
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Nothing can console me more than running

Nothing can console me more than running
January 5, 2013
By: GIna Yoryet Roman

Entangled amidst frenzy and bliss after hearing the long awaited news, my therapist finally broke them to me, daringly enough, I made a bet with an amateur runner I met late last year. I was told that I will most definitely be able to run once again BUT my selective ear only got a glimpse of, "Yes, you will be able to," without considering the following points:

1) That I am a runner in the make (My muscles will react immediately but after not running for 3.5 years, that makes me a babe in the woods right now). 
2) It will be about 12-16 weeks post surgery before I can begin to barely trot.
3) How much longer will it be before the pain subsides?
4) Will my wound re-open if my knee is forced too much-too soon? (More likely not, i am just being paranoid). 
5) How soon can I start integrating strength at the gym and how much weight will be just right without straining my body?
6) Can I pull off many other 21k's, the Chupinaya 13.8k in August, (and only one 50k, the annual El Amigo de Los Amaneceres' in April or maybe the 50k from Mexico City to Cuernavaca?)

Being realistic, I'll skip the 50 and 42.1k's and stick to NOT force my body oath made in the midst of that acute pain I felt like never before. I'll take my love-hate relationship with running to eternity, that's why I will take it slowly and smoothly to make it long-lasting. Some assume that running is a torture so might as well get crucified but it can be otherwise. 

No wonder the first reaction I get from those who don't like running is, "You are crazy!" "Even after what running put you through?" I am not expectant to gain their understanding, only another REAL runner shares the same passion and will fight like a true warrior. 

I am doing my part so what now? YES! Be at ease and get consoled by one of my greatest loves. I can barely hold still to feel the wind slapping my face when I finally leap on the treadmill or on dirt roads on a good day. 

Why not be like Darlene Goode who took on the Boston marathon only a couple of months post degenerative disc disease surgery?
After all, I know my body …It has always been my best ally by reacting very rapidly to physical therapy. I don't ever want anyone setting limitations for me. I will worship my temple like I said and give it lots of TLC. At the same time it needs to be challenged to avoid it from falling into a comfort zone. 2013 will reconcile us, since the first dawn of this promising year, that far away mirage keeps getting closer and more real thanks to me insisting, resisting, persisting and NEVER giving up. 

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