to get my full mojo going because everyone stares through the mirror and that really makes me uncomfortable.

4) It is harder to get motivated, my workouts are longer and I waste a lot more time than in the morning.

Hence, I concluded that where I stand now,  motivation, focus and discipline is what I need to shoot for. Why? I am feeling the pressure (the good kind). I mean, my body has changed A LOT since I last did a sporting event or any professional photo shoot that I don't know how the whole me will react. 

I will have to push myself like I have many times, but what dispirits me (stress wise, not sadness wise) is my knee. It's been three months since I paid a visit to the slaughterhouse and there's still pain, throbbing and swelling. I wonder how much longer it'll be before I can start feeling normal again and when will I be able to perform at my max.

I'm wondering how to juggle those small issues against me to give it all I've got, and get motivated, focused and disciplined. On the other hand I am really looking forward to THE day!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

A lot of things are inherent

A lot of things are inherent
February 21st, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

Last night's chat with a friend made me reminiscence of the good 'ole days during my alma matter years. They were one of the most remarkable stages in my early life because that is where I met my true love. THE one…or so that's what my deceitful heart and tricky mind made me believe. Although we soon parted our separate ways due to unexpected circumstances, about eight years later our paths reunited. 

We both were caught in a roller coaster of emotions which led us to give it another shot. Making the long story short, we had grown apart and things were undoubtedly not the same. All the prior years of respect and transparency were dumped at once. Needless to say, that relationship was irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged…and even shattered. Things were NEVER the same and we definitely didn't strove for it. Shortly after, that episode was wrapped up for good. 

The first time we split up, that empty void was never filled. It felt somewhat like this:

“You will lose someone you can’t live without,and your heart will be badly broken, and the bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn’t seal back up. And you come through. It’s like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly—that still hurts when the weather gets cold, but you learn to dance with the limp.” 

Time after I found a new job and while picking up the small particles of my broken heart, I encountered my soon to be "the greatest love of all time." I ignore the what, where, when, how, why…things happened at the blink of an eye when it was least expected.

We came across too many determining factors that forced us to follow separate paths. Distance only made my heart grow fonder this time. Unlike the first time, my mind, heart and soul indicated that he was my soul mate. 
We reunited again about a year and a half later but the enchantment was not long-lasting either (I would have to write a book to talk about all that episode); in other words, value didn't have a value because neither one of us gave value its value.

What I've learned from these experiences, is to juggle the game of life and accept that the ball will NOT always bounce right back. Sometimes it will bounce lower than ever, therefore our job is to get a hold of it, make it find its equilibrium and stay put.We must keep that frail crystal ball together at all times because once it breaks, it will never be put back to its original form. 

I've also learnt that life is about winning, losing, accepting and letting go. 
And to strongly believe in love. The love of a true and loyal friend, that of a mother, the love of life and existence as a whole… that is why I am biding my time for THE one to better understand the purpose of humanity, the meaning of two becoming one. 

“A lot of things are inherent in life -change, birth, death, aging, illness, accidents, calamities, and losses of all kinds- but these events don't have to be the cause of ongoing suffering. Yes, these events cause grief and sadness, but grief and sadness pass, like everything else, and are replaced with other experiences. The ego, however, clings to negative thoughts and feelings and, as a result, magnifies, intensifies, and sustains those emotions while the ego overlooks the subtle feelings of joy, gratitude, excitement, adventure, love, and peace that come from Essence. If we dwelt on these positive states as much as we generally dwell on our negative thoughts and painful emotions, our lives would be transformed.” 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Why lowering your cholesterol won’t prevent heart disease

Februay 20, 2013 

Why lowering your cholesterol won’t prevent heart disease
Many people believe that managing cholesterol is key to preventing heart disease. That is not necessarily so. Here are six common misconceptions…

NOT TRUE: Most heart attack patients have high cholesterol.
About half of heart attack patients turn out to have perfectly normal cholesterol. When Harvard researchers analyzed data from the Nurses’ Health Study, they found that about 82% of heart attacks and other “coronary events” were linked to smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, a lack of exercise and poor diet—not high cholesterol.

NOT TRUE: All LDL “bad” cholesterol is dangerous.
Some forms of LDL are harmful, but others are not. The standard cholesterol test doesn’t make this distinction. You can have sky-high LDL with a low risk for heart disease. Conversely, even if your LDL is low, your risk for heart disease could be high.

Scientists have identified several subtypes of LDL that act in totally different ways. For example, subtype A is a large, pillowy molecule that does not cause atherosclerosis, the underlying cause of most heart attacks. Subtype B, a small, dense molecule, is dangerous because it is prone to oxidation and can penetrate artery walls, one of the first steps in heart disease.

What to do: Ask your doctor for an expanded cholesterol test. It will measure the different types of LDL particles and the number of particles as well as triglycerides, HDL and other substances. The test probably won’t be covered by insurance, but it’s reasonably priced—usually around $100.

NOT TRUE: Cholesterol should be as low as possible.
It doesn’t matter if your total cholesterol is above or below 200 mg/dL. What matters is your size pattern, the ratio of small-to-large LDL molecules.
Suppose your LDL is high, with a large concentration of fluffy, subtype-A particles. This is known as Pattern A. Your cholesterol-associated risk for heart disease is negligible.

You do have to worry if you have Pattern B. It means that you have a lot of the artery-damaging subtype-B particles and that your risk for heart disease is elevated. The expanded cholesterol test can help determine this.

NOT TRUE: You need a statin if you have high LDL.
The statin medications, such as simvastatin (Zocor) and atorvastatin (Lipitor), can help some patients with high LDL. If your LDL is Pattern B, a statin could save your life. You probably don’t need a statin, or any other cholesterol-lowering drug, if you have Pattern A.

There’s good evidence that statins are effective for secondary prevention—they help prevent subsequent heart attacks in patients (especially middle-aged men) who already have had a heart attack. This is not because of a cholesterol-lowering effect but because statins stabilize plaque, thin the blood and are anti-inflammatory.

Overall, however, statins don’t do much for primary prevention (preventing a heart attack in patients who don’t have existing heart disease).
If you’re generally healthy and your only “symptom” is high cholesterol, you probably don’t need a statin or any other cholesterol-lowering drug.

NOT TRUE: Saturated fat is dangerous.
Forget what you’ve heard—the saturated fat in red meat, butter and eggs does not increase your risk for heart disease.

Researchers from Harvard and other institutions analyzed 21 previous studies that looked at the relationship between saturated fat and heart disease. Their meta-analysis included nearly 350,000 subjects who were followed for between five and 23 years. Conclusion:Saturated fat did not cause an increase in heart disease or stroke.

NOT TRUE: Carbohydrates are healthier than fats.
The conventional advice to substitute carbohydrates for dietary fat is misguided—and dangerous.
A Harvard study compared the progression of heart disease in postmenopausal women who changed their intakes of certain foods, including carbohydrates and saturated fat. The researchers found that women who ate more saturated fat had less disease progression. Those who ate more carbohydrates got worse.

Another study found that the risk for a heart attack was higher in patients who replaced saturated fat with refined carbohydrates.

Not all carbohydrates are bad. People who eat healthy carbs—such as whole grains, legumes and vegetables—will probably do better, regardless of their fat intake. What people tend to eat, however, is refined carbohydrates—white bread, white rice and desserts.
Sugar is particularly bad because it increases arterial inflammation, insulin levels and blood pressure. It also elevates triglycerides, one of the main heart disease risk factors.

What helps: The best ways to reduce your risk for heart disease include maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly and not smoking.

Source: Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, a nutritionist and nationally known expert on weight loss, nutrition and health. Based in Los Angeles, he is board-certified by the American College of Nutrition and a member of the American Society of Nutrition. He is author, with Stephen Sinatra, MD, of The Great Cholesterol Myth: Why Lowering Your Cholesterol Won’t Prevent Heart Disease—and the Statin-Free Plan That Will (Fair Winds).

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

NOT the right time or place...nor THE right some1

NOT the right time or place…
NOR THE right some1
February 19, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

6:30 pm last night was a time to determine the right time, place, THE someone (Phil my photographer decided ME to be that someone last March), the right outfit, the lighting, the scenario, conservative/non-conservative, au natural or conceal my face under coats of makeup, indoor/outdoor, and the whole nine yards for this afternoon's scheduled photo shoot.

As I got closer to La Quinta Real to meet up Phil, I couldn't avoid feeling antsy when I tried to think of a way to break it all out to him. How will it sound better?
"Phil, I can't do this…at least not now."
"Phil, would you mind holding off till you come back?
"Phil, I am not ready physically, I mean, it's only been four weeks since I made a slow transition to my routine and I am not at my 100%."
"Phil, I am lacking A LOT of self-confidence and on top of that, I am camera shy!"

Ok, yes, let's say I can pose for a camera without a problem but when I have what I am missing right now.
1) Focus
2) Self-confidence (Now is NOT the time to capture my face or body on a book cover. Since March when he laid out the whole scenario, it didn't occur to me that this was the plan from the get-go. I am ok with that but not under these physical circumstances…I will get there in May….That's why I didn't feel any excitement until last night when I was driving home. What!? I am going to be on the cover of a book!? WOW, WOW!

3) I am at a 70% fitness wise, therefore it is impossible for me to focus or to feel self-confident.

The minute I spotted Phil's affable face at the lobby, and especially after we hugged, my nervousness lessened. 

He must've read my mind because right after we sat down, he commented, "Gina, I would like to postpone the photo shoot because this trip was a last minute thing, I've been sick with a cold, we are both very tight on time, plus I want to do it right and take my time."

His decision couldn't have suited me any better. "That is completely ok with me Phil because I am actually not physically ready, I am at my lowest ever on a fitness level, actually May is fine with me, that'll give me another 10-12 weeks to feel better about myself."

So my fitness quest shall embark today….

Some gym buddies tell me that I look just fine when I told them about putting off the photo session but they are not aware about what is going on inside, my body is not as trim, I lost most (if not all) of my muscle, strength, and endurance. I am not the same…

My body is in desperate need of my high-rendering crack of dawn routines. It is starting to yearn for the million per hour mornings filled with adrenaline and stamina. I do admit that the longer hours of zzzz's are benefiting me more, being sleep deprived can get crazily overwhelming.

In order to reach my goal, I am contemplating March 1st to start integrating those early a. m. workouts once again. I will have to have tremendous self-discipline in order to do that, right now I cannot get in the right mind to do it.

The only matter I am somewhat concerned about, is my knee. Three months post surgery, it still gets inflamed, the pain is still there and there are a few or a lot of exercises to keep away from until who knows when. I am very apprehensive and doubtful about this whole ordeal that I don't want to push it more but at the same time I keep thinking that perhaps I need to force myself a little more?

In addition to that, I burned my calf the other day when I was icing it. I put the ice bag directly onto my skin and left it on for too long. This is not to be done again! I didn't notice the burn till yesterday and this morning while I showered, it is pretty bad and it looks awful! 

With this in hand, that was another big NO  for the photo shoot. 
It was most definitely NOT meant to be today. The right place and time have not yet approached. The right someone is awaiting but not quite ready just yet!

in another 10-12 weeks, I will have gotten closer to my physical goal so the timing is perfect!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mental will is a muscle

Mental will is a muscle
February 17, 2013

“Some people train knowing they’re not working as hard as other people. I can’t fathom how they think.” -Alberto Salazar

“Somewhere in the world someone is training when you are not. When you race him, he will win.” – Tom Fleming’s Boston Marathon training sign on his wall

“Today I will run what you will not so that tomorrow I will run what you cannot.” – author unknown

“The will to win means nothing if you haven’t the will to prepare.” – Juma Ikangaa, 1989 NYC Marathon winner

“Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must move faster than the lion or it will not survive. Every morning a lion wakes up and it knows it must move faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn’t matter if you are the lion or the gazelle, when the sun comes up, you better be moving.” – Maurice Greene (attributed to Roger Bannister shortly after running the first sub-4 mile)

“Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?’” – Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian and Sub-2:12 marathoner

“The gun goes off and everything changes… the world changes… and nothing else really matters.” - Patti Sue Plummer

“Most people run a race to see who is fastest. I run a race to see who has the most guts.” -Steve Prefontaine

“To move into the lead means making an act requiring fierceness and confidence. But fear must play some part…no relaxation is possible, and all discretion is thrown into the wind.” -Roger Bannister

“A champion is afraid of losing. Everyone else is afraid of winning.” -Billie Jean King (tennis player)
“I tell our runners to divide the race into thirds. Run the first part with your head, the middle part with your personality, and the last part with your heart.” – Mike Fanelli

“If you can’t win, make the fellow ahead of you break the record.” – Unknown

“Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like the muscles of the body.” -Lynn Jennings

“Human beings are made up of flesh and blood, and a miracle fiber called courage.” -George Patton

“Some of the world’s greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible.” -Doug Larson

“It’s very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit.” – George Sheehan

“Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors.
Try to be better than yourself.” -William Faulkner

“You only ever grow as a human being if you’re outside your comfort zone.” -Percy Cerutty

“I definitely want to show how beautiful the marathon can be. I am the opponent of all those who find the marathon bad: the psychologists, the physiologists, the doubters. I make the marathon beautiful for myself and for others. That’s why I’m here.” -
Uta Pippig

“We are different, in essence, from other men. If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon.” – Emil ZatopekM

Saturday, February 16, 2013

70 smtng scratching 80

70 smtng, scratching 80
February 16, 2013
By: GIna Yoryet Roman

This month and the last week of January have been very important physically wise for the following reasons:

1) I've surprisingly managed to cut back on coke, junk and sweets more than usual, and gained more discipline diet-wise. I haven't done that much emotional, mindless, unnecessary, impulsive and compulsive eating. Each time lack of motivation has hit, I've been able to revert that to avoid thinking about it and naturally act upon impulse till I got my mojo up and running. I've also recurred to The 10 Commandments of working out.

All of this is considering that my body is still purging all the negative emotions pre, during and post surgery, which caused my period every two weeks as opposed to every month and on top of that, on Monday the 4th, I was through with it and then, that same Thursday the 7, that wonderful TOM (Time of the month) came again! Yet this time, it was crazy out of control! I can't wait for my cycle to normalize again.

2) Tuesday January 29, I started integrating a 10 minute light jog on treadmill.

3) Thursday January 31st, I again trotted carefully on the treadmill for 12 minutes.

4) Monday the 4th, I did an 18 minute slow jog at Colomos with a friend of mine. I was very motivated because there was almost no pain, only brief and light throbbing. On top of that, I was able to hold a conversation with my buddy and was not short of breath at all!! My friend told me afterwards, "you kept talking to me and I was sooo out of breath!" Ha, ha! The athlete within is slowly arising! 

5) Everything seemed to flow perfectly well until Friday the 8th. I got overly enthused when doing my workout that I once again went automatically deaf and blind to my engine and quickly performed 9 sets of KILLER lunges. During and at the end, there was some throbbing on my knee. The next day and the day after, the pain intensified so there I was rising, icing, compressing, elevating, massaging and bandaging my knee and my right leg as well overnight due to all the tension it got from reclining all my weight on it for almost 6 months (it is not fully recovered yet). A milling BIG NO, NO's!

6) February 7, highlighted week 4 since the big come back to my old routine. 

7) Friday the 15 marked 12 weeks post surgery and even when I feel lighter, cleaner, a little more toned up and slightly stronger, I still cannot get a hold of my full and high-intensity sessions. On the other hand, I've increased my brisk walk on the treadmill from 25-30 minutes, to 35-40 minutes (fitting in a 10 minute slow jog in between). 

8) Saturday February 16 (today) I pushed that 35-40 minute treadmill time, to 45 minutes. My right calf has not been tense at all (maybe because I rested it on a heating pad earlier today and I am icing it as I speak). Surgeried knee is in the mood of not letting go of pain completely just yet. Consequently, it is getting massaged with oak tree oil (I'll give the full scope of this home remedy later) and bandaged and see what it holds tomorrow. 
Aaaaah! Now I get it! "LA" rodilla, a "SHE!" that's why it gets moody and it doesn't want to get a  hold of herself completely. 

9) I've been on a roller coaster of emotions. Today was very busy, active, soothing, productive, positive, promising and shiny, but the last few days were nothing but gloom and doom. A few past factors stirred intense emotions that were buried deep down causing sleep deficiency and angst. Nonetheless, I've got myself together. 

10) I am on 2.5 day countdown for my photo shoot to represent Mayahuel, the Goddess of fertility and tequila. I am most definitely not ready, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, I feel like I'm on a 7, slowly crawling to an 8, something like that sounds right. A high 70, scratching an 80% but I will do the best I can by continuing on my quest to health and recovery for my next fitness photo shoot in late March or April. My fitness goal is shoot for a high 80 or 90 considering that I am completely healed physically by then. I cannot afford to go crazy and jump the gun,  and I am not setting a time frame either. For once, I am going with what my body manifests.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The love & death herb

The love and death herb
February 14, 2014
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

Datura, known as Toloache is related to black magic and witchcraft. Some claim that when someone is given a hot tea made out of Toloache or only two drops in a small bite, he/she will automatically fall for you.
In reality, according to scientists, this plant causes severe neurological damage. Other studies show that it is a good anti-inflammatory remedy and it makes the wound healing process much quicker.
Whatever the function, it is a natural herb with its ups and downs just like all others.

It occurred to me to read about Toloache to share with my Spanish class after watching a commercial on tv advertising English Lady, a deodorant for women that seduces the man you want.

It says something like this, "No necesitas toloache, amarres, etc., con English Lady, ten no a cualquier, hombre, sino al hombre que tu quieres."
In other words, English Lady has replaced Toloache to help you seduceTHE man of your dreams. 

Whatever remedy, they are all speculations and I am very oblivious and skeptical to all of the above mentioned. I enjoyed sharing the story with my students and was very glad to be able to communicate with all my beloved friends today. Being here makes me long for my friends, more so because this particular holiday is a lot more celebrated and advertised. 

Today people seem to be more in love, they send each other flowers, they bury their cars under tons of post its with romantic messages, they go on public displays, they simply want to show the world that they are in love. 

On the other hand, there are many single people who rather do something more low key like sit at home and watch a movie and/or text their two or three closest friends. Others don't care for this holiday, it is just another normal day.

I had an overwhelming day which I am barely getting ready to wrap up so there was no room to get the full scenario of it. The only thing I noticed coming back from class, was more red than usual; balloons, cookies, candy, hearts, clothes, pink marshmallows,  and more.

One of my dreams is to one day spend one Valentine's Day with all my closest friends to give this day a more valuable meaning! 

There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will.
- Unknown

A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.
- Unknown

Sometimes in life, you find a special friend. Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop. Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship. When you're down and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times an dthe confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows. If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. Your forever friend hold your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete because you need not worry. You have a forever friend, and forever has no end.
- Unknown

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My toughest opponent

My toughest opponent
February 12, 2013
By: Gina Yoryet Roman

At exactly 8pm, coming back from the gym, my phone rang…It was Phillip Bailey, an Australian writer and Tequila business owner I met in March 2012 at the Primer Foro de Agave. It was an event in which different tequila distillery owners were invited to come to an agreement and decide whether or not to continue the traditional manufacturing process of tequila. This is a very broad issue that I won't discuss because there are a lot of gray areas that only those in this field can narrate accurately. 

That day I was meant to interview two or three tequila experts for '"The Road to Tequila," a documentary about the legend of tequila that is in the final stage. The event took place first thing on a Monday morning, and the prior Saturday, I got a call from one of the organizers asking if I could be the interpreter to deliver the message to the international attendees. I followed the normal procedure by asking him for the required material to study (it is very essential in order for an Interpreter to ger familiarized with the terminology in both languages and deliver better quality). Nonetheless, they didn't have a single paragraph to provide. He assured it'd be a small round table and that there would not be any technical terms whatsoever.

That comforted me till I arrived to the newly built Juan Jose Arreola library in Zapopan where the event took place. I came close to flipping when I opened the door for a number of reasons:
1) The huge room was full of people.
2) They didn't have the right equipment: cabin, headphones, microphone, NOTHING!
3) They had me sit down right next to the person presenting.

By that time, I was ready to die considering that I have NEVER been a good public speaker. I abhor getting in front of a crowd. I wanted to scream for someone to bring me a batman mask but I surprisingly managed to keep a cool posture. 

Facing all those obstacles against my favor was not easy at the beginning, that's why during the first break I leaped to get two shots of tequila to relax. Just when I reached out for the first one, Phillip Bailey approached me to introduce himself. He patted me on the back and told me I was doing a great job. That comment came in perfect because I am always my worst hangman. I always grow doubt and fear in my mind no matter how well I do. 

After such a long and intense day, about ten of us went on to this pulqueria somewhere in town to wrap up the night. So Phil and I started chatting about all our work and it turned out that he is writing a book about the history of tequila. He couldn't have left out Goddess Mayahuel y los 400 Conejos, and that's where I came in.

With a long trajectory of modeling, sporting and health and fitness events, I tailored his needs. We agreed to do the original photo shoot in October later postponing it to February. With this said, February 19 is THE chosen day. In reality, I would've rather done it in July or August when I was getting to my fittest level ever but I guess we can't have it all in life.

Right now, as I enter the rabbit hole, I am somewhat excited, nervous, surprised, but MORE than anything, unready, and insecure… 
As a result of the long torturing six months of idle time due to my injury, I was unable to hit the gym or do whatsoever any type of physical movement. By means of this, I am my toughest opponent. When I look at myself, I tell Gina Yoryet, "You are not ready, you are at your lowest ever physically, don't do it, perhaps you should put it off till a "better time,"

Then I try to hush the martyrizing opponent of mine and try to focus on the positive aspect of this unique opportunity that perhaps won't re-appear again. I try to center my mind in "me," four weeks ago at my re-appearance at the gym. I have trimmed down a little, I feel cleaner and lighter and though I am not at 100%, I am scratching an 80%.

From here until THE day, I will eat clean, absolutely 0 low quality or greasy food, hit the gym another three days this week, and squeeze in a brisk walk on my days off to fight back the toughest and most critical counteragent within...